• 西红柿西红柿起采苹果,大小苹果差不多。

    TomatoesTomatoes look like apples and they are as big as apples.


  • 参加西班牙西红柿大战”吧!每年一次,布诺尔人们都会互相西红柿

    Come to the "tomato fight" in Spain! Once every year, people in the town of Bunol throw tomatoes at each other.


  • 冷冻农产品仍然农产品;罐装西红柿仍然西红柿

    Frozen produce is still produce; canned tomatoes are still tomatoes.


  • 欧洲,人们多年来一直认为西红柿有毒,人们种植西红柿只是为了装饰

    Considered poisonous for many years in Europe, tomatoes were grown for decoration only.


  • 例如西班牙运输西红柿英国成本明显英国生产西红柿碳成本要,后者需要额外加热照明

    It is clear, for example, that the carbon cost of transporting tomatoes from Spain to the UK is less than that of producing them in the UK with additional heating and lighting.


  • 合格西红柿包括四大品种圆形、伞拱形、椭圆形细长形的,以及鸡尾酒西红柿

    Qualified tomatoes may come in one of four varieties: round, ribbed, oblong or elongated and cocktail tomatoes.


  • 我们需要确切知道西红柿细胞如何工作的,能够种植食用、甚至改良西红柿

    We don't need to know exactly how a tomato cell works to be able to grow, eat, or even improve tomatoes.


  • 不会超市看到西红柿,从某种意义上说,这种西红柿不过是以非常安全经济方式生产疫苗

    You will never see these tomatoes in the supermarket. In a sense, the tomato plant is just being used to manufacture a vaccine in a very safe and economical manner.


  • 番茄酱很多西红柿只有少量西红柿

    Tomato paste is made of concentrated tomatoes, and only a small amount is needed to give a rich tomato flavor.


  • 西红柿名声不是一直这么好的直到十九世纪大多数美洲人还认为西红柿有毒

    The tomato's reputation has not always been this rosy: Until the 1800s, most Americans considered tomatoes poisonous.


  • 处方受益的是煮过西红柿(如西红柿沙司),因为加热过程会增加人体可以吸收利用番茄红素

    Your Rx: The biggest benefits come from cooked tomatoes (think pasta sauce!), since the heating process increases the amount of lycopene your body is able to absorb.


  • 近期食用过西红柿或者里面含有西红柿的食物消费者,或者出现类似症状的,联系保健服务提供商

    Consumers who have recently eaten raw tomatoes or foods containing raw tomatoes and are experiencing any of these symptoms should contact their health care provider.


  • 也许一个转基因西红柿由于包含西红柿基因细菌基因的全新组合我们健康造成全然未预见到的影响

    Perhaps consuming a GM tomato will have some completely unforeseen and unexpected effect on our health due to its novel combination of tomato and bacterial genes.


  • FDA意识很多西红柿植株已遍布各个国家而且外国,大面积的西红柿正准备收获或者未来几个月被收获。

    FDA also recognizes that there are many tomato crops across the country and in foreign countries that will be ready for harvest or will become ready in the coming months.


  • 科科纳属于一种浆果红色橙色黄色外型西红柿相似据说起来西红柿柠檬混合味道。

    The fruit is a berry and comes in red, orange or yellow. It has a similar appearance to tomatoes, and is said to taste like a mixture between tomatoes and lemons.


  • 也许西红柿需要贮藏,不过西红柿干不会多花力气

    You wouldn't think so from the price, but sun-dried tomatoes are a doddle to make.


  • 坏处除了西红柿喜爱,西红柿的茎含有生物碱这种有毒物质会导致头疼呼吸衰竭以及麻木。

    The bad: Beyond the heartburn of the tomato itself, tomato stems and leaves contain glycoalkoloids, a poison that causes headaches, stomach aches, cases of respiratory depression, and loss of feeling.


  • 有一次费克图说,食物西红柿得了消化不良。 随后三个星期里,顿顿只能吃未熟的西红柿

    Once, when Fecteau said the tomatoes in his food gave him indigestion, all he saw for three weeks was tomatoes—green tomatoes.


  • 如今,销售量继续上升西红柿包括两色的西红柿不同颜色西红柿

    Other heirlooms rising in popularity at markets include bi-colored tomatoes and different colors of cherry tomatoes.


  • 不过会说,西班牙西红柿阳光充足而在英国西红柿需要大量热能光能

    But, as you point out, Spanish tomatoes grow in abundant sunshine, while Britain's crop requires large amounts of energy in the form of heat and light.


  • 回答西红柿是不是水果问题时,大部分男性乐意给出确定答案,女性西红柿大概属于水果类。

    Most men were happy to decide, for example, that a tomato is either a fruit or not, while women say it cansort of’ belong in the fruit category


  • 如果撇开维生素C含量来看,研究人员还发现“非有机西红柿口感有机西红柿多,甜、更有西红柿的味道。

    While a panel of expert tasters found that the non-organically grown tomatoes had a stronger tomato flavour and were slightly sweeter than the organic samples.


  • 时值六月末,雨季行将结束,在未来的旱季中西红柿相当有价值的经济作物,因此Makawa先生希望能够尽快西红柿幼苗好。

    It is late June and the rainy season is coming to an end. Tomatoes are a valuable cash crop during the coming dry season and Mr Makawa wants to plant his seedlings as soon as possible.


  • 装载西红柿的卡车艰难在在西红柿”中找寻进入广场的路。

    Five trucks loaded with the tomatoes struggled to find space in the human tomato soup to enter the square.


  • 科学家确保任何野生西红柿研制出来西红柿新品种携带任何有毒基因

    He says it will permit scientists to make sure that any new kinds of tomatoes developed from wild tomato do not carry any of its poisonous genes.


  • 知识知道西红柿是水果,智慧是不西红柿放到水果沙拉里。

    Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


  • 来自加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校营养科学教授Alyson Mictchell博士解释说,刊登农业食品化学杂志》上的,历经10年的研究成果显示有机西红柿产生的植物化学素常规方法生长的西红柿30%。

    Her 10-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that organic tomatoes can have as much as 30 percent more phytochemicals than conventional ones.


  • 农民如何西红柿感兴趣,爸爸,手里拿种出的最大西红柿,这也是我成长的地方,肯塔基州一个农场这里去农场还有很远的路。

    Afarmer is interested in how to grow a bigger tomato, that's my dad, with the biggest tomato he ever grew, and that's I grow up, out of a farm in Kentucky, and it's a long way from the farm.


  • 后来又出现了一个关于西红柿错误观点——西红柿有毒

    Later another wrong idea about tomatoes grew up - the idea that they were poisonous.


  • 1993年,研制完全不同以前任何品种的西红柿这种西红柿运用一种称为GM技术研制出来的。

    In 1993, a kind of tomato was developed that was very different from any grown before. It was developed using a technique known as GM.


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