• 警察局开具了一份起诉者名录。

    At the police station a charge sheet was made out.


  • 肯尼亚一个国际刑事法院签约国协助法院逮捕所有起诉者的义务,但去年首都内罗毕迎接了苏丹领导人的来访。

    Kenya, which as an ICC signatory is obliged to help arrest all court indictees, welcomed Sudan's leader to Nairobi, its capital, last year.


  • 相反的,很多古老东方体系中,在证明起诉者无辜之前,都视他为有罪他们严刑拷打其它严厉方法找出事实的真相。

    Many ancient Eastern systems, in contrast, viewed an accused person as guilty until proven innocent. They used torture and other extreme measures to find out the truth.


  • 内容发布者可能会因网站提供的内容起诉我们作为网站所有者,则不会遭遇起诉。

    While a poster can be sued for whatever they write on the site, we, as site owners, cannot be sued.


  • 如果行贿者告发可能受到起诉有可能警方再要一回好处费。

    If he complains, he risks prosecution or, more likely, being asked for another bribe by the police.


  • 对于那些不能起诉,但是却对美国人民造成威胁拘留者,我们必须要明确的雄辩合法标准

    For detainees who cannot be prosecuted-but pose a danger to the American people-we must have clear, defensible, and lawful standards.


  • 激怒了不少受害者团体因为里面没有列出数以百计指控虐待之中,任何一个人的的名字,以至于这份报告不能成为起诉依据

    But it has infuriated many victims' groups because it does not name any of the hundreds of individuals accused of abuse and thus cannot be used as a basis for prosecutions.


  • 一些关注此案的律师,虽然管理基金投资者如果感到自己误导可以起诉他们提起刑事诉讼就有点过头了。

    Some lawyers who observed the case have said that the funds' investors could sue the men if they felt misled, but that the criminal case was a stretch.


  • 圣何塞可能关闭;拥有者面临起诉还有可能处巨额罚款的危险。

    As for the San jose mine, it is likely to close; its owners face lawsuits, and perhaps heavy fines.


  • 曼宁这样的泄密者也许受到起诉,几乎再没有哪个泄密者会像曼宁那样公开炫耀自己壮举他们抓到肯定不会太多。

    Leakers like Manning can be prosecuted, but because few commit Manning's blunder of bragging about their exploits, they are rarely caught.


  • 尤其是后者(指google)近来剽窃报纸内容起诉认为)破坏了报业经营者新闻在线收费尝试

    The latter in particular has been accused of stealing newspapers’ content and undermining their attempts to charge for it.


  • 自称环保主义者,主张违禁药品应该合法化。 开创了一家名为woodpellets的公司【2】,该公司制造一种用作家庭环保燃料的木粒,之后曾经未能发货顾客遭到起诉。

    The self-described environmentalist, who says he thinks illicit drugs should be legalized, manufactured wood pellets used to heat homes and was accused of failing to make deliveries to his customers.


  • 苹果AT&T最近可谓麻烦连连本月 他们已经第三消费者起诉在宣传iPhone 3GS时有误导消费者行为,这位用户宣称两家厂商欺骗消费者称iPhone 3GS能够支持彩信功能,而目前的实际产品上却无法实现这种功能 。

    For at least the third time this month, Apple and AT&T are being sued by a consumer complaining of being duped into believing that multimedia messaging, or MMS, was already available on the iPhone.


  • 拉德·里医生——因过失杀害迈克尔·杰克逊起诉——的一位代理律师批判相关部门泄露了目击者证词。

    A lawyer acting for Dr Conrad Murray, who is charged with the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson, has criticised a leaked witness statement.


  • 人因起诉,但因缺乏目击者宣告无罪。

    The man accused of stealing the money was acquitted for lack of witnesses.


  • 酌定不起诉如果滥用,造成害人犯罪嫌疑人、检察机关三者之间关系紧张并且阻碍害人诉求实现

    If the discretional non-prosecution power is abused, the relationships among the victim, the suspect and the prosecution will be strained, and impede the realization of the aspirations of victims.


  • 小型货车司机驾车了一家当地电视台玻璃幕墙隔成直播间,从而打断直播间内正在直播的电视新闻节目。有消息人士,这名驾车肇事者星期一已经危险驾驶指控起诉。

    The driver of a minivan who interrupted a local TV newscast while it was on the air by crashing into the station's glass-walled studio, was charged on Monday with reckless driving, authorities said.


  • 当前法律之下,这些相信他们隐私权已经侵犯的受害者只有泄露的数据导致他们的声誉受损时才能够起诉

    Under current law, those who believe their privacy rights have been violated can file lawsuits only if the breach resulted in damage to their reputation.


  • 纽约警方发言人告诉BBC拘留的一部分抗议者周日曼哈顿刑事法庭提起诉讼

    A spokesman for the New York Police Department told the BBC the small group still detained were expected to appear at the Manhattan criminal court on Sunday.


  • 纽约警方发言人告诉BBC拘留的一部分抗议者周日曼哈顿刑事法庭提起诉讼

    A spokesman for the New York Police Department told the BBC the small group still detained were expected to appear at the Manhattan criminal court on Sunday.


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