• 关于模型驱动开发系列文章重点放在从到端工具角度研究两个公司合并时外部损人场景

    This series of articles about model-driven development focuses on using an end-to-end tooling perspective for the external claims assessor scenario in the merger of two companies.


  • 本文质量因素”系列一部分操作环境非功能性需求企业角度考察应用程序质量的常见影响

    This article is part of the Quality busters series in which I look at common influences on application quality from the enterprise view of the operational environment and non-functional requirements.


  • 希望系列介绍事务文章提供了所需知识,帮助事务处理的角度改进应用程序数据健壮性。

    I hope these transaction articles have provided you with the knowledge needed to improve the robustness of your applications and data from a transaction-processing standpoint.


  • 近几年来,系列电影有趣了(这真是多亏了导演阿方索·卡隆),但是影片依旧是支撑故事情节不是试图从电影角度发掘新意。

    The series became more interesting (thanks to Alfonso Cuarón) over the years, but it’s never managed to stand on its own, to find something unique to say without the books propping up every scene.


  • 视觉角度出发接近于早期的塞尔达系列

    I think that from a visual standpoint, it's probably something that's closer to some of the older Zelda games.


  • 这个系列前面的一些文章中,我们更多关注开发者角度使用Web服务

    In previous articles in this series there was more focus given to using Web services from a developer's perspective.


  • 系列第 2部分讨论了如何业务分析师角度构建IBMFileNetBPM解决方案

    Part 2 of this series discussed how to construct an IBM FileNet BPM solution from a business analyst's perspective.


  • 系列文章ibm角度(或者准确地说,是IBM SOAFoundation上下文中)定义企业服务总线

    This series of articles defines enterprise service bus from the point of view of IBM, or more precisely, in the context of the IBM SOA Foundation.


  • 系列介绍如何XML角度使用组合Web服务以及Web输出数据,共分6部分,第2部分。

    This tutorial is part 2 in a six-part series about how to use and combine Web services from an XML point of view and output that data to the Web.


  • 作为系列文章中的第一篇,本文实践角度探究了如何利用eBayWeb服务,如管理商品列表完成交易以及处理反馈信息等

    This is the first in a series of articles looking into practical ways to use eBay's web services, such as managing item listings, completing transactions, and managing feedback.


  • 光环》的持续热烧下,玩家组成RoosterTeeth制作公司,利用《光环》的游戏引擎制作系列恶搞性质的网络短片,名为“”,用戏谑角度演绎光环世界里的故事。

    With Halo fever gripping the gaming sphere, Rooster Teeth Productions created Web series Red vs. Blue, a comedic spoof on the gaming universe.


  • 因此可以复杂WSDL规范丢在一旁,取而代之拥有的是系列提供者使用者角度断言描述服务单元测试

    So instead of a complex WSDL specification you have a series of unit tests that make assertions about the service from both a provider and consumer point of view.


  • 这个全息图使用系列常规相机拍摄的,每个相机不同角度拍摄这个对象

    The image is recorded using an array of normal cameras, each of which views the object from a different point of view.


  • 1中的图表运行时角度,清楚地说明系列文章第1部分完成的工作。

    The diagram in Figure 1 gives you a clear idea of what was accomplished in Part 1 of this series from a runtime point of view.


  • 仍然存在系列问题主要无法可靠性角度推断系统

    This has its own set of issues, the topmost being that you can't reason about the system from a reliability perspective.


  • 波士顿学院韦斯顿实验室主任约翰·埃贝尔注意到,从地震学角度说,现在似乎重现了世纪中期系列地震

    John Ebel, director of Boston College's Weston Observatory, noted that seismically, the current period seemed to resemble the cluster of large earthquakes in the middle of the last century.


  • 设计角度代表系统设计中的某个系列问题-针对这个问题出现了很多不同相似的解决方案

    Looking at it from a design perspective they represent a particular set of problems in system design - problems that have led to a number of different but similar solutions.


  • 系列教程共分为三个部分,Web服务角度介绍了Derby

    This three-part tutorial series looks at Derby from the perspective of making it Web services aware.


  • 如果输送倾斜角度过大选用GX系列螺旋输送机直接公司技术部门联系进行单独设计

    If the conveyor tilt Angle is too large, please use GX series screw conveyor, or directly contact with the company's technical department for a separate design.


  • 系列第三篇文章信号api角度讲述了从Win32Linux映射给出了可以引用信号示例代码

    This third article in a series covered the mapping of Win32 to Linux with respect to semaphore APIs, along with semaphore sample codes for your reference.


  • 篇由部分组成的系列文章第1部分中,作者系统设计角度描述了Geronimo分析了架构探讨了一些关键结构概念同时还介绍了一些基本用户术语

    Part 1 of this two-part series described Geronimo from a system-design standpoint, examined its architecture, probed some key structural concepts, and introduced basic user terminology.


  • SOA中服务设计生命周期迭代式的,但是数据设计的角度来看,以下系列活动

    In SOA, the service design lifecycle is very iterative, but from a data design linage perspective, you can see the following sequence of activities.


  • 众生相系列独特角度真实地记录了那段特殊历史启发人们思考。

    From a distinctive Angle, the figurative paintings solidly record this special period in history and are thought-provoking.


  • 系列角度来说,为了表现当下某种状况吗,还是突然觉得色彩也是表达一种方式?。

    With regard to the series, is that for expressing some situation at present or did you just realize that color is also a way of expression?


  • 换个角度讲,教育期待帮助解决社会系列问题

    A point, education is expected to help solve the social problems in a series of large.


  • 上个月系列实验证明,把斜塔北面挖走是矫正塔身角度有效方法。

    The removal of soil from the northern side of the tower has been judged a success after an exhaustive series of tests last month .


  • 上个月系列实验证明,把斜塔北面挖走是矫正塔身角度有效方法。

    The removal of soil from the northern side of the tower has been judged a success after an exhaustive series of tests last month .


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