• 研究视觉识别一种自发心理过程迅速直观发生很少根本没有明显有意识思考。”

    Visual recognition, reads the study, is "an automatic psychological process, occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent conscious deliberation."


  • 界面Mac一样直观逐个上传文件的同时,会得到非常友好简洁视觉反馈

    The interface is as intuitive as a Mac and you get great and simple visual feedback on your uploads, file by file.


  • 我们注意到,许多现代用户界面直观视觉提示表现用户系统间的交互情况

    We also observed that many modern user interfaces display intuitive visual clues to communicate the status of a user's interaction with the system.


  • 设计重点不是视觉呈现而是内容,——以干净利落、直观明了的方式呈现信息。极简指的是版面设计的结构;但所有简约设计的主要目的是实现设计的功能传递要表达的信息。

    In minimalist designs the focus lies not on the visual presentation, but on the content - the information presented in a "naked", clean and intuitive way.


  • 直接诉诸观众视觉感官直观具体的、鲜明的形象传达含义具有强烈的感染力

    Direct appeal to the audience the visual sense to intuitive, concrete, distinct image convey meaning, have strong artistic appeal.


  • 无线通信领域视频通信能够人们提供直观、生动的视觉信息,而成为无线多媒体通信中的研究热点

    On the field of wireless communications, video communications becomes a research hotspot at wireless multimedia communications for it can offers intuitionistic and live vision informations to people .


  • 手工制作模型更为直观方式多个视觉角度感受产品空间体量

    Give people more ocular way to experience the space dimension of the products in terms of a lot of vision by the model which produced by our designer.


  • 视觉形式作为视觉艺术感性直观呈现方式可以通过视觉基本结构方式心理之间建构起新型关系

    Visual form, as the perceptual visual way of presenting of visual art, can build a kind of new relation passing through its basically structural way with person's psychology.


  • 插图艺术作为一种最为直观、形象的视觉语言方式,越来越受到人们喜爱

    As a most intuitionistic visual language, the illustration art is favored by people more and more.


  • 仿真实验表明数值指标能较人的直观视觉效果适应。(2)提出了一种基于BP神经网络图像置乱方法

    Experimental results show that the proposed numerical index suits the intuitionistic vision effects perfectly. (2) a new image scrambling method based on BP neural networks is presented.


  • 这样将保留所有空白包括代码编辑应用程序为了以视觉直观嵌套形式“精美输出”对齐元素添加空格

    This preserves all white space, which includes the Spaces that might be added by code-editing applications to "pretty-print" align elements as a visually intuitive nesting.


  • 手板模型可以使产品细节更加明确,产品的视觉感受更加直观设计团队每个人都能够察看这些设计,在协调整个团队的工作方面优势明显。

    The model can make the product details product more clearly, more intuitive visual experience, design team everyone can look into the design, in the coordination of the whole team advantage.


  • 直观视觉形象多途径感觉认识有利于教学目标整体实现增强学生思维能力

    Its direct visualization, multi perception, would help the realization of the whole teaching objectives and the promotion of the students thinking ability.


  • 服装设计中,色彩引起视觉印象心理活动直观反应

    But in the dress designing, the color is causes person's optical impression and the psychological activity most direct-viewing response.


  • 信息可视化技术引入课程开发研究,课程开发中的各种信息条理化形象化,直观视觉效果和易观察性为课程开发提供有效的决策支持

    Applying the info-visual technology to course development can make the information symbolization and supply decision support to the course development with directly perceived information.


  • 大量家具设计实例使读者获得清晰直观视觉感受,翻看书籍犹如把玩一件件精美灵动工艺品

    Readers will get a moreintuitive visual experience through the various design examples in the bookand will feel like that they are enjoying beautiful and elegant works of art.


  • 禁锢“直观现场装置的前提下,用固有设定的视觉营造出时间空间联系感,为现场即兴戏剧呈现出充分的紧密结合

    With confined 'direct' on site installation, fixed and arranged visual effect will induce the connection between time and space, representing the close link in improvising theater.


  • 我们越来越感觉到相对文本形式图像视觉呈现方式更具形象性生动性更加直观迅捷信息传播方式

    We felt more and more, opposite in the text form, the image vision presents the way, has the iconicity and the vitality, and the more direct-viewing the faster information propagation mode.


  • 视觉记忆一个时代真切直观感性的记忆方式。

    Visual memory should be is clearest to a time and most direct-viewing and perceptual memory way.


  • 插图作为重要视觉传达形式一图胜万言”的直观形象性感染力历来深受人们喜爱。

    Illustration, as an important form of visual communication, with its "one-graph-win-thousand-words" intuitiveness, vividness and infectiousness, has always been very popular.


  • 视觉机制人类重要生理机能视觉艺术是对产生他们那些文明本质内涵的生动直观体现。

    Human visual mechanism is an important physiological function and the visual art is one of the most vivid and direct express the essence of the civilization it entailed.


  • 这种邮票图案图画明信片之间和谐必须尽可能视觉直观能够被证实的。

    This concordance between the illustration of the postage stamp and the one of the picture postcard must be as possible and visually verifiable.


  • MIT法用前馈型中心周边分离神经网络模拟生物彩色视觉特性融合图像的彩色自然直观用于多种传感器的彩色融合

    MIT scheme derives from biological models of color vision and can be used to fuse multiple sensors. The fused image has natural appearance; TNO scheme is regarded as a simple approximation…


  • MIT法用前馈型中心周边分离神经网络模拟生物彩色视觉特性融合图像的彩色自然直观用于多种传感器的彩色融合

    MIT scheme derives from biological models of color vision and can be used to fuse multiple sensors. The fused image has natural appearance; TNO scheme is regarded as a simple approximation…


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