• 就是为什么避免使用装饰植物结构,以便呈现有机真实景观

    That's why he avoided decorative plantings and structures in favor of a landscapes that appeared organic and true.


  • 作品追求简单稚拙粗线条结构形式注重色彩布局整体效果,擅,表现出一种强烈装饰

    With a form of simple, clumsy and bold structures, his works emphasized on the layout of colors and the overall effect, with a good use of pure color and a strong sense of decoration.


  • 寻找倒影可以增加照片的空间景深一张完美蛋糕照片其它东西很好的装饰两边

    Find reflections Utilizing reflections adds dimension and depth to your image. This is perfect for cakes and other items that are well decorated on all sides.


  • 框架这座苏维埃建筑房间方方整整的变成充满音乐韵律形式这些框架放在那里不仅仅为了装饰——还是波浪形阳台基本结构

    Frames that change the blocks of rooms of the Soviet building form rectangle to musical, rhythmical form are not there only for decoration - these frames are basic structure for wavy balconies.


  • 这些的确创造一个一级棒的发布会,锋利发布会场装饰激光光泽就像模特那些光滑发型

    It made for a cracking good show, as sharp as the laser beams that raked the room and as high gloss as the models' slicked hair.


  • 他们那舒适充满光线三个卧房套房疏松地混合装饰现代古老物件,无缝般混杂着魅力与家庭

    Their cosy, light-filled, three- bedroom suite, sparsely decorated with a mix of modern and antique pieces, seamlessly blends glamour and domesticity.


  • 二层南向包间小一些顶面装饰独特波浪简洁用竹子装饰创造出有趣的空间

    The rooms above on the south are smaller and feature a special waved ceiling pattern and simple bamboo wall surface, which creates interesting and spacious room features.


  • 幅版画上描绘的沙发模型拥有精心雕刻框架以及巧妙环绕所有表面装饰,而这些增加了支撑舒适

    The model depicted here has an elaborately carved frame and upholstery that is nicely rounded on all surfaces for increased support and comfort.


  • Jamdani曾经因具有艺术价格昂贵装饰织物而闻名于世界。

    Jamdani was once world famous for it "s most artistic and expensive ornamental fabric."


  • 随着现代办公室日益自动化设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不严肃的内部装饰来使具有亲切

    With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers areattempting to personalize them with warmer, less severeinteriors.


  • 简约花式地板精致的精致家具、现代的磨花玻璃装饰以及具有怀旧气息典雅吊灯构成了一个精致完美的复式别墅设计

    Contracted fancy floor, exquisite exquisite furniture, modern scratch the glass decoration and with nostalgia and elegant droplight, constitute a delicate, perfect compound villa design.


  • 橡木家具打破了内部所有白色装饰,安装的黄铜配件浴室和厨房具带来了意想不到的奢华

    Integrated oak furniture and doors offset the all-white decor, and brass fittings add unexpected touches of luxury to the bathroom and kitchen.


  • 装饰突出舒适人性化装修理念

    Decoration to highlight the comfort and human nature of the concept of decoration.


  • 包层铝制立面经过细部装饰显示现代并且场地原有建筑融合在一起。

    The brickwork cladding and aluminum facades have been detailed to appear both contemporary and also integrate with existing buildings on the site.


  • 定窑装饰时代特色,手法以刻花划花印花为主其中刻花方法具艺术

    Ding decoration also has the characteristics of The Times, by means of engraving, scratching, printing, among which the most artistic carving method.


  • 房间床头的壁画、传统家具装饰,将泰式风情现代糅合于一体。

    Rooms featuring murals and traditional furniture show a perfect combination of contemporary art and Thai style.


  • 重要房子没有过多装饰,使得屋外景观室内融为一体房子本身增加了时代的效果。

    It was of utmost importance for the house to blend with the landscape without pretension, giving the sensation of having been there for a long time.


  • 幼儿园内部装饰砖石木材创造强烈认同归属

    Rendered masonry and wood in the innards of the kindergarten create feelings of identity and belonging.


  • 整个项目大范围地采用自然粘土砖做为立面装饰,包括墙面拱顶使建筑看起来既温暖深层次工艺

    The project makes use extensively natural clay bricks for outside paving, walls and vaulted ceilings, giving the precint a warm charactere and a deep sense of craftmanship.


  • 项目中心装饰是防浪墙覆盖百叶窗曲线形墙体组成,使用宏达的雕塑楼梯汇聚一起,眺望着密歇根湖

    The centrepiece is the Wave wall, which consists of a curvilinear wall sheathed in louvres that merges with a grand, sculpted staircase overlooking Lake Michigan.


  • 室内空间具有现代同时也有体现传统文化细节装饰比如彩绘木制窗框质朴铺装地板

    The interior is contemporary but features some traditional details that reference the local culture, including stained-wood window frames and the rustic tiled floors.


  • 用餐能带来很强烈满足顾客想得到食物服务装饰以及无法定义的更多的东西结合在一起的用餐经历

    Eating is a deeply engrained source of satisfaction and the restaurant customer wants an eating experience which combines food, service, decor and an indefinable extra.


  • 最后为了消除CG效果图的虚假我们所有图片增加一些色差,一些细微装饰图案,以及光源的一些光点耀斑

    As final touches, aimed to eliminate some "fake CG looks", we added to all the images some chromatic aberration, a very subtle vignette, a few glows and some flare effects on the light source.


  • 高楼底加上大量玻璃装饰结合天然光线,令酒店充满现代广阔的空间和洋溢著奢华气息

    Strikingly high ceilings and an abundance of glass and natural daylight feature throughout the contemporary hotel, creating an exceptionally spacious, luxurious atmosphere.


  • 这个产品追求一种流线型表现超前设计放在家里起到装饰作用

    This produce pursues using a streamline to show an advanced design sense , which being at home also plays a role of decoration.


  • 装饰风格则要求空间景物进行简化创造秩序平面化。

    The decoration style request is simplifies the space and scenery, causes their plane, and created order feeling.


  • 装饰风格则要求空间景物进行简化创造秩序平面化。

    The decoration style request is simplifies the space and scenery, causes their plane, and created order feeling.


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