• 助理首席警官TerrySweeney:“家店铺聚集且疑似闹事企图的数年轻人袭击。”

    Assistant Chief Constable Terry Sweeney said: "A handful of shops have been attacked by groups of youths who have congregated and seem intent on committing disorder.


  • 演员高跷上,他们摘下面具露出他们苍白的,惊恐地盯着没有阳光乌云聚集在一起的天空

    Suspended on their stilts, the actors remove their masks and reveal their off-white faces, staring terrified at a sunless sky, dark clouds congregating.


  • 一个艺术家评判,而不是所有聚集狂欢时刻

    It is one moment when artists are judged instead of all being lumped together in a merry carnival.


  • 不要您自己担心焦虑包围——例如如果公司的同事聚集休息室闲聊谈论裁员的事情那时您就前去凑热闹了也不必和他们一起担心。

    Don't surround yourself with worry and anxiety - For example, if co-workers gather in the break room to gossip and talk about job cuts, then don't go there and worry with everyone else.


  • 汽油点燃后,聚集在周围并在地上油的115名群众烧死,另几百烧伤。

    It ignited, killing 115 people who had gathered to scoop the precious liquid into jerrycans and scorching hundreds more.


  • 因为容器用作聚集起点所以它处理自己出现屏幕上

    Since the root container is used only as a starting point for the aggregation, it will not render itself and will not be visible on the screen.


  • 这样一个上下文中Web服务技术广泛地用于简化信息访问聚集演示

    In such a context, web service technologies are used extensively to simplify the access, aggregation, and presentation of information.


  • 数据库提交时,会一些小型(8K)的内存同步数据库中,而因为应用程序使用的是对象引用,内存页面可能会从持久化存储中错误地换入。 由于一般来说对象都会聚集同一个内存页中,在页面换入的时候很少会有分页动作的发生

    Since objects tend to aggregate onto the same page, there is little paging going on once a page is brought in.


  • 对于去哪个采集区没有限制但是不管是什么颜色的,每次只要出来必须交到屋子里的聚集处。

    There were no restrictions on which patches to visit, but each time a card was plucked it had to be returned to the home base, irrespective of colour.


  • 科学家们称之为暗物质未知物体组成万物聚集在一起的看不见,在大型强子对撞机证实另为他物之前认为是天使的功劳。

    And the web of unseen, unknown material that scientists call dark matter, holding everything together, might as well have been spun by the angels until the Large Hadron Collider proves otherwise.


  • 确定活动页面后,门户使用该页面的布局聚集定义应用程序内容、放置输出所有的东西集成一个完整的页面。

    After determining the active page, the portal USES the layout of the page to aggregate the content of the defined applications, to place the output, and to integrate everything into a complete page.


  • 印度西海岸北部平原空旷地带聚集数百万人日全食发生之前的黎明时分有部分城市天空云层笼罩

    In India, millions gathered in open Spaces from the west coast to the northern plains, with clouds parting in some cities at dawn - just before the total eclipse.


  • 1902年,弗洛伊德任命为维也纳大学教授,在他名下聚集了一批热忱追随者

    In 1902, Freud was appointed professor at the University of Vienna and began to gather a devoted following.


  • 然而这个地方聚集等待自己产品检验农夫们,牛奶放在桶里,桶放在卡车上,摩托车背上头上

    Yet the place is heaving with farmers waiting for their produce to be tested, carrying it in pails on trucks, on the backs of motorbikes or on their heads.


  • 实现一方面行为方法可以混合式中聚集在一起,混合式添加任何需要行为的中。

    Groups of methods implementing a particular aspect of behavior can be gathered together in a mix-in that is added to any class that needs that behavior.


  • 二十几个从前学生以及大师家人邻居聚集偃师房子里,房子已经颜色鲜艳的花圈装扮过

    Dozens of former students gathered with his family and neighbors at the small house in Yanshi, which had been adorned with dozens of brightly colored paper wreaths.


  • 尽管这些化学物质检测出的剂量但是他们难以分解容易自然界聚集足以产生威胁的水平

    These chemicals were detected in small quantities, but they are hard to break down so they tend to accumulate in nature to dangerous levels.


  • 1978年罗梅罗作品《活死人黎明通过描述购物中心避难幸存者们一群受“原始记忆驱动聚集于此的僵尸们包围,深刻地讽刺人们的消费主义思想。

    In "Dawn of the Dead", his 1978 follow-up, Mr Romero created a satire on consumerism, as survivors take refuge in a shopping mall, besieged by zombies driven by a "primitive memory" to gather there.


  • 基于空间属性聚集一些客户站点上已经证明非常有效的。

    Clustering based to spatial properties has proven to be highly effective at several customer sites.


  • 西班牙最早体验巧克力之美味的欧洲人。自从巧克力新大陆带回了欧洲,巴塞罗那成为巧克力爱好者聚集地。

    The Spanish were the first Europeans to experience chocolate that was brought back from the New World, and Barcelona has been a center for chocolate lovers ever since.


  • 不久后大批民众聚集德黑兰中部北部几个地区大多防暴警察驱散。报道称许多参与者遭到拘捕。

    Later, large crowds massed in several areas in central and northern Tehran, but riot police officers mostly beat them back, and there were reports of a number of arrests.


  • 国会上没有任何一个关于就业提案提上日程,在白宫也没有任何有关创造就业机会的计划并且目前所有政策焦点聚集削减财政开支上面

    But no jobs bills have been introduced in Congress, no job-creation plans have been advanced by the White House and all the policy focus seems to be on spending cuts.


  • 犹大人和以色列人,一同聚集自己一个首领上去(或作从掳之地上来),因为斯列的日子必为日。

    Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel.


  • 举个例子虹口区,部分战时犹太人聚集已经拆毁了。

    Parts of the wartime Jewish "ghetto" area in Hongkou district, for instance, have just been knocked down.


  • 这个宏大过程中,岩石融化再生,以方式聚集化学元素

    These epic processes melted and reprocessed vast amounts of rock and concentrated chemical elements in new ways.


  • 星系观察结果表明它们旋转速度太快,以至于无法聚集星系内的恒星物质外部恒星应该由于离心作用抛离星系。

    Observations of galaxies show they are rotating too fast to hold all their stellar material in place: the outer stars should be flung out.


  • 关于历险关于旅程的故事,杰森指派获得羊毛所以聚集一个小组,去经历冒险。

    It's about a journey, it's about a trip, Jason has been assigned to go get the Golden Fleece, so he gets together a team of guys and off they go on these many adventures.


  • 整个演讲途中,奥巴马被聚集而来听众的欢呼打断65,另受到了37次的起立欢呼。

    During his speech, Obama was interrupted 65 times by applause from the assembled members, and received 37 standing ovations.


  • 整个演讲途中,奥巴马被聚集而来听众的欢呼打断65,另受到了37次的起立欢呼。

    During his speech, Obama was interrupted 65 times by applause from the assembled members, and received 37 standing ovations.


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