• 字如面》125日播出第一以来,广受好评

    Since its first episode on Dec 5, Letters Alive has been widely praised.


  • 虽然印刷广告带来的销售额线上广告手机广告相形,但它一在下降

    And though print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts, revenue from print is still declining.


  • 那天起白宫飞回家乡葬礼上发表讲话,希勒里·琼斯一牛顿的铁杆支持者。

    From the day I met him until the day I flew home from the White House to speak at his funeral, Hilary Jones was my man in Newton County.


  • 作为摄影师有种拍摄别人难得一动物照片冲动。”

    As photographer, I've always been driven to bring photographs of animals one hardly ever sees, "he said."


  • 我们称为视觉类灵长目动物”,我们视觉体系规模听觉神经系统相形

    We've been called the visual primate, and the size of our visual cortex dwarfs the neural platform assigned to audition.


  • 没有觉得紧张因为我还没有那些电影而且也没有很多,除了推广之前去过一次香奈儿秀场之外,我在这边工作着

    T: I didn't feel nervous, cause I didn't watch at the movies and I didn't meet many person, cause I was always working here. Oh, only I went to Chanel Show before I start the promotion of this movie.


  • 新角色杰奎琳(夏洛特·兰普林饰)同样带着某种怒气“怨鬼”:一个同,所以在接受比尔的调情,杰奎琳开门是不是男”。

    Newcomer Jacqueline (Charlotte Rampling) is also something of an angry ghost: once married to a gay man, she brusquely asks whether Bill is straight before letting him pick her up.


  • 不能真正理解这种病,读了朋友比尔.斯蒂作品《看得黑暗:走过忧郁症的心路历程》——勇敢地披露了自己忧郁症自杀的念头进行抗争的故事。

    I don’t think I ever really understood it until I read my friend Bill Styron’s brave account of his own battle with depression and suicidal thoughts, Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness.


  • 约翰.麦凯恩九月妄下定论,“美国经济基本要素坚若磐石”,比起林肯,真是小巫大巫了。

    John McCain’s ill-fated assertion in September that “the fundamentals of our economy are strong” seems mild by comparison.


  • 一路上不断地通过头上后视镜看着目不转睛地看着两旁的高楼大厦看得目瞪口呆。

    All throughout the ride I looked back at him in the mirror above my head and saw that he was staring in amazement at all the towering skyscrapers and the buildings along the street.


  • 记得每次,他都你在干什么

    Well, he didn't forget you. Every time I saw him he'd ask how you were doing.


  • 除非对你的手下真正进行过测试(艰苦一种财富”),否则永远无法确定勇往,而谁又会畏缩不前。

    Until your people are really tested (see "what is hard is good"), you can never be sure who will step up and who will falter.


  • 你们旷野行的路上耶和华你们抚养你们,如同人抚养儿子一般,等你们来到地方

    And in the desert. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.


  • 苹果iPhone用户数量虽然持续增长,但Android设备的迅猛发展使得iPhone的市场份额也相形

    Android's growth has even made Apple's iPhone, which continues to grow in Numbers, flat in market share.


  • 2003年前居住河南省一个小山村里坐飞机广州儿子第一次出远门。

    She lived in a small mountain village in Henan until 2003, when she flew to Guangzhou to visit her son.


  • 特拉顿(右图年来徒步行走亚利桑那州犹他州的土地寻觅左图这样美景

    Stratton (right) has been trekking across Arizona and Utah for three years discovering the perfect spots, like the picture on the left, to set up these shots.


  • 您好张先生长时间没有看到。你很好吗?

    Hello, Mr. Zhang. Have not seen you for a long time? How have you been?


  • 怀疑27是否有一钟情的倾心。

    I have been wondering whether the 27 year old will fall in love at first sight.


  • 并不遥远哦,他在一起,需要一点勇气,一点放弃固有价值体系勇气才能得困难了。

    Not far, he's there all the time with you, but needs a little bit of courage, courage to get out of the system, and that's difficult.


  • 上次以来,生病

    He has been ill since I saw him last.


  • 这个孩子校长吓患上颤抖

    The child was shaking like a leaf while he was meeting with the principal.


  • 相信钟情一天!

    I never believed that love at first sight, until the day to see you!


  • 告诉我们如何祈求上帝赐个理想妻子因为认为他看得一种办法下一代摆脱只能勉强维持生计命运。

    He told us how he had been asking God for just the right wife, because he thought he could see a way for the next generation to escape the hand-to-mouth existence of the tenant farmer.


  • 由于MEL - 28蛋白整个细胞分裂过程中一DNA粘附一起,科学因此相信核膜形成早期扮演关键角色

    Because MEL-28 remains attached to DNA during the entire process of cell division, the scientists believe it plays a crucial role early in the formation of the envelope.


  • 廖沙句话说说:以后咱们一次面吧

    Siliaosa, I have some words to tell you all the time: Let's meet again ten years later.


  • 绕过一道河湾,迎面就幢美丽庄严、古色古香红砖房;房前是修理得平平整整的草坪,一延伸河边

    Rounding a bend in the river, they came in sight of a handsome, dignified old house of mellowed red brick, with well-kept lawns reaching down to the water's edge.


  • 描述中,第一个倾听,她以为她,让她满意让她害怕

    She described him as the first person to ever listen to her, She developed the idea that he could always see her, which was both gratifying and scary.


  • 描述中,第一个倾听,她以为她,让她满意让她害怕

    She described him as the first person to ever listen to her, She developed the idea that he could always see her, which was both gratifying and scary.


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