• 从技术角度而言正则表达式表示某种模式字符串(也就是说,由字母数字符号组成字符序列),用于定义长的字符串

    Technically speaking, a regular expression is a string (that is, a sequence of characters composed of letters, Numbers, and symbols) that represents a pattern defining zero or more strings.


  • 现代数学角度看来,它们符号

    From a modern mathematical point of view, they were all alike symbols.


  • 语言学角度符号转换在后现代视觉文化领域集合成为了一种被广泛运用言说方式

    In the postmodern visual cultural field, and in its transference from linguistics to semiotics, assemblage becomes a widely used mode of utterance.


  • 文章语言相对论”角度探讨了汉、英两种语言之间符号文化语义巨大差异

    This paper inquires into the differences of linguistic signs and cultural semantics between the Chinese language and the English language from the perspective of linguistic relativity.


  • 风水角度分析房屋座向基址选择,建筑构造阐述特殊建筑符号文化信息

    From the point of geomancy view, house seat and base choosing are analyzed, and the special architectural symbols of cultural information is described from building construction from.


  • 符号角度分析传播过程说明受众在接受新闻信息产生一定的认知偏差必然的。

    Analysis on the process of communication: This unit indicates that false cognition of audience is inevitable while receiving information.


  • 为了用图者较好地传递统计数据信息,从量化角度探讨了对统计地图的图面设计符号设计的优化问题,并一个实例中加以实现。

    The cartograph plan design and the symbol design optimized question at an angle of quantification are discussed, and an example is given.


  • 同时文化”的角度而言,李白、苏轼各自具有不同文化内涵不同的士文化符号分别代表着不同类型

    Meanwhile, on the "scholar culture", they have different cultural connotations and they are symbols of different cultures, representing different types of scholar culture.


  • 面向对象地理信息模型地理空间实体为对象,地理实体可以几何数据符号数据、实体数据、属性数据的角度来进行数据的组织

    A geo-spatial entity which can be organized from geometric data, symbol data, entity data, attribute data is regarded as an object to the object oriented geographical information model.


  • 用户角度考虑,最好标记外部链接或者,是不同颜色或者符号来标记它

    For the benefit of your users, it's best if you mark external links, either by making them a different color or using some kind of a symbol.


  • 摘要全新角度-符号探讨翻译对等一问题。

    This paper discusses translation equivalence from a new perspective - semiotics .


  • 本文地图语言角度分析了构成地图符号符号变量种类功能

    In this article the category and the function of map symbol variables are analyzed from the point of view of map language.


  • 符号信息表述角度阐述测量概念模糊符号测量的定义。

    It also explains the concepts of measurement and fuzzy symbolized measurement from a perspective of symbolized information representation.


  • 语言符号角度介绍文化特点理解民族文化,掌握汉民族语言便捷途径。

    If the characters of culture are introduced in the sense of language symbols, the culture of Han nationality will be easily understood and the Chinese language mastered.


  • 本文符号角度广告翻译进行了尝试性的探索

    This dissertation made an attempt in exploration of advertisement translation from the semiotic perspective.


  • 符号角度如果《红字》作为一个符号,这个符号所指就是文学作品传达读者的信息

    From the Angle of semiotic study, if we take a literary work as a sign, its signified is the message it conveys.


  • 本文符号符号消费角度入手手机媒介物消费特性全面深入分析

    This text proceeds with semiology and Angle of symbol consumption, regard mobile phone as intermediaries, have made overall and deep analysis to its' consumption characteristic.


  • 同时系统角度出发,概念设计阶段符号方案自动化生成进行较为深入研究

    In the meantime, start from point of view of the system, a rather deep study was made for automatic generation of symbolic scheme in the stage of conceptual design.


  • 本文符号语用学的角度分析国际展览会宣传材料中的言语和言语形象

    This thesis focuses on the analysis of non-verbal and verbal images in international exhibition profiles from the perspectives of semiotics and pragmatics.


  • 目前关于时尚消费探究大多是以一种纯粹大众文化角度切入缺乏时尚意识以及符号形式传媒叙事方式深入研究

    At present, researches on fashion consumption focus mostly on a pure mass culture aspect, and there lacks deep research on fashion sense as well as symbolic forms of the media narration.


  • 符号角度出发阐明了腕表这一符号明示暗示义,也就是它的实用价值象征价值。

    From the perspective of semiotics, this paper takes watches as an example to describe explicitly their denotation and connotation, that is, their practical value and symbolic value.


  • 首先电视符号角度分析听觉文本部分构成人声音乐音响

    The first part is to analyze the human voices, music and acoustics which constitute the ear text from the prospective of TV symbols.


  • 符号角度说明语言是由语言代码系统文化代码系统构成。

    Language consists of both "linguistic code system" and "cultural code system" from semiological Angle.


  • 本文符号认知语言学角度探讨语篇隐喻存在理据。

    This paper is aimed at exploring textual metaphor from the perspectives of semiotics and cognitive linguistics.


  • 本文符号理论狂欢节理论角度切入,超级女声》文本类型节目进行文化解释。

    This paper, using Supergirl as analysis text and based on theories of Semiology and Carnival, tries to expound the programmes from a cultural view.


  • 符号角度来说广告就是一个复杂符号系统,广告中的所有因素诸如人物事物声音场景等等,都可以看作符号

    From the semiotic perspective, advertisements are a complex system of signs, and all the elements in the advertisements can be regarded as signs, such as characters, objects, sounds and scenes.


  • 本文引用皮尔斯符号理论图像性符号指示符号、象征性符号三种角度东西方传统艺术符号作了梳理。

    Quoted from the sign theory of Peirce, C, it classifies the Eastern and Western traditional art signs in Icon, Index and Symbol.


  • 论文力图符号角度艺术语言研究提供一个新的视角

    This dissertation tries to provide a new perspective for artistic language study on the view of semiology.


  • 论文力图符号角度艺术语言研究提供一个新的视角

    This dissertation tries to provide a new perspective for artistic language study on the view of semiology.


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