• 漂浮设施采用连续直线因为代表水面6规定高度确保保护河水美景

    The floating facility adopts a discrete line since it respects the regulatory height of 6 m from the water line in order to preserve views on the river.


  • 弹道式飞行器再入时,常常要求规定高度发出信号过载延时控制方法误差太大,不能满足精度要求。

    The opening parachute signal is required to sent on the fixed height when the vehicle reentry. The height controlled error through axis apparent acceleration can not meet the required precision.


  • 艾氏冲击试验规定高度锤对处于悬臂状态缺口试样进行一次性打击测量试样折断冲击吸收的试验。

    The impact test of the pendulum is used to strike the notched specimens of the cantilever beam with a prescribed height, and the test of impact absorbing power when the specimen is broken.


  • 比(V缺口)冲击试验规定高度摆锤处于简支梁状态的V型缺口试样进行一次性打击测量试样折断时冲击吸收功的试验。

    Charpy impact test (V gap) : the specified height of pendulum of the one-time blow to V notched specimens in beam state, test specimen is broken by the impact absorbing energy.


  • 公园9月30日,园内19海豚表演总是无法跳跃到规定高度游弋时躯体也经常水面垂直,于是8月底开始只给它们食用脂肪食物

    The park said Tuesday that all its 19 dolphins have been on a low fat diet since late August, when they started failing to hit jumping targets and keep upright while treading water.(See photo)


  • 规定让民航飞机巡航高度增加13个,与美国的数量相同

    The number of levels has now increased from seven to 13, the same number as in the U.S..


  • 一直以来,许多业内管理人士及飞行员认为中国飞行高度垂直间隔上的规定过于谨慎,甚至可以说守旧

    Many industry officials and analysts have long felt that China's extra vertical-airspace buffer has been so cautious as to be antiquated.


  • 遵守酒店清洁养护规定维护所在工作区域高度整洁

    Abide by the hotel cleaning and maintenance regulations, maintain the height of your work area neat.


  • 我国高度重视知识产权保护其中专利权的保护更是明确法律规定

    Our country protection of height value to intelligent property right, even have explicit law rules to the protection of patent right among them.


  • 艺术之塔高度当地规定一个非常重要的突破。

    The Art Tower height is an important exception to the local height rule.


  • 回忆1993年,北京城市规划办公室规定,出于保护城市历史考虑,所有紫禁城周边建筑物高度都要受到限制

    In 1993, he remembers, Beijing's city planning office decreed that all new buildings near the Forbidden city would be subject to height restrictions in the interests of the historical city.


  • 区域对于建筑高度不同规定

    These two different zones have different regulations in regard to the height of buildings.


  • 对于卷曲预应力钢,展开钢丝钢绞线之后除非相应欧洲技术认可规定,否则最大船首高度必须符合EN 10138规定

    P For coiled prestressing tendons, after uncoiling a length of wire or strand the maximum bow height shall comply with en 10138 unless given in an appropriate European Technical Approval.


  • 当地民航官员确实没有规定一个明确降落高度保障飞机安全越过机场护栏

    Local civil aviation officials said, does not require a clear landing height to protect the safety of aircraft over the airport fence.


  • 伍德博士也是高层建筑城市人居理事会执行董事机构有关其它方面的记录中,列出官方规定摩天大厦高度

    Dr Wood is also executive director of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, which, among other things, lists the official heights of skyscrapers.


  • 总的高度超过规定高度

    The overall height does not exceed the height specified.


  • 检查提升卷扬机减速器按照要求加注规定高度

    Test the lift hoist reducer and pour the oil according to the demands.


  • 位于锥,直立大约40公分的鳍这辆车有著非传统外观但是并不违反关于车体高度规定

    The two vertical fins on the nose, around 40 cm high, give the car an unconventional look, but fall within regulations regarding bodywork height.


  • 必须输入线连接保持高度关注确保阻抗尽可能低于仪器规定

    Great care must be taken with the inputleads and connections, to keep their resistance below enr of the instrument ifpossible.


  • 货物装运时,不能超过规定高度堆码层数

    In transport, the goods must not be stacked at a height or layers above the specification.


  • 被描述规定负荷24小时后试样高度变化的百分比。

    Change in height of specimen after 24 hours under a specified load.


  • 毛刺修正不足。修整后焊缝毛刺高度超过API管子制造规范所规定极限

    Inadequate flash trim. A condition in which height of weld flash after trimming exceeds the limits set in the API specification to which the pipe was manufactured.


  • 规定第一明确高度盖然性作为我国民事诉讼证明标准

    This provision will be the first time, clearly a high degree of probability as China's civil standard of proof.


  • 清晰具有一定秩序思维会规定艺术作品精神内涵形式逻辑的高度凝炼纯净

    The thinking which is clear and has a certain sense of order can provide high compact and purity for the spiritual intension and forms of thinking of artistic works.


  • 第四十五建筑物高度建筑景观控制符合规定同时符合日照建筑间距消防等方面要求

    Article 45. The construction height, face width and landscape control shall meet the following requirements and meanwhile the requirements of sunshine, building interval and fire protection etc.


  • 第二规定适用以上(十层)住宅建筑高度超过二十四的其他民用建筑。

    Article 2 These provisions shall be applicable to dwelling house having more than ten floors (including ten floors), and other building for civil use whose building height exceeds 24 meters.


  • 现行制度中的有关规定尚欠合理太规范之处,可能实务操作带来一定程度的混乱理应引起我们的高度重视

    Some regulations under current accounting system are lack of reasonable and normal. It's likely to bring confusions in accounting practices to some extent. We should attach importance to these issues.


  • 末端区域4D导引首先生成轨迹然后生成沿轨迹飞行高度剖面合理速度剖面,最后生成自动引导飞机规定时间着陆的4D导引指令。

    To generate and realize 4D guidance in the terminal area, first there should be ground track , then the altitude profile and appropriate speed profile along the track.


  • 派出单位高度重视因公出国(境)管理工作,严格执行有关规定杜绝弄虚作假违规操作

    Each dispatching entity shall attach great importance to the administration of oversea travel for official business, strictly execute relevant provisions and prevent any falsification and violations.


  • 派出单位高度重视因公出国(境)管理工作,严格执行有关规定杜绝弄虚作假违规操作

    Each dispatching entity shall attach great importance to the administration of oversea travel for official business, strictly execute relevant provisions and prevent any falsification and violations.


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