• 上面第一可行域中,优化解决方案解析空间中的顶点而这个解析空间是一个所有约束构成的

    In the first feasible region above, the optimal solution is the right vertex of the solution space, which is a triangle made by all the constraints.


  • 本文研究平面震波对静止零攻二维对称绕射问题,求得解析解。

    An analytical solution is obtained for the diffraction of strong detonation waves by a stationary two-dimensional thin airfoil.


  • 1963年提出解析辐射测量方法写入规范第一中国人发明方法

    Analysis of radiation in 1963, proposed triangulation method is the first one to write specification invented by the Chinese approach.


  • 运用变换复杂几何区域变换为比较简单区域,从而推导出供热管道周围温度分布解析函数

    Based on the conformal conversion method to simplify the shape of the region, derives an analytic function formula of temperature distribution field around a cylindrical heating pipe.


  • 结构对称优美中学代数、三平面几何、平面解析几何中都有广泛应用

    Cauchy's inequality is characterized by its structurally symmetrical grace, which finds wide application in middle school algebra, geometory, plane geometory and analytic plane geometry.


  • 据此建立目标噪声引起起伏误差解析模型,具有简单实用特点,制导系统制导精度计算提供了种新途径。

    A simple and practical analytical model of fluctuation error (RMS miss distance due to glint noise) of the homing guidance System, is then obtained to calculate guidance accuracy.


  • 一般解析解代入边界条件正弦数加条件的方法确定待求系数

    The general analytic solutions satisfy the boundary conditions and the conditions at the corner points. The unsolved coefficients are worked out by the sine series method.


  • 第二中,我们采用截断多项式函数函数解析给出直线圆弧二次曲线面片等骨架的势函数。

    In chapter two, using piecewise quartic polynomial as kernel function, we give analytical convolution solutions for points, line segments, arcs, quadratic Bezier curves and triangle segments.


  • 建立了环面凸轮轮廓曲面解析方程,同时给出了压力计算式为此凸轮设计提供了一种简单有效方法

    This paper establishes the contour surface equation of a torus CAM and presents a pressure Angle formula, it provides a simple and efficient method for designing this kind of cams.


  • 非线性动力学理论为基础解析方法分析包括有弹簧在内弹性振幅、小摆的基本运动规律。

    The basic character of a mass spring oscillate in small amplitude and small Angle is studded with an analytic method founded on nonlinear dynamics.


  • 提出坐标变换变换方法,巧妙求解出拟人机器人TH- 1手臂逆向运动学解析表达式。

    Coordination transform, triangle transform, etc are proposed to successfully derive the inverse kinematics analytic equations for the humanoid robot th 1 arms.


  • 德国VMT公司TMB制导系统SLS - T为例,主要解析轴线方位测量原理完整地推导了盾构机姿态参数公式

    The paper parses the principle of measuring shield machine azimuth and deduces shield machine attitude parameter formulas based on TMB guidance system SLS-T from VMT Gmbh in Germany.


  • 基于单轨迹地平研究平仪测量姿态过程得到解析形式的姿态误差补偿公式

    The measurement process of the attitude Angle based on single trailing earth horizon sensor is investigated, and an analytical formula of attitude compensating error is obtained.


  • 给出了链轮齿映射函数解析表达式

    An analytical formula for calculating conformal mapping function of the sprocket tooth profile is given.


  • 级数形式给出了一相应的超弹性解析解答

    Sets of hyperelastic analytical solution are presented with triangular function.


  • 利用解析函数变换罗朗级数展开,获得轴向剪切量的封闭公式。

    The axial shear modulus has been derived in closed form by using the conformal mapping approach integrated with the Laurent expansion.


  • 应力张量函数基础上,推导了应力空间内主应力方向通用解析公式

    Based on the stress partial tensor's trigonometric function answer, the main stress and main direction are established in parsed currency formula, and some special answers and examples are discussed.


  • 假设河道断面均匀,得到湿周法解析表达式

    Under the assumptions of the triangular cross section channel and the uniform stable flow, an analytical solution of MEIFR is deduced.


  • 基于解析几何导出最大压力表达式,导出偏心凸轮机构对心凸轮机构的半径偏距的计算公式。

    According to the allowed pressure Angle, this paper determines the disk CAM with translating followers basic circle radius and eccentricity by using the analytic method.


  • 建立传感器动力学方程求得解析得到输出电压传感器敏感质量关系

    The dynamics equation of sensor is constituted and the equation's solution is got. The relationship of output voltage and pendular angle of the sensing mass is gained.


  • 实现这种曲化平”处理关键找出合适变换解析函数。

    How to find the proper analytical-functions for conformal map-pings is the key to the problems of this kind.


  • 通过考虑单元间边界条件可以得到姿态动力学的解析模型由此可以获得扰动姿态附件弹性位移之间传递特性

    Boundary conditions are used to assemble the global system model, and transfer properties from external disturbance or attitude to elastic deflection of appendages are obtained.


  • 用倍公式函数方程转化一个四次代数方程,然后用求根公式直接求出解析

    Double Angle formula can transform the circular function equation to a biquadratic algebraic equation, and the analysis solution can be solved by extract equation directly.


  • 对比结果表明:拉弯成形过程解析模型有限元模型能够比较准确计算模拟型材拉弯成形过程。

    Our study shows that the process of rotary stretch bending can be calculated accurately and simulated by both the analytical models and FEM.


  • 根据空间凸轮曲面压力定义推导出新型弧面凸轮分度机构压力解析表达式,分析机构压力出现最大值的情况,同时对如何降低最大压力提出了一些改进措施。

    According to defining of the global CAM curve, the resolution express of press Angle about a new type of indexing mechanism with arc surface CAM is provided.


  • 本文的主要工作就是解析中的变换格林函数了一些基础研究探讨

    The main work in the thesis is making some basal researches and study to conformal mapping method and Green function method.


  • 文中首先介绍了系统工作原理根据基于解析方法快速寻北原理,提出北向方位测量方法;

    The theory of north finding is first introduced, and the measuring method of north azimuth is brought forward according to a fast north finding theory based on analysis method;


  • 利用解析方法转向机构进行运动分析,导出了运动关系式传动比计算式。

    In this paper the steering gear kinematics is studied, the kinetic relationship and angular transmission ratio equations are derived.


  • 利用解析方法转向机构进行运动分析,导出了运动关系式传动比计算式。

    In this paper the steering gear kinematics is studied, the kinetic relationship and angular transmission ratio equations are derived.


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