• 预制水泥观众看台单位目前正在开始装载位于球场西边底边看台

    Precast concrete terrace units being installed on lower terrace on West Stand.


  • 西北边顶端观众看台北边的视野。显示出了北边三角建筑的施工情况。

    The view north from North-West corner upper terrace. This shows progress on the Northern Triangle building.


  • 建筑包括大型观众看台屋顶可利用的平台,也是一个实际连续三维跑道

    The building consists of a large grandstand with an accessible roof, which in fact is a continuous three-dimensional course.


  • 一些国家已经确立舞台座位观众看台周围类似摔跤或拳击舞台上,打斗可能整个举行天。

    Some countries have well-established arenas with seats or bleachers for spectators surrounding the ring, similar to a wrestling or boxing arena, and fights may be held all throughout the day.


  • 这里看台挤满了兴致勃勃的观众巴基斯坦印度边境卫兵每天傍晚都举行仪式,互相攀比夸张显示双方的敌意。

    Here, in front of a packed grandstand of cheering spectators, the Pakistani and Indian border guards compete every evening to outdo each other in a show of theatrical hostility.


  • 看台电视机观众今天得非常愉快很难说今天的比赛无聊

    I think the spectators in the grandstands and in front of their TV screens had fun today: you could hardly call it boring!


  • 相反,开幕式上观众注意到,热量看台上方的屋顶遮挡无法散发,使鸟巢里面外面明显热得多。

    They will have noticed the heat rising up to the roof over the stands, making the evening considerably hotter inside the stadium than it was outside.


  • 几天一场世界杯体操赛德黑兰举行时大约250名女性观众室内看台被赶了出来

    A few days later some 250 female spectators at a gymnastics World Cup event in Tehran were escorted from an indoor stadium.


  • 准备穿过高中体育场的讲台扫视看台观众看到了我的母亲父亲凯文

    Just before I cross my high school auditorium stage, I look out at the spectators in the bleachers, and I see mother and father and Kevin.


  • 阶梯看台被推倒;取而代之的安全座位改进的球球迷感觉到自己像是观众而不是动物

    Out went crumbling terracing; in came safer seating and improved facilities that made fans feel more like spectators than animals.


  • 如释重负脸上露出喜悦笑容,他的队友教练也为他高兴。马修·哈丁看台(注:切尔西主场看台)观众终于等到了这个迟来进球

    Relief and joy were clear on his face, and on those of his team-mates and coach Ancelotti, when that elusive goal finally arrived in front of the Matthew Harding Stand.


  • 看台上坐观众,大家正在某个宜人的夏日观看伦敦奥运会比赛,熟悉的伦敦地标式建筑场馆背景中闪现。

    The stands are full of spectators enjoying the Olympic action on a glorious summer day with a familiar London landmark resplendent in the background.


  • 幕布关闭之后科波菲尔观众讲话时,观众看台显然旋转餐台转盘上非常缓慢地旋转。

    After the curtain closed and while Mr. Copperfield addressed the audience, the stage was apparently rotating very slowly on a lazy Susan type turntable.


  • 鲁斯重击观众激动万分,扩大了棒球吸引力,让看台观众麦格劳看来只不过是个强击手,“狒狒“大猿”。

    Ruth’s slugging thrilled the crowds, broadened baseball’s appeal and filled the stands, but for McGraw he was a mere slugger, “the Big Baboonor “the Big Ape”.


  • 26年间看台那40,000观众从未过,这足以证明球迷们对球队的忠诚

    And yet throughout the 26 years, the crowds were never less than 40, 000 on average, an extraordinary testament to the fans' loyalty.


  • 内华达州——周五,“里诺国家空中飞行冠军赛”上架飞机头朝下栽看台观众医务人员们正在帮助受伤观众推下直升机

    15RenoMedics help injured bystanders out of a helicopter into Renown Medical Center after a plane crashed into the crowd Friday at the Reno National Championship Air Races.


  • 高层的正面看台合唱场地用于观众更多的特殊日子

    The higher level grandstand and the chorus are used for special days with higher turnout.


  • 观众使用马赛时同样看台观看比赛这意味同样的时代中,设施要比石赛道的要更好一些

    Spectators viewed the action from the same stands used for horse RACES, meaning the facilities were considerably better than those at Silverstone during the same era.


  • 网球赛场上,观众们高声挑衅阿根廷选手,一些人甚至还看台扭打成一团,估计这有史以来一起网球流氓事件

    At a tennis match where fans heckled the player from Argentina, there was a scuffle in the stands (link in Spanish)—perhaps the first ever case of tennis hooliganism.


  • 简直高兴得不得了,当时想我要那么多球迷面前踢球,要在斯查福德看台当着数百万电视观众射门了。

    I'm going to be playing in front of a massive crowd, shooting towards the Stretford End and in front of millions of fans watching on TV.


  • 新的看台一万观众

    The new grandstand will hold ten thousand spectators.


  • 观众就坐的看台下面设置多个厕所零售,足够场馆内所有人提供服务。

    A sufficient number of toilets and buffet areas were planned under all the grandstands for the audience.


  • 几天,当世界杯体操赛德黑兰举行时,大约250名女性观众室内看台被赶了出来。

    A few days later some250 female spectators at a gymnastics World Cup event in Tehran were escorted from an indoor stadium.


  • 多数观众看台出现和谐现象敢于出面制止打电话报警

    The most spectators dare to stop or to call the police for the disharmonious phenomenon which appears on the auditorium.


  • 本文结合工程实例分析体育场看台观众席下滑原因提出防止继续下滑所采取的加固措施

    Through combining engineering concrete, the paper analyzed reasons about sliding down of stadium bleachers, and put forwards some reinforcing measures to prevent from sliding down continually.


  • 本文结合工程实例分析体育场看台观众席下滑原因提出防止继续下滑所采取的加固措施

    Through combining engineering concrete, the paper analyzed reasons about sliding down of stadium bleachers, and put forwards some reinforcing measures to prevent from sliding down continually.


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