• 中国上海装运爱尔兰都柏林,最装运2004年9月3

    Loading in charge: Shanghai China for transport to Dublin, Ireland, latest date of shipment Sep.03, 2004.


  • 中国装运斯里兰卡科伦坡不得2004年5月6

    Shipment to be effected from China for transportation to Colombo,Sri Lanka not later than May.06,2004.


  • 信用证111号装运议付期分别延至2006年1月底2月15注意把修改书于2005年12月底我们这里。

    Pls extend the shipment date and the validity of your L/C No.111 to the end of Jan. and Feb.15,2006 respectively, and see to it that the amendment advice will reach us before the end of Dec.2005.


  • 确认付款之后,我们1-3工作之内最快方式装运上船会在4-7个工作内运达。

    Upon confirming your payment, we will ship out the products in 1-3 business days with the fastest way, which you can expect to get in 4-7 business days.


  • 我们115写信你们要求我们按月供应的茶叶箱迅速装运已经约定迟到10天了

    We wrote to you on 15 January asking for the prompt delivery of our monthly supply of tea-chests, which was already 10 days overdue on that date.


  • 18太高,现还100,每箱15美元五月份装运

    Your quotation 18th too high we counter offer 100 cases us dollar 15 May shipment.


  • 按照贵方2005年122来电,我们没有信用证修改书情况装运20000,届时予承付

    As requested in your fax of Dec. 2,2005, shipment of 20000yds will be effected under guarantee in the absence of the L/C amendment. Please, therefore, honour the draft accordingly.


  • 预定本月二十四左右开航。装货完毕,当即电告装运通知

    The ETD will be around 24th within this month. Will send shipping advice to you by telex after loading.


  • 18接受。200公吨中国松香AA铁桶公吨185美元CIF安特卫普8月份装运不可撤销即期信用证付款。

    Your cables 18th we accept. Chinese rosin AA grade iron drum 200 M/T USD 185 per M/T CIF Antwerp August shipment irrevocable sight L/C.


  • 我们500好孩子自行车,每辆35美元CIF纽约7月装运报盘以你方5月5前复有效。

    We offer, subject to your reply reaching here on or before May 5th, 500 Good Baby Brand Bicycles at USD 35 percent CIF NewYork for shipment in July.


  • 然后做份受益人证明,证实“一不可转让议付单据包括详细装箱单,已在装运5通过快递寄给了申请人

    One set of Non-Negotiable Documents including detailed packing list must be dispatched to applicant within 5 (days) after shipment by courier.


  • ——我方认为可能410之前装运货品

    We see no possibility of shipping the goods on or before April 10.


  • 按照合同收到第一装运通知后,贵方在10内在中国银行开立以我方为台头人相关信用证。

    According to the contract, after receipt of the preliminary shipping advice, you are kindly requested to open with the Bank of China the relative L/C in our favour within ten days.


  • 确保货物十月十五左右启航的“和平轮”装运

    Please see to it that the goods are shipped per PEACE sailing on or about October 15th.


  • 货物装运10—15买方电告卖方合同号、船只名称、船只预计到港装运数量及船运代理人的名称,以便卖方可。

    10 -15 days prior to the date of shipment, the Buyers shall inform the Sellers by cable if the contract number.


  • 许多货物细节记载提单上,装船货物的数量状态船名航次装运目的港、装船

    Some cargos details are showed in the bill of lading, such as cargos quantity, condition, vessel name and voyage, port of loading, destination port. On board date. etc.


  • 我们遗憾不能按你方要求12月初装运货,因为驶往伦敦直达每月20左右抵达我港。

    It is regrettable for us not to effect shipment at the beginning of December as requested, because the direct ship to sail for London is available only on or about the 20th every month.


  • 我们遗憾不能按你方要求12月初装运货,因为驶往伦敦直达每月20左右抵达我港。

    It is regrettable for us not to effect shipment at the beginning of December as requested, because the direct ship to sail for London is available only on or about the 20th every month.


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