• 柳条钢构篮子2010年上海世博会西班牙

    Wicker and Steel, a Basket, a Pavilion Spanish Pavilion, Expo 2010 Shanghai.


  • 西班牙名为MIGUEL巨型电子娃娃正在游客打招呼

    Visitors are greeted by an electronically animated giant baby named Miguel inside the Spain Pavilion.


  • 西班牙增添更多中国气息,也更增为增添了更多的艺术特色

    It adds more Chinese culture flavor to the pavilion and make the pavilion more artistic.


  • 设计师将西班牙打造成一个手工编制的“藤条篮子”,通过结构支架来支撑

    The Spain Pavilion is designed to be a hand - weaved wicker basket structure supported by the steel framework inside.


  • 同时,上海世博会西班牙另外座参加世博会西班牙城市——巴塞罗那毕尔巴鄂也都出现套邮票中。

    The stamp also includes images of the Pavilion of Spain and of the two other Spanish cities that will be present at the Exhibition, Barcelona and Bilbao.


  • 同时,上海世博会西班牙另外座参加世博会西班牙城市--巴塞罗那毕尔巴鄂也都出现套邮票中。

    The stamp also includes images of the Pavilion of Spain and of the two other Spanish cities that will be present at the Exhibition, Barcelona and Bilbao


  • 叠罗汉,又名卡斯特尔卢尼亚有悠长历史传统节日活动,这项重要活动2010年上海世博会西班牙展出

    The human tower, or castell, is a longstanding tradition at festivals in Catalonia and such an important one that it was featured in the Spanish exhibit at the 2010 Shanghai Expo.


  • 我们需要法语西班牙德语的人周二周六城市博物商店工作

    We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work in the City Museum shop from Tuesday to Saturday.


  • 那里气候西班牙北部其他地方温和宜人,同时,那儿许多很棒的博物别致的广场

    The climate is normally milder than in other parts of Spain's north, and it has a number of great museums and picturesque plazas.


  • 我们个人愿意漫步莫扎特咖啡豪华早餐然后西班牙马术学校去骑利比

    Three of us opt to stroll to the Mozart Café, indulge in a luxury breakfast, then head to the Spanish Riding School with its Lipizzaner horses.


  • 1952年起,“演员毕加索玫瑰时代的罕见作品,就和这位西班牙大师其他早期作品一起,一直非常醒目悬挂大都会艺术博物

    Since 1952 "the Actor," a rare Rose Period Picasso, has hung prominently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, along with other examples of early paintings by this Spanish master.


  • 西班牙选美皇后富有艺术品收藏家丈夫创立这家博物的蒂森女男爵这一项目热情支持者

    Baroness Thyssen, the former Spanish beauty queen whose wealthy art-collector husband founded the museum, is an enthusiastic supporter of the project.


  • 展览主任葛兰·萨迪卡瑞欧介绍,亚历山大时期开始,犹太人就在前南斯拉夫定居自1492年西班牙葡萄牙犹太人遭到驱赶这里犹太人的历史也渐被改变

    Jews lived here since the time of Alexander, says the museum's director, Goran Sadikarijo, but their history changed radically following the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal after 1492.


  • van Hensbergen .认为,现在借给利物浦泰特美术毕加索当时重新创作的一系列作品:《和平自由毕加索重新进入西班牙西班牙艺术史证据

    The works, which are currently on loan to Tate Liverpool's exhibition Picasso: Peace and Freedom, are evidence of Picasso's re-engaging with Spain and Spanish art history, according to van Hensbergen.


  • 曾经设计西班牙Bilbao古根海姆博物建筑师Frank o . G ehry设计的,不仅仅是个出色的建筑葡萄酒迷们可以在里面尽情品鉴佳酿

    Designed by architect Frank O. Gehry - of Bilbao Guggenheim Museum fame - it is not only a remarkable building, but also the perfect place for wine enthusiasts to indulge their hobby.


  • 因此进入加利欧就像进入一个小型博物,你感受到无限创造力在朝你涌来,华盛顿中心亦能感受到西班牙的生活方式

    So going into Jaleo is to enter a little museum of overflowing creativity, with pieces of great aesthetic quality that reflect the "Spanish way of life" in the heart of Washington.


  • 不过还是喜欢古典写实艺术印象派艺术,德国,法国意大利西班牙的各大美术收藏很多

    But for me, I still adore classic art and impressionism art, Germany, France, Italy and Spain have lots of museum waiting for me to visit.


  • 伟大的目标:2017年7月西班牙语将本土阿根廷咖啡一个15分钟谈话咖啡布宜诺斯艾利斯

    Great goal: I will have a 15-minute conversation in Spanish with a native Argentinian person over coffee in a cafe in Buenos Aires on July 2017.


  • 毕尔巴鄂附近饭店理想位置毕尔巴鄂,西班牙城市坐在对面标志性古根海姆博物步行美术购物

    Gran Hotel Domine Bilbao boasted the ideal location in the city of Bilbao, Spain, sitting opposite of the iconic Guggenheim Museum and in walking distance to the Fine Arts Museum and shopping.


  • 我们墨西哥城一家新的健身正在练习西班牙

    We're opening a new Globo Gym in Mexico City. I've been boning up on my Spanish.


  • 伊东丰雄设计作品包括建筑狂热城市西班牙巴塞罗那的两座精致高塔以及台湾太阳能供电体育

    Toyo Ito has also designed a pair of stunning towers in the architecture-craze city of Barcelona, Spain and a sports stadium in Taiwan that's completely solar-powered.


  • 米·尼托(西班牙中就是“人行道”)条充满彩绘特色传统小巷也是布宜诺斯艾利斯拉博卡区的一所街道博物

    The Caminito (little walkway in Spanish) is a traditional alley bursting with colour and character which ACTS as a street museum in the barrio of La Boca in Buenos Aires.


  • 只有一家中国企业以及西班牙意大利企业可以生产这种超大尺寸、用于玻璃未来主义的弧形窗框。

    Only a Chinese company and Spanish and Italian companies could produce the oversize curving panels needed for the futuristic design of its Glass Pavilion.


  • 只有一家中国企业以及西班牙意大利企业可以生产这种超大尺寸、用于玻璃未来主义的弧形窗框。

    Only a Chinese company and Spanish and Italian companies could produce the oversize curving panels needed for the futuristic design of its Glass Pavilion.


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