• 为了提高室内定位跟踪精度扩大定位跟踪范围建立了一无线传感器视频融合定位跟踪模型

    To increase the indoor location tracking accuracy and extend the location area, the fusion model for location tracking based on wireless sensors and video is constructed.


  • 语音电子邮件视频即时通信其它通信系统不断融合将会继续提升对实施经验网络专家需求

    The ongoing convergence of voice, E-mail, video, instant messaging and other communications systems will continue to create demand for networking specialists with implementation experience.


  • 可以通过提供嵌入式帮助支持数据库,知识库一个融合视频图像和文字的向导来实现。

    This can be done with inline help, a support database, a knowledge base and guided tours (which mix video, images and text).


  • IMP20图像融合功能添加进通用电气FanucADEPT104AIM 12自动视频跟踪器中

    The IMP20 adds image fusion capabilities to the ge Fanuc ADEPT104 and AIM12 automatic video trackers.


  • 他们读者那里征集图片视频其他资源,并且挖掘网络发布的资源,由此非记者融合新闻体系

    They also invite pictures, video and other contributions from readers and seek out material published on the Internet, thus incorporating non-journalists into the news system.


  • iPadiPhoneMac延伸可以将图片视频音乐电影融合快乐的河流,无论火车上、沙发上还是行走过程中,我们可以畅游其中。

    The iPod, iPad and iPhone are all an extension of the Mac, turning photos, videos, music and movies into a single river of pleasure that we can dip into on the train, on the sofa or on the move.


  • 微软Skype今年推出Lync企业沟通平台极好结合,后者把包括视频会话网络会议在内的多种沟通工具融合一个单一软件包中

    Microsoft says it will fit neatly with its popular Lync offering, which combines various communications tools such as video chatting and web conferencing in a single package.


  • 部署应用以及融合语音视频数据要求,使得可靠安全和高性能网络需求更加迫切。

    The deployment of new applications, as well as the convergence of voice, video and data, has intensified the need for reliable, secure, high performance networks.


  • 基于视频序列数字图像拼接技术主要包括全局快速配准算法运动目标分割算法无缝融合算法。

    The techniques of digital image mosaics from video sequence consist of image global fast registration algorithm, motion object segment algorithm, and seamless blending algorithm.


  • 为了降低视频传感器网络中的网络负载,减少能量消耗降低时延提出一种分层基于注意力模型的多质量图像融合方法

    In order to reduce network load, energy consumption and delay in video sensor network, a layered multi-quality image fusion method based on attention is proposed.


  • 研究基于YUV空间的双通道黑白视频图像彩色融合传递方法建立TM 1300核心实时系统

    Color fusion and color transfer algorithms in YUV space for dual-band monochrome video images are proposed. The real-time system based on TM1300 is built up.


  • 算法着眼于视频本身挖掘出充分资源信息并且将这些信息加以融合提高视频检索的性能

    The algorithm we presented focuses on mining ample resource information from video itself and fusing them to improve the performance of video retrieval.


  • 随着3g部署固定移动网络融合,同时固定终端移动终端用户提供的移动视频业务获得更多关注和研究。

    With 3g and the convergence of wired and wireless networks, the mobile video services for either fixed or mobile terminals are attracting more and more attention.


  • NGN未来网络统一管理平台提供包括音频、视频数据在内的综合宽带业务,是各种技术融合网络融合产物

    NGN is uniform management platform of future network, which provides integrated broadband services such as voice, video and data. It is the amalgamative production of various technology and network.


  • 提出种基于关键融合视频片段检索方法

    A keyframe merging-based video clip retrieval method was presented.


  • CTI技术电话计算机网络一种融合技术,同时实现语音数据视频等的融合

    CTI refers to a integrate technology of phone, computer and network, and it realizes the merging of voice, data and video.


  • 图像融合视频拼图获得高质量合成图像重要步骤

    Image blending is a crucial process to achieve quality composite picture making in video Mosaic.


  • 为了全面准确地获取视频高层语义信息,提出一种基于仿生视频语义分析多模式融合算法

    To extract video semantic concepts combing different modalities, a two level multimodal fusion method for video semantic concept analysis is proposed.


  • 检索范例视频片段每个关键检索到相似关键帧,所有的相似关键帧按照时间连续性融合视频片段

    Finding the similar keyframes to any keyframes of an example video clip when retrieving, and all the similar keyframes were merged into clips.


  • 不同场景图像间的目标匹配智能视频监控研究中的难点问题融合多种特征进行匹配则是解决此问题的一种有效方法

    Human matching across different fields of view is a difficult problem in the intelligent video surveillance; whereas fusing multiple features has become a strong tool to solve it.


  • 为了更好地满足用户浏览检索视频需要提出一种融合文本足球视频事件分析框架

    To better satisfy audience demand on browsing and retrieving soccer video, a framework for event analysis in soccer video is proposed that fuses text knowledge and video information.


  • 提出一种有效融合态信息检测足球视频精彩事件的系统算法和框架

    This paper proposed a framework to fuse multimodal features to detect soccer highlights.


  • 即将公路地理信息视频影像集成,为公路管理提供空间位置与视频影像融合的超媒体信息。

    It aims to integrate the highway geographic information and video data and provide image, geographic and mileage information simultaneously and interactively.


  • 针对足球视频球员跟踪问题提出一种基于融合反馈粒子滤波的多目标跟踪算法

    Aiming at the tracking problem of soccer players in soccer videos, a tracking algorithm based on fusion-feedback particle filter is proposed.


  • 提出一种全自动、多模态的信息融合解决方案用于配视频图像跟踪数据

    The paper reports a fully-automated, multiple-modality sensor data registration scheme between video and magnetic tracker data.


  • 提出一种全自动、多模态的信息融合解决方案用于配视频图像跟踪数据

    The paper reports a fully-automated, multiple-modality sensor data registration scheme between video and magnetic tracker data.


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