• 接下来我们要遭遇许多比赛包括对切尔西

    We have some big games coming up including Chelsea.


  • 鲁西这些可能遭遇失望经历了,至少一

    But Mr Lucic says that experience shows that these people might be upset “for a very short period: a day.


  • 由于惑状态无明)继续存在,我们便不免要遭遇种种灾难逆缘。

    Remaining in a state of confusion (ignorance), we, unavoidably, subject ourselves to this and that misfortunes and undesirable conditions.


  • 适应命中注定环境命中注定所要遭遇而且真心地爱。

    Fit thyself to the environment that is thy portion, and love the men among whom thy lot is thrown, but wholeheartedly.


  • 人生难免遭遇挫折失败与其泪水洗刷悔恨不如微笑迎接新的挑战

    Life will inevitably encounter setbacks and failures, and with tears wash regret, as with a smile to meet new challenges.


  • 心思一隐蔽的秘室中,最终权衡决定大脑身体接受永生还是遭遇

    In this cloistered sanctum of the mind, the deliberate choice will ultimately be made as to whether this brain and body will receive immortal existence or suffer an everlasting death.


  • 自我世界不可避免要遭遇实体化,而实体化自我导致了人类中心主义人类普遍危机因而自我之超越成为必然趋势

    However, Ego cannot avoid encountering the substantiation which results in human-centralism and general human crisis. Therefore, there appears a necessary tendency to transcend Ego.


  • 死囚牢里,遭遇这些我们敌人那些社会认为是万劫不复,甚至我们的最高法院运用法律手段永远铲除的敌人们。

    On death row, I encountered the enemythose considered so irredeemable by our society that even our Supreme Court has made it legal to kill them.


  • 克服绝望我们必须首先识别我们遭遇的是哪种类型的绝望。

    We can overcome hopelessness by first recognizing which of these nine types we are confronting.


  • 他们不仅开刀片刺网、横渡林波波河,还冒着河水遭遇凶残鳄鱼以及被恶人虐待的风险。

    They not only have to cut through razor wire to cross the Limpopo river, but face the threat of being swept away, encountering deadly crocodiles and being abused by predatory men.


  • 豆蔻年华女儿同行,作为个处处呵护父亲操很多心,会有否则不可能遇到遭遇

    Travelling with a teenage daughter carried its own concerns for an overprotective father, but it also prompted otherwise unlikely encounters.


  • 保险公司客户他们唯一可能就是他们遭遇不测

    The only way many of their clients can get their money back is if they suffer misfortune.


  • 长期酗酒者好像没经验的饮酒作乐的人遭遇灾祸风险概率定论

    Chronic alcoholics seems less at risk for mishaps than inexperienced binge drinkers, but please draw no strong conclusions about this finding!


  • 每次遭遇危险的时刻想着可能完蛋了;但就那个时刻,会出现一种异乎寻常的平静,你不再感到害怕

    There comes a moment when you think you may not get through, and in that moment there's a peacefulness that settles over you and you're no longer afraid.


  • 一旦遭遇乱流首先想到就是保证飞机安全

    The first thought if you are hit by turbulence is to make the aeroplane safe.


  • 巨型养殖场兴起美国郊区持续扩张意味着乡村居民遭遇前所未有的刺鼻气味,为此,他们提起诉讼

    The rise of mega-farms and the relentless expansion of America's suburbs mean that residents are encountering the pungent aromas of the countryside as never before-and are starting to Sue.


  • 所有行为改变自然遭遇挫折,任何人成功改变自己生活方式都必然会遇见。

    Setbacks are a natural part of behavior change. Everyone who successfully makes changes in his or her life has experienced setbacks.


  • 开始就热门人选,但赶往大会的路上,他的轻型飞机在靠近马萨诸塞州韦斯特菲尔德处因遭遇风暴失事,而本次大会上本来重新提名参选议员。

    A heavy favorite from the start, he was on his way to the state convention that was to renominate him when his light plane crashed in a storm near Westfield, Mass.


  • 与此同时美国唯一一个遭遇地震核辐射等大灾难财政赤字持续扩大国家

    Meanwhile, the United States is the only major nation that hasn't recently been hit by a massive earthquake and nuclear catastrophe to increase its fiscal deficit from last year.


  • 如果来到法国遭遇不测,我们不会跟你信用卡,然后医院

    If you come to France and something happens to you, you won't be asked for your credit card before you're rushed to the hospital.


  • 没投保,马上申请健康保险遭遇车祸或者楼梯想象容易

    If you're uninsured, don't wait another day to apply for health insurance; it's easier than you think to wind up in a car accident or trip down the stairs.


  • 但如今希拉里遭遇失败部分原因归咎于克林顿在公共场合某些煽动性言论

    Now he is partly blamed for her losing with his often-incendiary public comments.


  • 成为一位有善心怎么这些孩子遭遇如此漠不关心呢?

    To be a kind person, how can you be so indifferent to the sufferings of these children?


  • 有人遭遇homadu先生惨得多,上个月多达十四名偷渡者(多数为巴基斯坦人)运送他们希腊的卡车上窒息而死。

    And some have it worse than Mr Homadu. Last month 14 illegal migrants, mostly Pakistanis, suffocated in the back of a lorry taking them to Greece.


  • 我们清楚我们踢的95分钟,不是正正好90分钟,我们以前主场遭遇被绝杀的问题不过我们正在变得更好,我们需不失球。

    We have had that problem at home before but we are getting better. We want that clean sheet.


  • 产生了一个小小的顿悟意识到主办方完全预料到,我会有这样遭遇,因此说,留在房间内

    A little light bulb went off in my head, as I realized my hosts had fully anticipated such an encounter when they told me to stay in my room.


  • 突然遭遇某种看上去似乎消极的情形,质疑自己弄清楚为什么会认为消极的。

    When you come upon a situation that seems negative, challenge yourself to explain to yourself why you consider it to be negative.


  • 突然遭遇某种看上去似乎消极的情形,质疑自己弄清楚为什么会认为消极的。

    When you come upon a situation that seems negative, challenge yourself to explain to yourself why you consider it to be negative.


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