• Tuscany已经支持这些语言并且我们将要规范工作组准备提案

    Tuscany already supports these languages and we’re going to work on proposals for the spec workgroups.


  • 尚有很多重要议题需要确定,为此规范工作组已经公布了这个草案征求公众反馈意见完善这些议题。

    There are still significant design decisions to be made and the FWG has published this draft in order to solicit public feedback as input to those decisions.


  • 没有考虑问题分解之类抽象理念这个工作组当前主流浏览器行为出发制定文档,和W3C规范完全不同。

    Instead of chasing an abstract ideal such as separation of concerns, the group started to document the current actual behavior of major browsers, which is different from the W3C specification.


  • 最后XHTML工作组发布新的规范,在整个XHTML 1.0域内使用单一名称空间,从而纠正一问题。

    In the end, the XHTML working group corrected things by issuing new specifications that used a single namespace across the XHTML 1.0 domain.


  • 实际上原始XSLTXSL -fo本应该一个单独系统XSL,但是工作组明智地部分分成了两个单独规范

    In fact, originally XSLT and XSL-FO were to be a single system called XSL, but the working group wisely split the two parts into two separate specifications.


  • 工作组制定那些我们喜欢称作W3C推荐规则实际规范

    It is the Working Groups that produce the actual specifications that we fondly refer to as W3C Recommendations.


  • 编写规范工作组甚至没有这些元素取名字

    The Working Group that wrote the specs has not bothered to provide a term for these.


  • 近来W3C已经特许GRDDL工作组GRDDL制定推荐规范

    The W3C has recently chartered a GRDDL working group to produce a recommended specification for GRDDL.


  • 有利于工作组今后更加有效规范务实开展工作

    This will help the working group to carry out its work in the future in a more effective, standardized and practical manner.


  • 打破发布一个规范然后几年第三编写测试套件方法(这种方法是XSLT 1.0工作组倡导的)。

    It certainly beats the old approach of releasing a spec and then having a third party write the test suite several years later (a practice pioneered by the XSLT 1.0 working group).


  • 通过Web服务核心工作组维护Web服务规范确保Web服务核心平台稳定性

    Ensure the stability of the Core platform of Web Services by maintaining its Web Services specifications through a Web Services Core Working group.


  • 直到1996年12月世界万维网组织一个工作组发布CSS1.0规范

    It wasn't until December of 1996 that a working group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released the CSS level 1 Recommendation.


  • Gears发布前,万维网超文本应用程序技术工作组(WHAT WG)已经着手制定Web程序规范1.0草案这个草案把结构化数据存储包括到了html5里

    Before Gears was launched, the Web Hypertext Application Technology Workgroup (WHATWG) had begun work on its Web Applications 1.0 draft spec, which included structured data storage as part of HTML5.


  • W3C工作组通常12 月完成预期的工作圣诞节之前发布规范

    December usually closes with a bang as W3C working groups rush to finish their work and push out specs before the Christmas holidays.


  • 如果时间阅读400多XSL - FO规范(请参阅参考资料),您也许会对W3C工作组定义格式化对象数量感到惊讶

    If you take the time to read the 400-plus page XSL-FO specification (see Resources), you may be surprised by the large number of formatting objects defined by the W3C Working Group.


  • XML普及已经迫使标准团体工作组扩展SQL规范以便纳入XML处理功能

    XML's popularity has spurred standards body working groups to expand the SQL specification to include XML processing functions.


  • 有利于工作组今后更加有效规范务实地开展工作。

    This will help the Working Group work in a more effective, regulated and pragmatic manner.


  • WSTF可以工作组实际开始自己测试以及规范完成之前就及早开始此项工作。

    The WSTF could begin such an effort long before the Working Group actually begins its own testing and well before the specification is complete.


  • W3C四个工作组正在建立一些特别有趣规范

    The W3C has four Working Groups that are creating specifications of particular interest.


  • 当前计划一个Web服务核心工作组维护这些规范

    The current plan is for a Web Services Core Working Group to maintain these specifications.


  • 相反WSTF可以选择继续开始测试新的W3C工作组提供反馈标准化多个规范(ws - MetadataExchange)。

    By contrast, the WSTF could choose to go ahead and begin testing and providing feedback to the new W3C Working Group standardizing several specifications such as WS-MetadataExchange.


  • Atompub 工作组属于 IETF)就Atom 1.0规范达成一致意见,将来可能重新修订

    The Atompub Working Group (within the IETF) agreed on the Atom 1.0 specification, and that it could be revised in the future.


  • WS-I工作组开发了 WS-I 一致性测试工具帮助开发人员判断它们Web服务是否遵循规范指南

    The WS-I Working Groups developed the WS-I Conformance Testing Tool to help developers determine whether their Web services are conformant with the Profile guidelines.


  • 只不过文档对象模型(DOM)决定忽略规范之后xmlCore工作组提出了一项修正并参改了历史伪称xmlns一直名称空间标识

    Only after the Document Object Model (DOM) decided to ignore the spec did the XML Core group introduce an erratum to rewrite history and pretend XMLNS had always been identified by a namespace.


  • 本文主要讨论HTML工作组研究,但是必要作为背景知识讨论一下其他规范,因为这些研究造就Web未来

    This article mainly focuses on the work of the the HTML Working Group, but it is worth discussing each of the others to give some context as to how their work will shape the future of the Web.


  • W3C地理位置工作组(geolocationWorking Group)最近发布geolocationAPI规范首个工作草案现在我们发布支持API的实验构建版

    The geolocation Working Group of the W3C has recently relased the first Working Draft of the geolocation API specification, and we are now releasing the first Labs build with support for the API.


  • ebXML 工作组面临着一个选择 --或者继续使用他们自己的 XML 消息传递规范或者转而采用附件SOAP 规范

    The ebXML Working Group was left with a choice -- either continue with their own XML-messaging specification or make the switch over to use the SOAP With Attachments specification.


  • 霍尔特-黑尔负责一个体育教师编写规范标准国家特别工作组

    Holt - Hale chairs a national task force to write standards for PE teachers.


  • 霍尔特-黑尔负责一个体育教师编写规范标准国家特别工作组

    Holt - Hale chairs a national task force to write standards for PE teachers.


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