• 你们一切住处你们世世代代律例典章。

    So these things shall be for a statute of judgment unto you throughout your generations in all your dwellings.


  • 你们中间行走,我你们你们要作子民

    I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people.


  • 你们中间行走,我要作你们你们子民

    And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people.


  • 你们你们儿女。这是全能的。

    And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.


  • 你们一切居住地方,你们世世代代律例典章

    So these things shall be for a statute of judgment unto you throughout your generations in all your dwellings.


  • 子孙祭司号。要作你们世世代代永远定例

    And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow with the trumpets; and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations.


  • 耶和华你们你们埃及地领出来,作你们的神。

    I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God.


  • 亚伦子孙祭司,要作你们世世代代永远的定例.

    The sons of Aaron, the priests, are to blow the trumpets. This is to be a lasting ordinance for you and the generations to come.


  • 你们你们要作儿子女儿这是全能的。

    And I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty. '.


  • 约旦河,通到为止。这四围边界以内,你们

    And the border shall go down to Jordan, and the goings out of it shall be at the salt sea: this shall be your land with the coasts thereof round about.


  • 你们永远的定例就是因以色列人一切他们赎罪

    And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their SINS once a year.


  • 你们所赐你们列祖之地。你们子民,我作你们

    And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.


  • 来为你们牧放羊群外方儿子要作你们农夫葡萄园丁

    And strangers shall stand and shall feed your flocks: and the sons of strangers shall be your husbandmen, and the dressers of your vines.


  • 你们永远定例就是以色列一切他们赎罪

    This is to be a lasting ordinance for you: Atonement is to be made once a year for all the SINS of the Israelites.


  • 耶和华你们你们埃及地领出来作你们的神。我是耶和华你们的神。

    I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord your God.


  • 你们埃及地领出来耶和华你们所以你们圣洁因为我是圣洁的。

    I am the Lord who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy.


  • 15:41耶和华你们,曾你们埃及地领出来,作你们神。我是耶和华你们的神。

    I am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD your God.


  • 每逢七月你们刻苦已心,无论是本地人寄居你们中间外人,什么工都不可做;作你们永远定例

    This is to be a lasting ordinance for you: on the tenth day of the seventh month you must deny yourselves and not do any work-whether native-born or an alien living among you.


  • 看到2:18,我们刚才停下来那块,尊敬君王之后:,“你们仆人的,凡事存敬畏的心顺服主人。”

    Look at 2:18 right where we stopped, after he says honor the emperor: Slaves accept the authority of your masters with all deference.


  • 你们儿女的,凡事听从父母因为喜悦

    Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.


  • 你们所分出来

    These six towns you give will be your cities of refuge.


  • 5余下部分和诗6,说明遵守奖赏:,上帝将会使犹太人地位提升,忠诚的,祭司国家,“你们祭司的国度圣洁的国家。”

    The second half of verse 5 and 6 gives the reward: God is conferring on the Israelites this elevated status; of royalty, of priesthood; "You'll be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation."


  • 你们丈夫的,你们妻子不可他们

    Husbands, love [your] wives, and be not bitter against them.


  • 那些人热心待你们不是好意,离间(原文你们关在外面)你们,叫你们热心待他们

    They zealously affect you, but not well; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might affect them.


  • 你们仆人的,凡事敬畏的心顺服主人不但顺服善良温和的,就是那乖僻的顺服。

    Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.


  • 现在你们:“吓,你们话说,今天明天我们城里去,在那里住买卖得利。”但是你们却不知道明天会发生什么

    Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit" - yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.


  • 得就出去,告诉了(或娶)女儿女婿你们起来离开地方因为耶和华毁灭

    And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city.


  • 犹大家以色列阿,你们从前在列国中,怎样成为可,照样,拯救你们,使人称你们为有福的(或使你们叫人得福)。 你们惧怕强壮

    And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong.


  • 非利士人哪,你们刚强大丈夫,免得希伯来人的奴仆,如同他们作你们的奴仆一样。

    Be strong, Philistines! Be men, or you will be subject to the Hebrews, as they have been to you.


  • 非利士人哪,你们刚强大丈夫,免得希伯来人的奴仆,如同他们作你们的奴仆一样。

    Be strong, Philistines! Be men, or you will be subject to the Hebrews, as they have been to you.


- 来自原声例句

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