• 双向视频教学系统远程教学一种新的重要教学手段实现远程交互教学,提高教学质量

    Revesible video frequency teaching system is a new kind of important teaching method of distant teaching. It can realize distant teaching and studying and improve the teaching quality.


  • 为了使应用程序员提高程序开发质量缩短开发周期本文设计实现一个基于MPEG-4视频解码平台

    The task of this research is to design and implement a video decoding platform based on MPEG-4 in order to enhance developing quality and shorten the developing period for the programmer.


  • 实验结果表明编码效率视频序列重建质量得到了显著提高

    Experimental results show that the coding efficiency and the quality of reconstructed sequence are improved significantly.


  • 如何IP网络环境尽可能提高视频图像传输质量网络视频领域的研究热点也是视频通信所必需解决关键问题

    How to improve transmission quality of video image under IP network environment is a hot point of network video studies and a key point requiring solution as well.


  • 视频编码中,码控制目的满足带宽约束的条件下,提高编码图像质量

    In video coding, the purpose of rate control is to improve picture quality while subject to the bandwidth constraint.


  • 提高视频序列质量效果提出一种基于开关噪声检测滤波相结合开关3 -D中值滤波算法

    To improve the quality and effect of video sequences with noise, this paper proposes a switching 3-d median filter algorithm combining noise detection and 3-d median filter.


  • 研究发现,基于空域运动补偿小波视频编码相关帧补偿机制可以很大程度上降低提高压缩比,改善图像极低码率传输中的质量

    Our study finds out that the compensatory system of relevant frame throwing frame can enhance the rate of compression and improve the quality of image transmitted by the lowest code rate.


  • 传统视频服务相比,个性化定制系统能够满足用户需求、提高服务质量增强用户体验

    Compared with the traditional video services, the personalization system can better meet the needs of users, improves service quality, and enhances the user experience.


  • 提出更新算子优化设计提高视频编码的可扩展性取得改善重建视频质量

    An optimized update operator in lifting implementation is proposed to improve scalability under low bit rate and the quality of reconstructed video.


  • 码率控制技术提高平滑解码视频质量起着至关重要作用

    Rate control scheme plays an important role in improving and smoothing the decoding video quality.


  • 这是昼夜3D动态降噪技术提高视频质量低光照条件下降低了对储存需求

    True day/night and 3D dynamic noise-reduction technologies improve video quality and reduce storage requirements in low-light conditions.


  • 为了保证视频质量可以采用前向纠错编码(FEC)提高视频数据传输可靠性

    For guaranteeing video quality, FEC (Forward Error Correction) can be adopted to improve the reliability of video data transmission.


  • 为了提高视频服务器资源利用率提高客户端节目的播放质量和流畅我们提出动态缓存管理算法

    In order to improve the efficiency of the resource utilization of the VOD server and for the high quality of playback in the clients, we propose a novel dynamic buffer management algorithm.


  • 基本思想保持基本层不变的情况下,根据带宽变化动态地改变传输中的码流提高视频质量

    The basic idea is to change the enhancement bitstream transmitted to improve the performance while the base layer remains the same.


  • 提高实时视频编码图像质量提出一种复杂度单通道视频编码的可变码(VBR)控制算法

    To improve the image quality of real time video encoder, a low complexity variant bit rate (VBR) control algorithm for single-pass video encoding was proposed.


  • 高精度匹配补偿可以减少预测误差提高压缩视频图像质量

    The prediction error can be decreased, incorporating with high accuracy estimation and compensation, and the quality of compressed video can be improved.


  • 另外本文提出一种自适应缓冲控制算法,有效地提高视频播放质量

    Furthermore, to ensure the QoS of the real-time video play, this paper also presents an adaptive buffer control algorithm.


  • 而且能够超声视频图像信号进行多种数字信号处理,使图象质量进一步提高

    And it can process a variety of ultrasound video image digital signal, achieve the further quality of image.


  • 论文研究对象是以低视频编码技术(基于H . 263)目标视频编码标准目的是为了能大大提高视频质量

    The purpose of this thesis is to study about the video-coding standard targeted for low-bit-rate video coding technique (H. 263) that improves video quality considerably.


  • 其中,FVR10需要手动调节FVR11则实现了全自动控制,随时根据摄像机视频输出变化进行调整,进一步提高数据质量

    The FVR10 features a manual-gain adjustment, while the FVR11 features automatic-gain control to adjust changes in the camera output that might degrade video quality.


  • 实验结果表明采用运动误差与分视频压缩方法效果明显,压缩有较大地提高,并且采用新的压缩方法处理后图像质量原来的分形视频压缩效果更好

    Experimental results show that the new method can obtain a much higher compression ratio compared to the original fractal video compression and achieve higher qualities of decompressed images.


  • 本文在研究分布式视频编码基础上,研究并改进了其解码信息生成算法改善边信息重构质量从而提高解码图像的PSNR值。

    On the basis of studying DVC theory, an improved algorithm is proposed for the side information generating process so as to increase the PSNR at the decoder.


  • 移动网络视频传输控制技术关键问题如何避免拥塞存在情况下尽可能提高视频质量

    The key problem of video transmission control in mobile network is how to avoid congestion, and improve video quality as much as possible in the case of existing packet loss.


  • 视频像素包括像素误码时,这种交织和解交 织减小了像素误码聚集提高视频质量

    When the video pixels include pixel errors, such interleaving and deinterleaving reduces pixel error clustering and improves video quality.


  • 改进的边信息能明显提高重构视频质量

    The improved si results in a significant gain in reconstruction quality for video.


  • 摘要视频传输控制对于提高网络服务质量具有重要意义。

    Absrtact: Video stream transmission control mechanism is very important to improve quality of service of Internet.


  • 技术已经成功地应用笔者参与开发的视频会议系统中,有效提高采集速度视频质量

    This technology has been used at Video Conference System, improving the speed and quality for capture g…


  • 技术已经成功地应用笔者参与开发的视频会议系统中,有效提高采集速度视频质量

    This technology has been used at Video Conference System, improving the speed and quality for capture g…


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