• 照相观测目视观测记录了更多定量信息

    Photographic observations can record more quantitative information than visual observations.


  • 通过观测先前得多的造父变星的可见光谱实现的,结果地面望远镜观测结论类似

    This was accomplished by observing Cepheid variables at optical wavelengths out to greater distances than obtained previously and comparing those to similar measurements from ground-based telescopes.


  • 过去几年卫星观测潜艇调查显示极地地区冰层减少了,最近测量显示,冰层的减少之前设想更为明显

    Satellite observations and submarine surveys over the past few years had shown less ice in the polar region, but the recent measurements show the loss is more pronounced than previously thought.


  • 拉·阿哈利姆博士表示:“这些观测结果成为我们理解宇宙奥秘基石。”

    Dr. Nabila Aghanim said, "These observations will be used as bricks to build our understanding of the Universe."


  • 虽然迭代次数可能会项目过程有所变化,客户可以仅仅一个单一迭代更好观测项目进展

    Although the number of iterations would fluctuate during the course of the project, the customer would be able to observe the progress of the project much better than with only a single iteration.


  • 经管密西西已经观测石油存在,但是该水域所有的明亮水体并不能都认为油层覆盖。

    Although oil has been observed in the Sound, it is unlikely that all the bright patches of water in that area are thickly oil-covered.


  • 我们能够绘制之前更加详细太阳系天体图,还可以通过个前所未有灵敏度观测研究银河系形成

    We will also be able to map the solar system in much greater detail than was previously possible and to study the formation of the Milky Way galaxy through observation at an unprecedented sensitivity.


  • 几个世纪以来,科学家一直认为彗星地球大气层内运行。但是在1577年,丹麦天文学家第谷·布拉赫进行的观测揭示出,彗星实际上运行在月亮的地方。

    For centuries, scientists thought comets traveled in the Earth's atmosphere, but in 1577, observations made by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe revealed they actually traveled far beyond the moon.


  • 空间望远镜观测显示这个行星系统控制着条小行星上次我们确定的多了一条。

    Observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope show that the system hosts two asteroid belts, in addition to previously identified candidate planets and an outer comet ring.


  • 缓慢破裂海啸地震很难观测,而且可能当前系统错误表示……它们导致的海啸根据地震震级预计的海啸远远更大

    Slow-rupturing tsunami earthquakes are difficult to observe and can be misrepresented by current systemsthey create a tsunami much larger than expected for the magnitude of the earthquake.


  • 但是如果气候变暖发生范围先前观测范围更广,增加南极大陆冰架融化可能性从而改变世界海平面

    But if warming is occurring across a wider area than previously observed, that could increase the possibility of large ice shelves melting off the continent and changing sea levels around the world.


  • 航天器不同视角太阳进行一项观测很大程度破解了为什么太阳的大气层——或者说是日冕层——的温度太阳表面还要高上百万这个让人困扰不已的谜团

    A new look at the sun using views from two different spacecraft has put a big dent in the nagging mystery of why the sun's atmosphere, or corona, is millions of degrees hotter than its surface.


  • 然而量子计算预示宇宙真空能量观测能量高出一百多个数量级

    Quantum calculations, however, predict that the amount of vacuum energy in the universe should be more than a hundred orders of magnitude greater than has been observed.


  • 福斯勒指出氢原子数量氦原子氧原子数量要多得多,但是质量很小很容易太阳风吹散,从而不能稳定地观测

    Hydrogen atoms are more abundant than either helium or oxygen but their low mass means they are easily swept aside by the high-speed solar wind and can’t readily be detected.


  • 一些水星金星更难观测到,而最近一段时间可以在金星的右侧看到水星,未来一周水星相对于明亮金星,地平高度会越来越

    Mercury, however, is dimmer and usually harder to find. Recently, though, Mercury can be found just to the right of Venus, appearing increasingly below the brighter planet over the next week.


  • 对流单体降落冷凝物水平宽度观测到的做尺度下沉气流的宽度小多(前者60公里而后者150公里)。

    The horizontal width of the condensate falling from the convective cells was much less than the width of the observed mesoscale downdraft (60 km compared to 150 km).


  • 而尽管并没有观测如此不利情况,今年海冰极小值仅仅那年的记录了4%。

    This year has seen no such opposite of a perfect storm, yet the summer sea-ice minimum is a mere 4% bigger than that record.


  • 但是NASA视野红外线探测器(WISE)的观测下,这个星云突然变成了一条“绿”,一百光年还

    But for NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, the nebula springs to life as a green "dragon" more than a hundred light-years wide.


  • 这些条纹有0.55数百英尺长之前观测冲击峡谷要小得多

    The streaks range from 0.5 yards to 5 yards wide and stretch hundreds of feet, far smaller than previously detected gullies.


  • 驳斥了遏制此项疾病方面出现了问题,指出在2010年卫生部观测到了感染人数有小幅下降。

    She denied that Russia was having trouble curbing the epidemic, noting that the ministry had documented a slight dip in the number of new infections in 2010 compared with a year earlier.


  • 经验丰富飞行员通过距离观测数据可以普通人更快的判断实际燃油消耗

    The experienced pilots were quick to note it will require a closer look at the data before anyone can confirm an actual fuel burn number.


  • 直径只有厘米,甚至连肉眼都难以观测热量电炉20轻易穿透弹壳

    Only a few centimeters in diameter and invisible to the naked eye, the Avenger's laser is 20 times hotter than an electric stove top and will cut through artillery shells with ease.


  • 法国奥赛天体物理研究所拉·阿哈利姆博士表示这些观测结果成为人类理解宇宙奥秘的基石。

    Dr Nabila Aghanim, of the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale in Orsay, France, said: 'These observations will be used as bricks to build our understanding of the Universe.'


  • 两项最新伽马射线天空观测研究表明如果此种神秘物质粒子则要大约一个质子质量44400亿电子伏还

    Two new looks at the gamma-ray sky suggest that if the mysterious matter is a particle, it is heavier than 40 gigaelectronvolts, about 44 times the mass of a proton.


  • 威勒哈勃望远镜地基望远镜观测空间影像清晰10

    Weiler said that Hubble has taken images of the universe that are ten times clearer than any ever produced by telescopes on the ground.


  • NASA的斯哈勃太空望远镜进行联合观测希望能揭开一个不停地制造出雏形恒星混沌云团区域的奥秘,这就是距离地球1500光年猎户座星云

    NASA's Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes teamed up to expose the chaos that baby stars are creating 1,500 light years away in a cosmic cloud called the Orion nebula.


  • NASA的斯哈勃太空望远镜进行联合观测希望能揭开一个不停地制造出雏形恒星混沌云团区域的奥秘,这就是距离地球1500光年猎户座星云

    NASA's Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes teamed up to expose the chaos that baby stars are creating 1,500 light years away in a cosmic cloud called the Orion nebula.


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