• 选题动因大抵,其一是兴趣;其二是角色要求

    The selected topic agent generally speaking has two kinds: interest and role request.


  • 京剧角色要求表演者脸谱帮助展示人物性格的广度深度

    Beijing opera roles require performers to paint their faces to help display the dimensions and depth of the character's personality.


  • 传说只要角色要求拥有哪方面的技能张震就会努力成为这个领域的专家。

    Rumor has it that Chang is dedicated to becoming an expert in whatever skills required by the roles he plays.


  • 为了检验这一点参与者要求自己是否达到下面的这些角色要求进行打分。

    To test this participants were then asked to rate themselves on whether they would be.


  • 近年来,由于导游员独特的工作环境角色要求职业倦怠已经成为困扰导游职业较为突出问题

    In recent years, because of unique work environment and role requirements, job burnout has become outstanding problem that troubled guide profession.


  • 张静初影片中饰演一个在美国出生的中国大学生这个角色要求流利的英语,并带有洛杉矶口音

    Zhang Jingchu plays an American-born-Chinese college student in the film. The role requires her to speak in frequent English, with a Los Angeles accent.


  • 滚石》杂志评论说:“霍金这个角色要求演员奇迹般演绎,埃迪·雷德梅具有里程碑式表演满足了这一要求。”

    "Hawking is a role that demands miracles of an actor. And Eddie Redmayne, in a landmark performance, delivers them," Rolling Stone commented.


  • 不少来自贫民窟的角色要求演员一些难度比较高的东东。(比如说在《卡车司机》、《死囚之舞》、《灵幻夹克》以及《北国风云》的等等)。

    Many slumming roles call for the actress to drink the hard stuff (Trucker, Monster's Ball, the Jacket, North Country, etc.).


  • 初出表演角色要求很高,而奥斯卡提名接踵而至生命这个阶段开始觉得那些绚丽的饰物就像丰厚片酬一样是她应得的。

    At this stage of her life, with Oscar nominations mounting up for her acting in raw, demanding parts, she began to feel that gorgeous ornaments—like lavish contractswere only what she deserved.


  • 礼服已经做好,赌注已经压下,支持的广告已经出现综艺节目》好莱坞通讯》上,主持人休•杰克曼也正是这个角色要求那样英俊

    THE gowns have been delivered and the bets laid. The back-patting advertisements have appeared in Variety and the Hollywood Reporter. The host, Hugh Jackman, is as handsome as the role demands.


  • 如果角色要求RationalManualTester开发测试脚本或者执行Rational Manual tester脚本,建议您使用这个客户端。

    If your role requires you to develop test scripts in Rational Manual Tester or to execute Rational Manual Tester scripts, this is the client to use.


  • 女儿经纪人商量之后决定她的要求接受那个角色

    After consulting with her daughter and manager, she decided to take on the part, on her terms.


  • 通过论文同伴们进行角色扮演批评所谓的“渺茫理想”之后,参与者们要求提出执行一些小规模的非暴力行为

    After critiquing the so-called thin ideal by writing essays and role playing with their peers, participants are directed to come up with and execute small, nonviolent acts.


  • 方面寿司一家典型的普通餐厅消费者提出了更高要求——用餐者角色需要扮演。

    In this respect the sushi-ya makes more demands of the customer than a typical restaurant — the diner has a role to play too.


  • 要求容器实现一些接口使部署工具能够管理授权角色

    It requires that containers implement interfaces that enable deployment tools to manage authorization roles.


  • 面对这么要求多多的角色,换了那个大牌明星即使那些急于获得奥斯卡影评人关注掉不干。

    Faced with a role with demands like that, most superstar actors, even those eager to catch the attention of Oscar voters, would have turned and run.


  • WSFL要求明确指定这些角色,以作为流程实现一部分

    WSFL requires that you explicitly specify these roles as part of the process implementation.


  • 对话当中制造紧张气氛要求创作角色那种对于他们想要东西以及获得这种东西所采取方式很直率并且有决心的人。

    Creating tension in dialogue demands that you create characters who are forthright and determined in what they want and the way they go about getting it.


  • 讽刺作品所表达真实而又惨淡世界观通常要求一个角色胎死腹中作为对坏人的最后一击。

    The true, bleak worldview of satire would have demanded the abortion of one character's fetus as a final sting and judgment.


  • 华盛顿可以得更高明,敦促中国着力于做好充分准备世界金融秩序担任适当角色不是要求中国做出任何权宜之计

    Washington would do better to urge China's leaders to focus on their lack of preparation to assume their proper role in the world's financial order, rather than to demand any supposedly quick fix.


  • 一旦这个角色生效,管理者必须精确决定新的资本要求数量成分

    Once the roles are assigned, the regulator has to decide on the exact quantity and composition of the new capital requirements.


  • 员工分配角色要求收银员倒班时有名收银员名经理同时确认收银机中的总额

    We assign roles to employees and require that both one cashier and one manager certify the amount in a register at the end of the cashier's shift.


  • 要求他们超前思维可以帮助他们了解角色及其如何适合他们的业务。

    Asking them to think ahead can help them understand your role and how it fits into their world.


  • 另外要求管理员角色传统的方式访问安全信息(密码密钥文件等等)更好保护敏感数据

    In addition, the administrator role is required to access traditionally secure information (passwords, key files, etc.) to provide better protection to sensitive data.


  • 通过这个简单股票交易例子,可以好的解释WSC要求角色

    The need and role of WSC is best explained by going through a simple stock trading example.


  • 松散契约完成意味着各个部分将会根据架构师要求扮演那些角色但是模型验证并不验证角色部分功能

    Loose contract fulfillment means that the parts are intended to play those roles according to the architect, but model validation does not and perhaps could not verify role and part compatibility.


  • 众议院听证会有意弄得剧场一样,而辩论:已经准备让海沃德谋杀委员会帮助下,扮演审问者们要求角色

    The House hearings are designed as theatre, not forensics: Mr Hayward has been preparing with the help of a "Murder Board" playing the role of his interrogators.


  • 尽管许多要求具有“照片真实感角色,但实际操作中,我们发现人们更喜欢真实感低、理想化的个人形象

    While a number of people have requested "photo-realistic" avatars, in practice we have found that people prefer a less-realistic, more idealized representation of themselves.


  • 尽管许多要求具有“照片真实感角色,但实际操作中,我们发现人们更喜欢真实感低、理想化的个人形象

    While a number of people have requested "photo-realistic" avatars, in practice we have found that people prefer a less-realistic, more idealized representation of themselves.


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