• α,与该点相切

    The angle of alpha will then be tangential to this point.


  • 我们举行了加华首个英语英语每周举行两次

    We hosted our first English Corner - English Corners are now twice a week.


  • 许许多多的事物等着体验故事中的延续下去

    You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do, you part in story will go on.


  • 由于低层大气折射效应俯视雷达入射气象条件而变化

    Owing to refractive effect in lower atmospheric, the depression and incident angles of down looking radar vary with weather conditions.


  • 相交直线构成空间的投影随两直线的位置状态不同而改变

    The two intersected lines form a space Angle. The projective Angle of which will change with the change of the location of the two lines.


  • 理论分析计算机仿真都表明敏感器测量精度和焦距,下行信号角将影响激光链路成功建立概率

    Theory analysis and computer simulation show that the precision and focus of star tracker, the divergence angle of down beam influence the probability of laser link setting up.


  • 恶魔岛只有不到600英尺宽,希尔解决办法:“变大前,金字塔非常海底塔架上。”

    Alcatraz is less than 600 feet across, but Hill has a solution: "One corner of the pyramid will have to rest on a very tall undersea pylon until I can make the island bigger, " he said.


  • 精彩凌空抽射,球网

    He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net.


  • 除非我们大家更加小心,否则迄今为止已经死去人数只是冰山一

    Unless we're all a lot more careful, the people who have died so far will be just the tip of the iceberg.


  • 然后这些旋转180适当转换位置作为文件名保存它们。

    These tiles are then rotated 180 degrees and saved with the filename of its appropriately translated position.


  • 刷子窗户遍,保持一点以使多余可以导

    Pull the squeegee across the window at an Angle to direct excess water down.


  • 马修斯计算天空中100颗最明亮星星之间距离然后这些数值转化为100万对随机数其中61%数字之间没有公约数

    Matthews calculated the angular distance between the 100 brightest stars in the sky and turned them into 1 million pairs of random Numbers, around 61 per cent of which had no common factors.


  • 可以放大或者收缩区域然后点击裁剪截图裁剪想要的尺寸

    Drag the corners to enlarge or shrink the region, and then click crop to crop the screenshot to that size.


  • 上面所提到的,我们可以类型按照分类某些情况下,我们提供三个数值也许不能组成形。

    As I noted above, we can classify triangle types by angles or sides, and in some instances the three Numbers we supply may not form a valid triangle.


  • 为了便于图像进行修改注释输出三坐标以便稍后应用图像中。

    To facilitate modification and annotation of the image, the triangle coordinates are printed out to be applied to the image later.


  • 如果考虑一下,可以通过一些标准预制叠加原始图像上来制作具有的图像。

    If you think about it, an image with curved corners can be made by taking some standard pre-made corners, and superimposing them over the original image.


  • 记住多余部分设置为透明

    Remember to make the unwanted parts of the corner transparent.


  • 他们已经首都迁移至地区

    They had moved the capital up to the Delta region.


  • 正如观众所期待奥兰多布鲁姆扮演白金汉公爵色,詹姆斯化身为公爵的大管家

    As expected, Orly will play the villain, Duke of Buckingham, while James will play his servant, Planchet, in the classic tale.


  • 并不是所有新月满月友好的不过这次新月甜蜜的,因为接收天王星惊喜特质。

    Not all new moons and full moons are friendly, but this is a sweet one, for it will receive an out-of-sign "trine" (a great aspect) from Uranus, planet of surprise.


  • 随后获得三条粗略定义,用于定义指向图像中心近似等边

    Three roughly defined corner edges are then acquired that define an approximately equilateral triangle pointed at the center of the image.


  • 大楼杀手锏定义使一个处于劣势军事集团处于优势强国对抗占上风的技术

    The Pentagon defines the Maces as technologies that might afford an inferior military an advantage in a conflict with a superior power.


  • 过不了多久雇用工人在没至腋下水中拖动渔网罗非鱼都赶到鱼塘的一

    Soon a handful of Chen's workers will be standing up to their armpits in the water, dragging nets across the ponds and forcing the tilapia all into one end.


  • “大酒瓶”号利用卡纳维拉尔航天飞机发射装置进行发射,它运送80(81 280公斤载荷进入近地轨道

    The Magnum would use the space shuttle launch facilities at Cape Canaveral and could launch 80 tons (81, 280 kilograms) of payload into low Earth orbit (LEO).


  • 退出活动鼠标放在框架任何

    To exit the activity, place the mouse cursor in any corner of the frame.


  • 至少珠江洲合而为一”这一提议背后正是这样的。

    At least, that's the thinking behind the "Turn the Pearl River Delta Into One" initiative, which aims to do exactly that.


  • 于是基三百分作队,各人手里,瓶藏着火把。

    Dividing the three hundred men into three companies, he placed trumpets and empty jars in the hands of all of them, with torches inside.


  • 满了差遣伯利恒耶西那里去。

    Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem.


  • 满了差遣伯利恒耶西那里去。

    Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem.


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