• 角角落遍了,还是找到丢失钮扣

    I've searched every nook and cranny but can't find the button I lost.


  • 伍迪特征遍布连环画角角落落,不是作者。

    Woody's DNA is here and there in the strip, but he did not write it.


  • 女性头部脸部装饰描写,散唐诗角角落落。

    Descriptions of females head and face decoration can be found nearly everywhere in the poems of Tang.


  • 每天奔走这样一个繁华城市角角落落,怎么样偏僻的郊区都会去。

    Walking in the busy city everyday, even its so remote corner, but where is my dream .


  • 本书像一座城,通过城里的小路,就可以知道这座城,我们熟悉城里的角角落。

    A book is like a city, and we know the city by its roads and we get familiar with every nook and corner.


  • 但是遍了角角落不见宝物身影母鸡大婶了,急得身子开端发抖了。

    But searched every corner of the figure that is missing treasures, which under the hen Aunt anxious, anxious body are beginning to tremble.


  • 办公楼立面强烈的水平线展示内部天花板长的的、戏剧性角角落,包括照明在内。

    The strong horizontal lines of the office building's facade are echoed in its interior, with its long, narrow, dramatically angular recesses in the ceiling, which incorporate lighting.


  • 所有角角落的空间用来储存食物放衣服毛巾——只要想得到东西应有尽有,尽管可能一时找不到

    Every possible space, nook and cranny is used for food storage, clothing, hanging towels - you name it, it's somewhere, even if temporarily unfindable.


  • 专家预防蚊子传染疾病最好的的办法,预防叮咬诸多方法,最主要是不要你家角角落落没有积水

    Experts say the best way to prevent the diseases carried by mosquitoes is not to be bitten by one. There are several ways to prevent mosquito bites. Do not keep standing water anywhere near your home.


  • 然而意外式快乐出现几率微乎其微的,而平淡快乐虽然不起眼却产生生活角角落,只敏感的人儿去发觉去感悟

    Whereas the first kind of happiness is rare, the second kind, plain as it is, virtually arises from every corner of life, waiting to be discovered and experienced by a sensitive heart.


  • 希望梦想可以到达你微笑角角落,可以到达你希望的最深初,可以打开你机会窗户,可以走进你心灵那些连你自己都不曾知道特别地方

    I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the Windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.


  • 一个苹果开发者观看2000年的视频中,苹果首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯在还没开张的维吉尼亚店里来回走着,展示着那时还很新奇的一些特色比如GeniusBar儿童活动角角落。

    In a 2000 video shown to Apple developers, CEO Steve Jobs strolls through the as-yet-unopened Virginia store, showcasing then-novel features such as the Genius Bar and nooks for children's activities.


  • 上周公司正在从远在世界的另角落收集零散的信息预测到乌克兰将发生场危机

    Last week his firm was busy vacuuming up data bits from the far corners of the world and predicting a crisis in Ukraine.


  • 地球每一角落缝隙几乎存在生命

    Life can be found in almost every nook and cranny of our planet Earth.


  • 匈牙利东北部角落就是著名传奇葡萄酒aszu之乡。

    This corner of northeastern Hungary is known for the legendary aszu sweet wines.


  • 如果看着第一角落一个熟悉的他们左边每个人都会认为他们,”普雷,“然后第二角落同样事情。”

    "If you're making eye contact with a friendly person in quadrant one, everyone to their left will think that you're talking to them," says Praeger. "Then do the same thing in quadrant two."


  • 一侧个儿童钢琴,角落一对巴塞罗那上能看见一个。

    There is baby grand piano on one side of the room and a pair of Barcelona chairs in the nooks, one of which is shown.


  • 身处世界角落,但也许从未离家半步。”这我受过最棒的教益

    And one of the biggest lessons I've learned is that even though I'm on the other side of the world, perhaps I'm not really away from home at all.


  • 卡什尔之城堡:戒备森严古老寝宫卡什尔之石城堡的冰山一而已周围数不尽的绿苔中,还隐藏着许多被世人遗忘于角落、记载着世事无常的古迹

    Rock of Cashel: This ancient fortified home of kings is just the tip of the iceberg for moody and forlorn ruins hidden away in the surrounding green expanse.


  • 随着21世纪徐徐展开,来自各个阶层、各个国家人们漫游颗星球每一角落

    As the 21st century unfurls, people of every class and from every country will be wandering to every part of this planet.


  • 留在花坛馨香中……母校每一角落,都珍藏我们友情,弥漫着我们的幻想

    Let us leave our memories in the scent of the flowers.... Every corner of our campus keeps our friendship and our fantasy.


  • 很多展现世上或许只有一面其他存在这个角落那个

    People have many sides to show in the world, perhaps on only one side, while the other side there is this corner, or that hidden corners.


  • 监视synclient程序输出根手指接触触摸西南东北时,迅速角落转移TouchPad中央

    Monitoring the output of the synclient program shows that when two fingers touch in the southwest and northeast corners, the values rapidly go from the corners to the center of the TouchPad.


  • 童年家里一样是,我现在这间房子的后院里没有能够拉衣绳竿于是绳子拴院子角落利用栅栏45来撑我的绳子

    I don't have the poles for the line in my yard like I did in my childhood home, so I set my clothesline up in the corner of the yard using the 45 degree Angle of the fence to hang my line.


  • 斯夫人叫来儿子小海斯。白宫每一角落了如指掌

    Hayes Junior who knew every corner and nook of the White House like the palm of his own hand.


  • 多才多艺形状一个简单形,使提出的两种截然相反角落折叠一起平方一半

    The most versatile shape is a simple right triangle, made by bringing two opposite corners together to fold the square in half.


  • 城市角落每一处都保留着中国特征

    A bustling business centre, it retains its Chinese character in every corner and section of the city.


  • 城市角落每一处都保留着中国特征

    A bustling business centre, it retains its Chinese character in every corner and section of the city.


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