• 就实现玻璃固定升降角度调整

    Therefore, the Angle between the glass fixing block and the lifting block can be adjusted.


  • 角度通过扶手下面四孔角度调整调整

    The reclining angles can be adjusted by changing the connection of armrest hoo-ks with the 4-hole Angle adjust Panel.


  • 同时玻璃固定连接到一起相对固定可以实现玻璃角度调整

    At the same time, the glass is connected with the fixing block, so that the glass and the fixing block are relatively stationary. Therefore, the Angle of the glass can be adjusted.


  • 通过对膜沉积金属微粒种类以及入射角度调整对其偏光特性进行调节。

    The optical polarization properties can also be controlled by changing the type of electrodepositing metal in porous and the Angle of incidence.


  • 无论是汽车飞机座位办公,这些都是运用外型角度调整因应人体工学需要

    Car and airline seats, and office chairs, are shaped and angled to meet tough ergonomic demands.


  • 似乎一个铰链尺寸有点相对笔记本电脑几乎没有允许开启角度调整摇摇欲坠

    The hinges appear to be a bit small in relation to the laptop's size, but barely allow a teetering after opening Angle adjustments.


  • 通过设计开发夹持铝型材夹持可以不同选材角度调整适应实际夹持面料变化

    By designing and developing the mainframe and aluminum bar clamp, the clamping leaf spring can be adjusted to suit the different selection of the material or the transformation of angle.


  • 产品感应模式采用可活动感应实现随意角度调整使灵敏度更高感应范围准确

    This product is a sensor model, the use of movable sensor head can be adjusted to achieve arbitrary angles, so that higher sensitivity and sensing range is more accurate.


  • 单反射结构转台,通信反射镜反射,配合方位俯仰方向角度调整,实现光轴的精确对准

    In the process of work, the laser was reflected by the mirror at first, then turntable adjusted the reflection direction through changing the Angle of azimuth and pitching for accurately pointing.


  • 同时针对齿轮间隙引起之间(凸、凹模之间)相位角变化,提出设计角度调整机构理念

    Meanwhile, it puts forward the conception of Angle adjusting mechanism from the fact that the wheel clearance could lead the changes of phase-angle between two roller.


  • 为了完善这种生活状态生活方式,我们必要生活质量角度调整教育质量标准改进远程教育评价体系

    In order to improve this kind of living state and living style, education quality standard should be adjusted from the point of life quality to improve distance education evaluation system.


  • 调制传递函数的测量采用倾斜刀口作为分析对象传统的竖直刀口采样相比省掉了角度调整装置并且提高了采样频率

    In the MTF measurement, the object is slant edge, compared with old edge measurement, it has no Angle adjustment device, and improved sampling frequency.


  • 利用简洁设计原理座舱调整方式原始角度调整进行结合达到单一设计却具多种调整的座舱距调整方式都会生活车款提供绝佳调整方法。

    Use simplicity as design concept to achieve the cockpit adjustability with adjustable stem and most primitive way by means of seat tube Angle. A perfect design concept for urban cycling.


  • 易于安装任何自行车可以调整高度角度以便在最佳屏幕上观看

    Easy to install on any bike, you can adjust its height and Angle for optimal screen viewing.


  • 功能角度来看必须根据业务需求进行调整

    From the functional point of view, you have to adopt it to your individual business requirements.


  • 一些滑翔器里小型电力发动机可以前后推动电池调整倾斜角度

    In some gliders small electric motors also slide the batteries backwards and forwards to adjust the pitch.


  • 可以的电子设备横躺或直立,只需改变设备背面贴上尾巴位置,设备放置角度便可以任意调整

    It can hold your mobile vertically or horizontally and the Angle can be easily changed by attaching the tail on a different spot on the back side.


  • 教授为了适合听众的需要调整报告角度

    The professor angled his report to suit the audience he was speaking to.


  • 他们觉得,拍摄真人立体电影导演不仅使用摄像设备进行拍摄,还要人工调整拍摄角度动画制作者电脑控制就可以了。

    Rather than filming with two cameras and adjusting Settings by hand, as directors must do in live-action stereoscopic films, animators can set cameras with computers.


  • 调节过程软件能够记录几次转轮角度成功调整然后信息优化下面的调节,缓和海浪引发的摇动。

    The software which controls this process is able to measure the success of previous changes to the rotor Angle and use that information to fine-tune future attempts to dampen wave-induced movement.


  • 调整身体重心骨盆角度找到一个骶髂关节舒适位置

    Shift your body weight and adjust the angle of your pelvis to find the position that feels best in your sacroiliac area.


  • 可以支架笔记本电脑垂直放置有些支架可以调整高度角度

    Or you can buy stands that hold your laptop vertically; some let you adjust the height and Angle.


  • 但是经济角度而言大批调整应该削减开支形式进行

    In terms of economics, though, the bulk of the adjustment should come in the form of spending cuts.


  • 性能角度来说设备硬件软件一起进行调整以获取特定负载下最优性能。

    From a performance perspective, the appliance hardware and software is tuned together for optimal performance of your specific workload.


  • 调音时,吉他手旋紧琴调整螺旋来修正所对应弹簧位置,以此改变杠杆角度获得正确的张力

    To tune up, the guitarist tightens an adjustor screw at the bridge that alters the position of its corresponding spring, changing its leverage to obtain the right tension.


  • 间距控制为了最大限度地根据风速变化提升发电效率,新型风力发电机上控制器秒钟能够对每风叶进行任何角度调整

    Pitch controller: to maximize lift as the wind speed changes, a controller can automatically rotate each blade anywhere from a fraction of a degree to multiple degrees per second.


  • 调整摄像头角度这样可以好好看见的布茨盒子(大为改观,盒底还铺着叠好的毛巾),这样无论什么时候登陆我的网站,都能看见那里

    I repositioned my camera to show where _my_ Boots has his new, improved box (complete with folded towels on the bottom), so anytime you log on to my site, he should be there.


  • 这个功能将会自动调整角度方向基于道路驾驶条件最小化眩光

    This feature will automatically adjust the headlight Angle and direction based on road and driving conditions to minimise glare.


  • 这个功能将会自动调整角度方向基于道路驾驶条件最小化眩光

    This feature will automatically adjust the headlight Angle and direction based on road and driving conditions to minimise glare.


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