• 我们关于佛罗里达当前地形植物覆盖数据

    We have data about South Florida's current landscape and the plant cover.


  • 然而由于岛屿国家陆地面积1人口密度气候地理地形条件等很大差异,它们森林覆盖程度也有很大差别

    However, due to a considerable variation in land area, 1 population density and climatic, geological and topographical conditions, the extent of forest cover differs greatly among the island states.


  • 系统详实了解覆盖地球表面三分之二海洋水域的化学特性、地形水流特性代价高昂,但是可以实现的。

    Systematic and detailed understanding of the chemistry, topography and flow of the waters that cover two-thirds of the planet would be costly, but it could be achieved.


  • 鉴于长期被覆盖山地地形滑雪冬季运动斯洛伐克最有名和流行运动。

    Ski and winter sports in Slovakia are very prominent and popular given the mountainous topography of the region and the fact that much of the country is covered by snow for a greater part of the year.


  • 用于探测金星麦哲伦号绘制完成了金星表面98%的地形图,它传回的数据表明金星的大部分地区火山物质覆盖,其间点缀一些陨石坑

    Magellan mapped more than 98 percent of the surface of Venus, and revealed the planet to be mostly covered by volcanic materials, dotted with a few impact craters.


  • 建议按照以下顺序应用覆盖地形公路

    I recommend applying the overlays in the following order: topographical, counties, highways.


  • 作为世界上地势最高国家之一蒙古地形比较极端的。 既有常年被积雪覆盖高山茫茫的大草原,也有荒凉的戈壁沙漠

    One of the highest countries in the world, Mongolia is a land of harsh extremessnowy mountains, wide expanses of grassy steppe, and windswept desert.


  • 选择适合自己气候地形冰雪覆盖阿拉斯加蒸笼笼罩的德克·斯,从科罗拉多的绵绵山脉缅因州的广袤森林

    You have a choice of weather and landscape, from snowy Alaska to baking Texas, from the mountains of Colorado to the forests of Maine.


  • 层的房屋主要地面上,一个覆盖屋顶包裹起来,屋顶顺应地形的纹理。

    The two-storey house is largely buried in the ground and covered by an undulating zinc-clad roof that follows the sloping terrain.


  • 地形植被覆盖重要两个面源污染影响因素

    Topography and vegetation cover rate were two of the most important influence factors of nonpoint source pollution.


  • 对于唐家河这种植被覆盖地形复杂的自然保护区旅游资源调查评价尤为困难

    The course of tourism resource investigation and evaluation is much more trouble for Tangjiahe Nature Reserve with higher vegetation overcast and up-and-down landform.


  • 挪威内陆地形崎岖三分之一树木覆盖

    The interior of the country is incredibly rugged and almost one third of it is covered in trees.


  • 运用GIS空间分析工具,分析地表温度地形特征和地表覆盖类型之间关系

    The relationships between topographic factors, various land cover types and the land surface temperature were analyzed using GIS spatial analysis tools.


  • 降水特征地形地貌植被覆盖程度影响水土流失量大小主要因素

    Precipitation features, landforms and the covering level of vegetations are the main cause affecting the quantity of water and soil loss.


  • 佩伦:“地表覆盖可能经历大规模变化致使火星变成了目前地形。”

    "There could have been a massive change in the distribution of mantle," Perron said, "which would have caused the planet to shift into its current position."


  • 林草覆盖高,植被侵蚀绝对控制能力越强,否则流域地形因素影响不可忽视。

    The larger grass and forest coverage, the stronger the absolute control capacity of vegetation on soil erosion, or influencing factors about topography may not be ignored.


  • 数据库上星期进行了更新含有美国宇航局提供大量地形数据未来还将覆盖更多地形,涉及田园,荒地

    This database renewed last week. It contains a large amount of landscape statistics provided by NASA. It will cover more kinds of landscape including farmland, wasteland, etc.


  • ——基于坡度高度自动化地形纹理完整覆盖能力

    Automated terrain texturing based on slope and height, with full override ability.


  • 加强地理信息数据资源建设利用34时间实现基本地形覆盖

    First, we must strengthen the construction of geographic information data sources, using 3 to 4 years time to achieve full coverage of the basic topographic maps.


  • 游客这里可以观赏到各种地形风貌,热带海滩白雪覆盖田野,从大沙漠到热带雨林,景观各异,令人叹为观止。

    Here the tourist will witness with admiration a variety of astonishing environments, from tropical beaches to white snow-covered fields, from vast deserts to rain forests.


  • 地区森林覆盖地形地貌适合建设高尔夫球场综合旅游开发

    Project background and functional orientation: This area is in high forest cover rate, and the landform adopts to be built golf course and developed comprehensive tour.


  • 地区森林覆盖地形地貌适合建设高尔夫球场综合旅游开发

    Project background and functional orientation: This area is in high forest cover rate, and the landform adopts to be built golf course and developed comprehensive tour.


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