• 机器回转运动零件轴上

    In the machine makes the gyroscopic motion the components on the attire on the axis.


  • 步行机舱下面装在轴上中型激光

    Slung beneath the walker's cabin is a pivot-mounted medium laser cannon.


  • 本身、联器、轴上传动紧固件等各种零件以及支承组成。

    Axis system is made up of axis itself, transmission part installed on axis, connecting part and support of axis.


  • 机械密封主要固定之间端面相对运动达到密封目的

    The main mechanical seal is installed in the shaft on the dynamic in Central and fixed pump shell on the static ring for the relative motion between the end to achieve the objective of sealing.


  • 机械密封主要固定之间端面相对运动达到密封的目的。

    Mechanical seals are on the main shaft is installed in the dynamic ring in the pump shell and fixed up the static ring for relative movement between the face and achieve the purpose of sealing.


  • 组成部分是一两个巨轮粗笨和一条嵌的粗笨辕木。

    This fore-carriage was composed of a massive iron axle-tree with a pivot, into which was fitted a heavy shaft, and which was supported by two huge wheels.


  • 转子l,l形杆固定水平水平轴上钢筘梭片就装在短臂

    The rollers are carried by an L - shaped lever, fixed to a horizontal shaft, which also carries short arms to which the reed and gripper guides are fixed.


  • 叶轮2内,紧固3,泵电机直接带动

    Impeller pump installed in the Shell 2, 3 and retention in the shaft, the shaft driven directly by the motor.


  • 操纵拆卸圆柱轴上

    Or use tight set cover, remove pipe shall be fitted on cylinder shaft.


  • 探头可以测量XYZ,以便自动进行零件定位和检测。

    Spindle mounted probe permits measurement in the X, Y and Z axes for automatic part location and inspection .


  • 摆锤W根杆a周围垂直移动,它螺旋弹簧f所悬挂

    W is attached to a bar, movable vertically around an axis a and suspended by the helical spring F.


  • 积木结构,通常的正螺纹元件浅开反向螺纹元件组成。

    The screw is of modular design and its active part consists of two identical screws that are common screw element and left-handed screw element with shallow grooves.


  • 发动机风扇通常水泵轴上驱动水泵和发电机同一皮带驱动

    The engine fan is usually mounted on the water pump shaft and is driven by the same belt that drives the pump and the generator.


  • 根平行轴上齿轮常见的齿轮,这种齿轮带直齿

    A pair of spur gears for mounting on parallel shafts are the most common type of gears, which have straight teeth.


  • 为了排除离心力影响开发了一种特殊类型油雾供应机构系统牵引

    In order to suppress the influence of the centrifugal force, a special type of oil-mist supply mechanism was also developed and installed to the draw-bar shaft of the spindle system.


  • 转向转向,转向延伸转向器

    The steering wheel is mounted on a steering shaft that extends into the steering gear.


  • /后机械开关驱动同时加速离合器装在从动轴上

    The Front/Reverse switching mechanism was placed on the driving shaft, while the acceleration clutch was placed on the driven shaft.


  • 这些浓缩器一个追踪系统结构跟随太阳

    These concentrators are mounted on a structure with a two-axis tracking system to follow the sun.


  • 风扇常常水泵伸出物前段滑轮v带驱动

    The fan is usually mounted on an extension of the water pump shaft and is driven by V-belt from a pulley mounted on the front end of the cramshaft.


  • 转子导磁铁心为带有中心圆柱削去两边的圆柱,转子轴上

    Rotor guide magnet heart is a cylinder with centre hole or a cylinder scraping both sides, and is mounted on rotor shaft.


  • 用于输送介质馈送分别驱动

    Feed rollers for conveying a medium are installed on the driving shafts, respectively.


  • 如果齿条固定,小齿轮工作台,而工作台导轨与齿条平行,那么小齿轮的转动时就会带动工作台平行齿条而移动

    If the rack is fixed and the pinion is carried in Bearings on a table guided on tracks parallel to the rack, rotation of the pinion shaft will move the table parallel to the rack.


  • 叶轮2内,紧固3,泵电机直接带动

    Impeller installed in the pump shell 2, and fastening on the shaft 3, shaft driven by the motor directly.


  • 一端齿轮,通过的齿轮外啮合使搅拌排种器反向转动

    One end of the shaft is provided with a gear wheel which is externally engaged with a gear wheel on a seeding unit, so that the stirring wheel is reversely rotated following the seeding unit.


  • 镜头支架能让摄像机或者天花板

    The three-axis lens mount allows for either wall or ceiling installation.


  • 主要特点:由被切型材截面决定切削形状刀具转动轴上转动转动。

    The utility model is characterized in that: the transverse sections of shaped sections to be severed determine that the edged cutting tools are fixed on the rotation axes and rotate along.


  • 轮毂单元设计成法兰法兰,内法兰用螺栓固定驱动轴上,外法兰将整个一起

    Wheel hub unit is designed with an inner flange and the outer flange and the inner flange bolted on the driving shaft, the bearing outer flange mounted together.


  • 转动组合涉及固定安转动轴上领域

    A shaft sleeve installation assembly for a rotation shaft relates to the field for a shaft protecting sleeve on the rotation shaft.


  • 所述转子通过转子法兰盘装在汽车传动

    The rotor is mounted on the drive shaft of the automobile via the flange plate of the rotor.


  • 所述转子通过转子法兰盘装在汽车传动

    The rotor is mounted on the drive shaft of the automobile via the flange plate of the rotor.


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