• 今天系统复杂性通常系统必须符合业务规则复杂性导致的结果。

    The complexity of systems today is typically the result of complex business rules that the system must conform to.


  • 规则定义业务流程本身执行情况下,必需考虑它们复杂性变化频繁度

    In the case when rules define the execution of business process itself, it is necessary to consider their complexity and change frequency.


  • 一个因素规则复杂性

    Complexity of rules is also a factor.


  • 这些规则使作用域能够广泛设计模式应用程序中使用但是这种灵活性代价是增加了复杂性

    The rules enable scopes to be used in a wide range of design patterns and applications, but such flexibility comes at the cost of complexity.


  • 取决于应用程序复杂性或许可以开发一个使用元数据描述授权规则自定义框架,以自动将安全更改应用SQL

    Depending on the application complexity, it may be feasible to develop a custom framework that USES metadata to describe authorization rules and applies security changes to the SQL automatically.


  • 此类混合系统引入复杂性使业务规则系统集成变得有难度

    The complexity introduced by such a mixed system makes the integration of a business rules system that much more challenging.


  • 为了避免太多复杂性DB 2强加了一条简单规则除非嵌入相关函数里面,否则UPDATEDELETEINSERT(数据更改操作)应该出现连接中。

    To avoid too much complexity, DB2 imposes a simple rule: an UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT (data-change-operation) shall never happen in a join unless embedded in a correlated function.


  • 从前看到所生成任务复杂性组成任务的阶段数量,在使用具有柱状测试或者函数规则时会增长

    Previously, you saw that the complexity of the generated job, and thus the number of stages composing the job, increases when you use columnar tests or functions with a rule.


  • 甚至超过编码规则复杂性分析系统确定最有风险的,容易出错的,困难维护成本最高的代码基础

    Even more than coding guidelines, complexity analysis is the foundation for identifying the riskiest, more error-prone, most difficult and costly-to-maintain code in your system.


  • 典型三思而后行”,因为执行基于 hook电子邮件规则反映了您的ClearQuest实施复杂性中的重要跳跃

    This is definitely a case of "look before you leap," because implementing hook code-based e-mail rules represents a significant leap in the complexity of your ClearQuest implementation.


  • 因此配置工具需要这些用户隐藏语言学规则语言复杂性

    Therefore, configuration tooling that hides the intricacies of linguistics and rule languages from these users is necessary.


  • 规则关键难点复杂性—用户需要得到帮助才能创建维护规则

    The key challenge for rules is their complexity-users need help to create and maintain rules.


  • 而当创造复合服务时,封装参与其中服务以及强制它们调用规则,都显著简化使用上的复杂性

    Creation of composite service, both encapsulating participating services and enforcing the rules of their invocation can significantly simplify their usage.


  • DataPower XM 70允许快速部署llm路由规则,这些路由规则可以通过一个直观界面进行配置无需进行编程这将极大降低成本复杂性

    The DataPower XM70 enables you to rapidly deploy LLM routing rules that you can configurable via an intuitive interface without the need for programming, greatly reducing cost and complexity.


  • IT复杂性已经达到能够过去规则方式管理这些资源地步。

    It complexity has reached the point where it is no longer possible to manage these resources in the haphazard ways of the past. 5.


  • 人体结构复杂性骨骼结构规则决定了光继续发挥重要作用

    Since the complexity of body structure and irregularity of bone structure, thus the photoelasticity method is still playing its important role.


  • 利用大树实现对样本案例聚类提取避免制定推理规则复杂性

    Using maximal tree method to cluster and extract the small cases, it avoids the complexity of establishing reasoning rules.


  • 发现这些规则不仅没有出示行为情境复杂性灵敏度而且有的时候还会自相矛盾

    He saw not only that such rules fail to show sensitivity to the complexities of actual situations, but also that they sometimes conflict with one another.


  • 生物结合位点复杂性结构规则使得最适合与生物素结合并且表现出与链霉素亲和素-生物素复合体的高度特异性(4)。

    The complex and irregular structure of the biotin-binding site makes it highly optimized for biotin binding and confers great specificity to the streptavidin-biotin complexes (4).


  • 今后无论是导致变化驱动力方面,还是人类确定选择可能依据规则指导原则方面这些相互作用都会进一步其增加复杂性

    These add a further layer of complexity to both future driving forces of change as well as possible sources of rules and guidance for human choice.


  • ONC必须克服2015年认证规则总体复杂性,为此要减少标准数量以及所包含标准功能的数量。

    ONC must address the overall complexity of the 2015 Edition Certification Rule by reducing the total number of criterion, as well as the standards and functionalities included.


  • 基于数学模型,提出直接搜索转换方法节省运算空间,降低了算法的时间复杂性提高规则生成的效率。

    Based on the model, direct search method is presented which can save the computing space and CPU occupation time, enhance the efficiency of decision rules generation.


  • 复杂性在于设计下方表面代码反映业务规则资源分配算法其他计算机科学关注

    The complexity of your design lies underneath that surface, in code that reflects business rules, resource allocation, algorithms, and other computer science concerns.


  • 由于这种结构存在着大量极不规则几何形状的波纹加工引起各种缺陷,导致结构分析复杂性

    However, owing to various shortcomings caused by the existence of great deal of irregular corrugation and processing, the complexity of the structure analysis exists.


  • 德性规则规则系统有效复杂性成为德性存在表征形式。

    Therefore, virtue regulation, regulation system, and effective complexity are the symbols for the existence of negative entropy of virtue.


  • 算法具有计算复杂性简单规则结构

    The algorithm has less operational complexity, and involves simple and regular structure.


  • 由于循环卷积循环卷积具有非常高的效率规则,因此,算法具有简单规则结构较低运算复杂性

    Since efficient and fast cyclic convolution algorithms are available in the literature, the algorithm has low computational complexity, simple and regular structure.


  • 样本计算和统计结果表明,证券交易数据时域波形信号具有分标度变性,分形维数能够反映交易数据的时域波形信号的复杂性规则

    The specimen calculation outcome indicates that transaction data waveform of time domain assume fractal scale invariant property, which fractal dimensionality can reflect complexity and irregularity.


  • 尺寸复杂性之间关系或者幂尺度法则统治大多数稳定自然人工系统遵守这个规则

    This relationship between size and multiplicity is governed by the fractal or inverse-power scaling law, which is obeyed by the majority of stable natural and artificial systems.


  • 散体颗粒孔隙具有规则、自相似性、模糊性非线性等特点整体结构表现出复杂性

    Bulk granules and pores exhibit irregularity, self-similarity fuzziness and non-linearity. And further, the overall structure seems very complicated.


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