• 觉得被遗忘,发现很难与他人相处时,永远不要使自己处于黑暗中,准备好点燃的灯了吗?

    Never put yourself in a dark situation when you feel left out and find it hard to get on well with others, are you ready to light your lamp?


  • 这个画面呈现一些东西深处源头记起一些遗忘的内容。

    This scene is showing something that you are remembering from some source deep within your awareness long forgotten.


  • 再一次深深感受到机构里,如果没有一点闪光点,真的容易湮没在人群中,大家遗忘或者看不起。

    I again felt that in an organization, if you do not have your shining point, it is way easy for you to be forgotten and despised by others.


  • 记住设计要能那些需求遗忘那里能起作用

    Remember that your design should also work for these people whose needs are often forgotten.


  • 遗忘代表着可能有机会得到一个令人兴奋契机

    The unnoticed door indicates you have a chance to step into an exciting new possibility.


  • 一点最后一点似乎一些项目经理遗忘了:部署代码方式能够确实会改变开发代码的方式。

    The first and last points seem to be lost on some project managers: the way that you deploy code can and does change the way that you develop it.


  • 可能会对部分已经遗忘信息感兴趣……

    Thought you might be interested in this forgotten bit of information.........


  • 如果担心外派工作期间总部“遗忘”,雷恩斯告诉需要过于担忧:“在互联网出现之前派往海外确实会孤立。”

    As for your fear that you'll be "out of sight, out of mind" at headquarters, Raines says you needn't worry too much: "Before the Internet, people sent overseas were isolated."


  • 天秤座认识每个人都去情人节的祝福理发师年级老师美甲师、美甲师的表弟……不想任何人被遗忘

    Libra: you send valentines to everyone you know: your hairdresser, your fourth grade teacher, your manicurist, your manicurist's cousin... you don't want anyone to feel left out.


  • 可能感到被遗忘并且经过时间后回国时可能会体验到文化冲击”。

    It is possible to feel isolated and experience " reverse culture shock" when you return home for a visit after an extended period of time away.


  • 一些行动项目也许并不需要取决于我们特定目标至少已经考虑了它们个(与此相对一个没有分配任何时间被遗忘任务)。

    Depending upon the specific objective, some action items may not be required, but at least you have considered each of them (versus a forgotten task for which no time has been allotted).


  • 即使一个地方——格式仍然可拆卸的,意味着可以移动地方离开实际查询执行遗忘

    And even if you move it in one place - your formatting is still detachable, means it can be moved somewhere away from the actual query execution and forgotten there.


  • 是否想成为别人是否厌倦了遗忘感觉是否在生活结束一切地寻求更多东西

    Do you wanna be somebody else? Are you sick of feeling so left out? Are you desperate to find something more before your life is over?


  • 自己的认知,遗忘面纱”遮盖,把自身覆盖低的维度

    Your view of yourself, has been clouded by the veil that has covered you in the lower dimension.


  • 然而沿途遇到一些依旧很奇怪并且被遗忘地方这里一个商店吗?

    However, on the way there you will come across places which are no less curious... and forgotten. Like this. Is it a store?


  • 如果幸运之遗忘不要悲伤相信阳光总会有一照耀的身上。

    If you forgotten by the god of fortune, please don't be sad, believe that the sun will shine one day always upon you.


  • 他们咬后,即刻获治,要他们记念的话免得他们深深遗忘,而注意的仁慈。

    For they were examined for the remembrance of thy words, and were quickly healed, lest falling into deep forgetfulness, they might not be able to use thy help.


  • 永远记住,价格遗忘品质仍会留在人们心中很长一段时间如此生意自然兴隆

    Remember always that the recollection of quality remains long after the price is forgotten. Then your business will prosper by a natural process.


  • 天使能量剥夺的素质,即使暂且披上了遗忘面纱也没法的身上夺走

    Your angel energy is an unalienable part of you which, even if it is temporarily veiled, can never be taken away from you.


  • 今天它们邂逅,看到印记发现它们那些被遗忘平凡日子里欢乐忧愁记忆混杂散落尘埃中

    And to_day when by chance I light upon them and see thy signature, I find they have lain scattered in the dust mixed with the memory of joys and sorrows of my trivial days forgotten.


  • 最糟糕感觉莫过于永远忘不了遗忘

    One of the worst feelings is being forgotten by someone you will never forget.


  • 最终黑暗来临时,被遗忘恐惧将会击碎勇气捐躯所有一切

    Long forgotten terrors will smack your courage, sacrifice everything, as the final darkness falls.


  • 今天这个非常不平等世界会很惊讶多少遗忘了。

    In our very unequal world today, it's very striking how many people are left behind.


  • 朋友伤害不要怀疑友情提防背叛原谅等于遗忘

    Friends were hurt, don't suspect friendship, but beware of betraying the people, to forgive is not equal to forget.


  • 朋友伤害不要怀疑友情提防背叛原谅等于遗忘

    Friends were hurt, don't suspect friendship, but beware of betraying the people, to forgive is not equal to forget.


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