• 当然如果建筑伟业的话,必须冒风险

    And certainly if you are going to build great edifices, you probably do have to take risk.


  • 蓝色石棉建筑少见多,幸好是这样,因为白色石棉危险

    Blue asbestos is far less common in buildings, which is just as well because it's more dangerous than white asbestos.


  • 今日报道大多数建筑有可能禁止吸烟

    There's a report today that smoking might be banned in most buildings.


  • 在建房子人们不仅考虑当地气候考虑建筑材料房屋式样

    When building houses, people used to think about not only the climate of the areas but also the building materials and the fashions for their houses.


  • 此外休恩坚持平等地对待女性建筑

    Besides, Bethune took a firm stand on equal treatment for women architects.


  • 一座建筑不是有机材料构筑怎样才能自主成长扩张呢?

    How can architecture autonomously grow and expand when it is not constructed with living materials?


  • 拆迁的时候,居民往往这些建筑怀有复杂的情感,其中包含着怀旧之情,以及对迁入带有洗手间中央供暖现代居所的渴望

    When the wrecking ball arrives, residents often have an ambivalent attitude to the buildings, mixing nostalgia with the desire to move to more modern surroundings with toilets and central heating.


  • 对于公共艺术来说,尝试评估受众价值。极主义雕塑出现在极简主义银行建筑的旁边原因的。

    For public art, try to appraise the values of the intended demographic. Minimalist, towering sculptures appear outside minimalist, towering bank buildings for a reason.


  • 由于总是担心数据中心衍生物这些东西极其昂贵限制又多,造成对建筑重新配置十分困难

    It can make it difficult to reconfigure buildings because you always have to worry about the data center ramifications, which can be extremely costly and limiting.


  • 进入建筑时,非常谨慎

    When entering buildings, use extreme caution.


  • 评价美国各地地震危害程度,以及谨慎决策何时更换加固不坚固建筑十分重的。

    It is wise to examine earthquake hazards everywhere in the US, and to make prudent decisions about when it makes sense to replace or shore up vulnerable buildings.


  • 今天我们介绍的或许算得上废物利用的极致:那就是退役海运集装箱改造建筑

    It may be the ultimate recycling project: taking retired shipping containers and repurposing them as buildings.


  • 19世纪不寻常建筑也许水晶宫了,1851年的“世界博览会而建海德公园的。

    Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteeth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.


  • 而现在法国对SacyrVallehermoso(西班牙一家建筑公司)收购曾经修建艾菲尔铁塔,具有历史性意义Eiffage组织感到焦急不安。

    Now the French are shaking in their shoes over a bid by Sacyr Vallehermoso, a Spanish construction company, for the historic Eiffage construction group, which built the Eiffel Tower.


  • 或者是建筑方面的。”

    orI need to look at the architecture books.”


  • 利用此类蒸汽可能代价不菲因为不仅消耗额外建筑材料而且所用的建材更为牢固经受更高压力温度

    Tapping this steam would be expensive, since it would require not only extra building materials, but also more durable ones, to cope with the higher pressures and temperatures.


  • 出口附近一转身,看到建筑完全向另一边倾斜,几乎一个建筑了——这次地震厉害了!

    When I turned around at the exit, the whole building was leaning sideways - it was shaking so hard that it almost hit the next building.


  • 以下几个原因首先明显的一条就是智利建筑质量远远好过

    A few reasons. First and most obvious, the construction in Chile is far better than construction in Haiti.


  • 开始未来失去希望我在经历了大大小小18手术妻子终于返回家中时,我已放弃成为一名建筑梦想

    I began to lose hope about my future, and eventually my wife and I returned home, after 18 surgeries, where I gave up on continuing my dream of being an architect.


  • 他们似乎急于避开挡住他们视线那些房屋诸如此类建筑大路似乎为他们提供了一条最快的捷径。

    They seemed anxious to get out of the sight of the houses and of their kind, and this road appeared to offer the quickest means of doing so.


  • 如果曾经用了几个的时间来观察某个建筑物的建筑过程,您就会知道,选好地基进行挖掘,金属骨架似乎总是矗立着。

    If you've ever seen a building being built over several months, you know that after the foundation is dug, the metal skeleton seems to stand forever.


  • 这个站点托管了一些公共报告比如建筑许可营业执照财产转让以及公众十分诸如此类的服务

    This site also hosts public records like Building permits, Business licenses, property transfers and similar such services that are essential for the common mass.


  • 设想一下有个建筑项目,雇用大量劳动力什么是顺利完成的,就清楚了。

    Just think what you have to do successfully to build a structure, using a lot of labor.


  • 如果我们选择一个范围内的地址,那么将很难发现找的地点,除非它是标志性建筑历史名胜

    And if a range of addresses was selected, we were out of luck unless the business was a significant place, such as a local landmark or historical site.


  • 设计建筑细节上我们特别仔细,特别是对大坝基础下面地层断裂带给以高度关注

    Great care should be taken in the design details and quality of construction. Particular attention should be given to possible faults located under the dam.


  • 设计建筑细节上我们特别仔细,特别是对大坝基础下面地层断裂带给以高度关注

    Great care should be taken in the design details and quality of construction. Particular attention should be given to possible faults located under the dam.


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