• 心理剧中技术主角“如同照镜子般”观察自我

    The psychodramatic mirror technique allows the protagonist to view herself "as if in a mirror."


  • 哈佛商学院的一项研究发现观察一致那些坦率的人评价更高那些不善表露自我则失去了可信度

    A Harvard Business School study found that observers consistently rated those who were upfront about themselves more highly, while those who hid lost trustworthiness.


  • 他们最早观察一些现象儿童表现出来自我控制程度有关。

    Some of their earliest observations have to do with the level of self-control the youngsters displayed.


  • 我们每人可以通过些许自我观察批判性自我控制,尤其是逻辑一致性,来制定自己的节能计划”。

    Each of us can develop his or her own "energy saving programme" with a little self-observation, critical self-control and, above all, logical consistency.


  • 通过对看护者评估孩子自我观察每个孩子总体同情心水平以及他们道德越界后的负面情绪倾向进行评级

    Using caregiver assessments and the children's self-observations, she rated each child's overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions.


  • 假设找到方式改变并超越自我,于是你就去观察别人一举一动或者留意周围环境变化,不敢贸然行动,这样做的话你一定得不到改变,大失所望。

    If you're looking for something to change beyond yourself, if you depend on the behavior of others, or a change in your environment before you act, you're in for disappointment.


  • 自己置于他人处境,或者他人的角度观察情况,作为避免以自我为中心方法,从而达到社会和谐

    Putting oneself in the other person's position or seeing the situation from the other person's point of view as a way of reducing self centeredness and promoting social harmony.


  • 基因水平了一定作用这个实验所观察并非基因的问题,这完全是身体以外因素对身体带来的影响,影响的结果就是端粒的自我修复水平。

    Genes play a role in telomerase levels, but this was not genes. This was something impacting the body that came from the outside and affecting its ability to repair itself.


  • KosakRajapakse他们观察的结果与自我组织计算机模型形成的样式进行比较,发现两种数据吻合

    When Kosak and Rajapakse compared the mathematical patterns derived from their observations to patterns produced by a self-organizing computational model of the genome, the datasets fit.


  • 就像那位英国分析师,加强了观察中的自我而且温柔表示

    He, like the analyst in England, strengthened her observing ego and "was very soothing," she said.


  • 沉思中应该发现重要一点真正看见观察自我正是观察者。

    One of the main things to discover in meditating is to actuallysee” that the observer (your ego) is the observed.


  • 假如太阳自我反应的话,希尔博士研究人员2008年2009年早已观察高速气流迹象了。

    If the sun were behaving itself, Dr Hill's team would have seen signs of a new jet stream in 2008 or 2009.


  • 然而如果没有看到发生的微妙变动,你仍被认定观察(自我),并且保持思维过程中就是为什么不能感受到空隙的原因。

    But if you can't see these subtle movements taking place, you will stay identified as the observer (ego), and remain within the thought process, which is why you can't ever experience the gap.


  • 因为观察一切时经过一系列复杂感知过滤人们很少能客观看待自我

    People rarely see themselves objectively because we view everything through a complex set of perception filters.


  • 告诉人们'这些意象周围人物观察,取材于他们日常生活

    He said: 'the imagery of my work comes from looking people around me going about their everyday life.


  • 就是内观体验自我实相有系统平静观察观察自身不断变化身心现象所显示出来的感受

    This is Vipassana: experiencing one's own reality by the systematic and dispassionate observation within oneself of the ever-changing mind-matter phenomenon manifesting itself as sensations.


  • 练习观察多么伟大,你的多好呀,你多么值得荣耀呀,并且定期规律的认知自己以及自我的力量所在。

    Start to notice what’s great about you, what you do well, or how wonderful you are, and make a point of acknowledging yourself and these strengths on a regular basis.


  • 迄今为止,观察到的伽马射线爆来自遥远星系非来银河系

    To date the GRBs observed have been in distant galaxies and not our own Milky Way.


  • 项研究显示即便是人们观察自己视频这些视频中他们的行为他们的自我认识的一致。他们也依然不会改变先前的自我认识。

    One study showed that even watching a recording of yourself that may be at odds with your self-perception does not change that self-perception.


  • 这项观察使得对于自我伤害行为现象成为研究对象,以后研究以及临床上应该得到更多关注

    "These observations make the phenomenon of self injurious behavior a topic that deserves greater attention in the future both in research and in the clinical setting," they conclude.


  • 惟一安慰自我对希拉里真正的了解,来自25近距离观察他们坚强得

    My only consolation was the sure knowledge, rooted in twenty-five years of close observation, that she was a lot tougher than they would ever be.


  • 自我观察我们所有人中发现这个诚实一面。我们必须承认这个自我才能期望任何自我改变

    Self-observation would reveal this deceitful one in all of us; and this one must be accepted before there can be any transformation of ourselves.


  • 研究范围包括研究的观察本质阿斯匹林使用自我选择事实

    Study limitations included the observational nature of the study and the fact that aspirin use was self-selected.


  • 通过不加批判观察生活反应发现了需要改变自我现在必须确立一个目标。

    Having discovered, through an uncritical observation of your reactions to life, a self that must be changed, you must now formulate an aim.


  • 一旦能够不同场合下维持这个定姿接下来可以开始观察在这里造作起来自我了。

    Once you can maintain this stance in different situations, then you can start observing the sense of self you've created here.


  • 对于女人来说,这种通过观察外表身体语言获取信息本事她们的一种自我保护机制

    As for the woman, this process of screening by looks and body language is a self-defense mechanism.


  • 采用实验室实验观察问卷法相结合方法,考察幼儿气质与其自我延迟满足能力关系

    Using lab observation and questionnaires, we investigated the relation between childrens temperament and self-imposed delay of gratification.


  • 采用实验室实验观察问卷法相结合方法,考察幼儿气质与其自我延迟满足能力关系

    Using lab observation and questionnaires, we investigated the relation between childrens temperament and self-imposed delay of gratification.


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