• 高塔合作中,我们共同完成了一清新多彩的视频动画

    In collaboration with our partner Aone we have created this happy and colorful motion graphic video.


  • 他们天空中的巨型液晶电视推动这个那个视频动画图形甚至广告切换另一个

    They're like giant LCD televisions in the sky, promoting this or that with video, animated graphics and even switching from one advertisement to another.


  • 我们媒体消费不再仅仅文字或者只是图片而是文字视频音频动画图形融汇。

    The media we consume will no longer be just words, or just pictures, but a collision of text, video, audio and animated graphics.


  • 利用浏览器内部一个数据库存储信息以及需要第三方浏览器插件情况下直接嵌入音频视频动画

    It can also store information in a database within a browser, as well as embedding audio, video and animation directly, without the need for third-party browser plug-ins.


  • 能让初学者创建动画电影简单视频游戏中学习最基本编程概念

    It allows students to learn fundamental programming concepts in the context of creating animated movies and simple video games.


  • 然而正如这里动画视频显示那样,人力融化冰块似乎正在发生

    Yet that, as the animated video here shows, is what seems now to be happening.


  • 团队的研究内容是视频分析计算机绘图动画技术长年包括BBC在内的广播公司,以及大型电影工作室合作开发3d技术和绘图。

    His team works on video analysis, computer graphics and animation techniques, and regularly works with broadcasters such as the BBC, as well as big film studios, to develop 3d techniques and graphics.


  • 如今浏览器经过升级可以进行更多的任务。通过使用俗称插件程序用户可以通过浏览器观看视频动画

    Today's browsers have been updated to do additional tricks. By using small programs, known as plug-ins, they can allow users to view videos and animations.


  • 有些实验一些数字有关的动画比如某个视频,有只青蛙停在荷叶其中四只一下子的不见踪影,马上又跳了回来

    They were shown animated videos centering around numbersfor instance, one video showed eight frogs on lily pads; four jumped away at once, then two came back one at a time.


  • 当作种透过浏览器不知情大众强行送上可爱动画短片视频剪辑奇怪游戏手段。

    It began as a way to bludgeon the unwary with lovely little animation shorts, video clips, and the odd game, all from within the browser.


  • 不丹,为了此次活动也特别不丹语制作动画视频

    In Bhutan, special animated videos have been made with Bhutanese characters.


  • 之中,整个电脑动画视频仿佛闪烁起了未知恒星、未知的行星,串联起了那些未知的星际气体未知的区域。

    Past that, the entire computer animated video seems to sparkle with unknown stars, unknown planets, and sequences where unknown gas is flowing toward unknown places.


  • 机器人设计师电影视频游戏人物动画设计者,面临一个悖论问题

    ROBOT-MAKERS and the animators who design characters for films and video games face a paradox.


  • 截至目前AdobeFlash播放器主要应用电脑上,它能web浏览器中播放来自YouTube这样的站点动画视频

    Until now, Adobe's Flash Player has mainly been used on computers to make animation and video from Web sites like YouTube available in a Web browser.


  • Flash通常用来网站增添图形性能交互性视频动画

    Flash is commonly used to add graphics, interactive features, video, and animation to websites.


  • 苹果网站帖子乔布斯例举了这些程序不需要Flash的几大理由。Flash苹果竞争对手Adobe开发,一种支持视频动画内容格式

    In a post on Apple's website, Jobs listed reasons none of those apps support Flash, a format that supports video, animation, games and other content and is made by tech competitor Adobe.


  • 电脑电视Adobe公司互联网上丰富动画视频消费者客厅

    From the PC to the TV, Adobe Systems wants to bring rich Web animation and video into consumers' living rooms.


  • 出于其出色的图像视频动画处理性能,Keynote当时确实独一无二选择

    Keynote really was the only option since it handles image, video and animation so well.


  • IE 9 Beta支持本地播放音频视频文件,支持画布元素,还支持2d多边形动画文本

    There's support for native playback of audio and video files, and the Canvas element, with support for animated 2-d polygons and text.


  • 为了制作游戏使用动画,《荣誉勋章》的计算机图形团队研究YouTubeLiveLeak网站阿富汗录制的视频

    To create some of the animation used in the game, Medal of Honor's computer-graphics team examined videos from Afghanistan that are posted on sites like YouTube and LiveLeak.


  • 解决方案设计以及改进VoIP视频交流虚拟白板,草绘以及动画软件能够协助设计者网络交流设计想法工具。

    Solutions: Develop and promote VoIP, video chat, virtual whiteboard, sketching, and animation software that allows easier communication of design ideas over the Internet.


  • 动画短片恐龙办公室”,CollegeHumor发布到3ds上几个3d视频之一

    An animated short from College Humor, "Dinosaur Office," was one of a handful of 3-d videos that have been released for the device.


  • BioVisions小组最近的一部名为细胞动力厂线粒体》(Poweringthe Cell: Mitochondria)动画视频十月份发布描绘了人体细胞复杂分子以及食物转化为能量的过程。

    BioVisions' most recent animation, called "Powering the cell: Mitochondria," was released in October. It delves inside the complex molecules that reside in our cells and convert food into energy.


  • BioVisions小组最近的一部名为细胞动力厂:线粒体》(Poweringthe Cell: Mitochondria)的动画视频已于十月份发布,它描绘了人体细胞复杂分子以及食物转化为能量的过程。

    BioVisions' most recent animation, called "Powering the cell: Mitochondria," was released in October.It delves inside the complex molecules that reside in our cells and convert food into energy.


  • 这个视频实际上小兔子哐哐系列动画集,这个小鬼最大特色就是总流鼻血鼻子

    The video was part of an long series of animations featuring Kuang Kuang, the little boy with the bloody nose.


  • 现在可以跨越浏览器呈现PDA跨平台移动设备,并用音频视频图像动画来丰富用户体验

    You can now go beyond the browser and render to PDAs, mobile devices across platforms, and empower the user experience with audio, video, graphics, and animation.


  • 现在可以跨越浏览器呈现PDA跨平台移动设备,并用音频视频图像动画来丰富用户体验

    You can now go beyond the browser and render to PDAs, mobile devices across platforms, and empower the user experience with audio, video, graphics, and animation.


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