• 本文提出了确定GM(1,1)模型基本有关待定参数一种新方法——图

    All parameters in the basic solution form of GM (1, 1) can be determined with this method.


  • 高温原因至今是个之谜,但是人们认为与联通太阳等离子体快速变化磁场循环有关

    The reason for the high temperatures is unknown but thought to be related to the rapidly changing magnetic field loops that channel solar plasma.


  • 有关我们经历什么以及我们如何经历疑问引导我们进入下一个大脑之谜- - -古老意识问题。

    The question of what we've experienced and how we experienced it is leading into our next unsolved brain mystery — the age-old question of consciousness.


  • 不过有关西方插手利比亚局势还有第二问题,回答了这个问题也许将有助于找到第一个问题的答案,那就是,这里负责啊?

    But there's a second big, unanswered question about Western intervention in Libya that might help explain the first: Who is in charge?


  • 多留意一下邮件,要那些远方的人重新开始联系不管是工作有关的人,朋友还是亲属

    Get on the horn or fire up the email --connections with those who are afar need to be rekindled whether they're work related friends or relatives.


  • 最后文章证明对带松弛项方程初值问题所作的奇异摄动展开有效性得出有关存在性一些有用的推论

    In the end, we prove the validity of the singular perturbation expansions and get some useful deductions about the existence of the classical solution to the flood wave equations.


  • 但是,常规的外侧髌骨支持带松一个较为广泛操作,而且许多膝关节置换术并发症有关

    However, lateral patellar retinacular release in traditional form can be an extensive procedure and is linked to a number of complications.


  • 方程组主要离散数值方法微分方程有关实际应用提出来

    This kind of systems frequently arises in practical applications mainly related to solving differential equations by discrete numerical methods.


  • 通过最小化频域平方误差函数揭示设计问题有关一些矩阵性质得到滤波器系数闭式

    A closed-form solution for filter coefficients is obtained by minimizing the frequency-domain squared-error function and revealing some properties of the matrices related to the design problem.


  • 文章讨论了一类变系数变时滞微分系统一致稳定性利用拉兹密辛型条件稳定性有关理论得到了该系统的一致渐近稳定性的简明判据

    Some concise stability criterions for uniformly asymptotic stability of the zero solution of this systems are obtained by using Razumikhin technical and the related theorem of stability.


  • 非线性规划问题单纯加速用于混合线性滴定计算,同时优化酸浓度及有关条件常数,求出酸浓度最优。 讨论影响单纯形法计算速度的因素

    The simplex optimization method about nonlinear programming problem has been used in the mixed acid linear titration and the effect of various factors on computative speed has been discussed.


  • 遥感地质线性构造隐伏断层存在有关

    Remote sensing geology interpretation linearity structure has some relation with existence of concealed fault.


  • 摘要利用三角级数级数复合构成函数项级数的有关性质,得到了一类变系数非齐次调和方程边值问题的级数

    In this paper by using the property of Fourier series a compound series consisting of trigonometric series and power series is established.


  • 有关问题概念有:算子与互易原理H广义算子微分方程

    Related problems and concepts include; convex operator, reciprocity set and reciprocity principles, H-generalized solution and operator-differential equation, etc.


  • 证明与随机控制问题有关动态规划方程粘性比较定理

    This paper gives a proof of a comparison theorem on the viscosity solution of HJB Equation.


  • 这个模型中,算法参与者支付有关

    In this model the algorithmic solution is adorned with payments to the participants.


  • 本文讨论有关华容道问题最优搜索策略数据结构算法优化程序设计,程序运行结果作了分析

    On Optimal Solution of HuaRong Road, such as search strategy, data structures, algorithm optimization, programming are discussed. , then we analyze the results of program.


  • 由于模型无因次水浸呈精确特殊形式,使得有关计算无因次水浸量的几种方法均各弊端。

    Owing to the particular solution of dimensionless flow rate in bottom water model, algorithms concerning the dimensionless flow rate have some disadvantages.


  • 本文应用马休函数理论获得刚性椭圆形储液罐水平自由振动强迫振动,并获得了一些有关计算结果。

    In the present paper, applying the theory of Mathieu s function the analytical solutions for horizontal free and forced vibrations of rigid elliptic liquid-storage-tank are obtained.


  • 由于气藏模型无因次水精确特殊形式,使得有关计算无因次水侵量的几种方法弊端。

    Several methods to calculate dimensionless water influx have disadvantages due to the particular features of accurate water influx solutions for water drive gas reservoir models.


  • 研究了矩阵方程在离散情况下散射问题通过推导得出有关散射数据反散射

    The inverse scattering problems of the matrice equation have been researched and the scattering data and the solution of the inverse scattering problem have been obtained.


  • 有关参量实验测量这些,所估算脉冲宽度数量级实验显示值能较好地相符合

    The pulse width has been estimated by substituting the parameters and experimental values into the solutions, and the result agrees with that of the experiments within an order of magnitude.


  • 本文通过磁流体激波方程组量纲化处理,得到了有关磁流体激波跃变条件及其的一种普遍化的最简形式

    The jump equations of the magnetohydrodynamics shock wave are transformed to the dimensionless form, so that their solutions become very simple and straightforward.


  • 证明周期存在条件估计有关极限周长和相对位置

    The conditions for the existence of periodical solutions, and the estimation of the perimeter and relative position of the limit cycles are obtained.


  • 该文目的推广李德玉郭秀云得到有关可补群的两个超可定理

    The purpose of this paper is to generalize two supersolvability theorems obtained by LI De-yu and GUO Xiu-yun with respect to complemented subgroups of finite groups.


  • 该文目的推广李德玉郭秀云得到有关可补群的两个超可定理

    The purpose of this paper is to generalize two supersolvability theorems obtained by LI De-yu and GUO Xiu-yun with respect to complemented subgroups of finite groups.


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