• CDATAXML命令它告诉查看程序停止解析代码读取接下来的中的代码,这里的代码字符数据的形式。

    CDATA is the XML command that tells the viewer to stop parsing the code and read the code within the block that follows as character data.


  • CDATA(字符数据)区域解析视为数据从而允许数据流中包含任意字符

    CDATA (character data) sections are treated as a block of data by the parser, allowing you to include any character in the data stream.


  • parseElementText (ns,name) -解析下一个元素必须包含字符数据内容

    ParseElementText (ns, name) — Parses the next element, which must have only character data content.


  • 另外两个内部变量currentMessage 针对解析Message实例,以及名称为builderStringBuilder变量,用于存储文本节点中的字符数据

    It has two other internal variables, a currentMessage for a Message instance that is being parsed, and a StringBuilder variable called builder that stores character data from text nodes.


  • parseContentText(ns,name) -解析当前元素尾部,必须包含字符数据内容

    parseContentText(ns, name) -- Parses past the end of the current element, which must have only character data content.


  • parsePastStartTag(ns,name)-解析元素开始部分,必须所能看到的除字符数据以外下一个解析组件

    parsePastStartTag(ns, name) -- Parses past the start of element, which must be the next parse component seen other than character data.


  • 即使CDATA区域内容完好无损地通过解析它们有效XML数据字符正如文档字符编码规定的一样。

    Even though the contents of the CDATA section pass through your parser untouched, they still need to be valid XML data characters, as specified by the document's character encoding.


  • 解析引号导致将其中包括的所有字符视为数据不会潜在地将其视为标记,并且始终会在将数据添加之前删除引号。

    When parsing, quotes cause all enclosed characters to be treated as data and not potentially as markup, and the quotes are always stripped before data is added to the tree.


  • 一些不是全部原生XML数据带来最后优点值得一提,即能够逐字符甚至逐字节地检索原始解析文档

    A final advantage of some (though not all) native XML databases is worth mentioning. They can retrieve the original, unparsed document, character-per-character or even byte-per-byte.


  • 如果需要其他数据类型比如说整数浮点或者布尔必须使用相应的包装器解析字符

    If you need another data type such as integer, floating point, or Boolean value, you will have to parse the string using the appropriate wrapper class.


  • 动态意味着查询作为字符发送数据引擎必须进行解析生成查询执行计划。

    "Dynamic" means that the query is sent into the database engine as a string; it must be parsed and have a query execution plan generated.


  • 例如需要检查数据是否包含字符因为XML解析绝不会传送一个空值。

    For instance, you don't need to check whether the data contains null characters because an XML parser will never pass you a null.


  • 方法流程简单明了,一旦数据解析代码建立一个类似xml解析处理程序方法的字符表示

    This method's flow is straightforward; once the data is parsed, the code builds up a string representation that's similar to the approach of the XML parser handler.


  • 整个insert语句客户机代码转换数据代码页,然后XMLPARSE文档字符被转换到utf - 8以便解析XML

    The whole INSERT statement is converted from the client code page to the database code page, and then the XMLPARSE document string is converted to UTF-8 for parsing into XML.


  • 按照特定语法编写字符数据解析特定数据类型

    You write it as a string with a certain syntax that allows the database to parse it into the specialized data type.


  • 字符0x1a代码点。这时一个合法xml字符解析并不抛出错误但是xml列中的数据现在却被毁坏

    This is a legal XML character stream and the parser does not throw an error, but the data inside the XML column is now corrupted.


  • 存储字符数据所以可以简单地将之附加较长的字符串后面,并调用Calculator Handler中的一个简单函数,然后函数可以将之解析出来

    This example is only storing string data, so arguably you can simply append it to a longer string and call a simple function in the CalculatorHandler, which in turn can parse it out.


  • 另外一种情况不用解析文档,而将作为字符字符对象(Character Large Object,CLOB)存储数据中。

    Another case is when you want to store a document in a database as a string or a Character Large Object (CLOB) without parsing it.


  • 默认情况下,服务xml字符形式返回查询结果然后PHPsimplexml用于字符解析php对象我们可以迭代该对象获取正在寻找数据

    By default it returns the results of the query as an XML string, and the PHP SimpleXML library is used to parse it into a PHP object you can iterate over to get the desired data you are looking for.


  • 我们研发序言处理字符编码方式识别数据分割并行解析进行实验验证。

    We study the dealing with of prolog, the recognition of character encoding, the cutting apart of data, the parallel parser and carry on the experiment.


  • XML开发应用中,带有中文字符的XML数据解析一直都一个难点,其主要原因是当前很多通用的XML解析支持中文编码。

    In the application development of XML, it is difficult to parse GB code in XML. The significant reason is that some generic XML Parsers don't support GB code.


  • XML开发应用中,带有中文字符的XML数据解析一直都一个难点,其主要原因是当前很多通用的XML解析支持中文编码。

    In the application development of XML, it is difficult to parse GB code in XML. The significant reason is that some generic XML Parsers don't support GB code.


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