• 每个精确控制研究者高精度相机提供稳定聚焦光线

    Each lamp can be precisely controlled to provide even, focused light for the researchers and high-definition cameras.


  • 往届入围作品聚焦于中国日益凸显重要性一个亚洲经济超级大国往往忽略

    Previous shortlists have focused on the growing importance of China, but the other Asian economic superpower has tended to miss out.


  • 先前只是隐匿起来了,更加粗糙困难淹没并且这些粗糙的问题解决之后,人们才将他们的目光聚焦这个问题上。

    It was just hidden previously and swamped by a more crude difficulty and, when the cruder difficulty is explained away, people focus their attention on the new difficulty.


  • 发生晶状体中心白内障相关联近视归于假性近视一类,确实永久改变光线聚焦方式

    Nearsightedness associated with cataracts in the center of the lens is often classified with the pseudomyopias, but it is actually a permanent change in the way light focuses in the eye.


  • 毫无疑问肯定有许多极其强烈媒体聚焦方式另一种方式伤害

    There is no doubt that there are a large number of people who have been hurt in one way or another by particularly intense media scrutiny.


  • 由于监狱挤满,全国不赞同又如眼的目光般聚焦伯明翰,在这样的压力下,公牛康纳放弃了的“非暴力”姿态

    With the jails filling up and the scorching glare of national disapproval focused on Birmingham, Bull Connor abandoned his posture of nonviolence.


  • 戴维斯女士最初制造绿色清洁产品计划推迟了,因为资金缺乏担心缺乏聚焦

    Initial plans to manufacture green cleaning products have been postponed - too capital-intensive and distracting, Ms. Davis said.


  • 戴维斯女士最初制造绿色清洁产品计划推迟了,因为资金缺乏担心缺乏聚焦

    Initial plans to manufacture green cleaning products have been postponed - too capital-intensive and distracting, Ms.Davis said.


  • 营救提出,所有目光聚焦到了德国,这个欧洲最大经济体信誉借款人

    When a "rescue" is mentioned, all eyes fix on Germany, Europe's biggest economy and most creditworthy borrower.


  • 张卡片分割十二分工作时间段,同时也是策划聚焦工作时间段的一个迅速有效的方式

    The card is divided into 12 minute sections and is a quick and useful way to plan out a focused work period.


  • 通过使用松果腺视觉感应(optical - pineal induction),将双眼暂时聚焦符号代码图像上,纬卡代码的感应能增强。

    This induction is amplified by the use of optical-pineal induction whereby the eyes are focused for a time upon the Image of the symbol code.


  • 无论如何预先情绪占据不能需要聚焦感受意义相混淆虽然他们这些情绪有所关联

    At any rate, the preoccupation with these emotions is not to be confused with the felt meaning which, though connected to these emotions, needs the focusing.


  • 这个时间你们可以你们美妙的新发现聚焦想象这个领域变更的方式。

    This time is when you can use your wondrous newfound focus to envision how this realm is to be altered.


  • 一个平和聚焦礼拜空间就这样创造,同时礼拜堂也欢迎公众来访

    A calm and focused space for worship is created at the same time as the building has a welcoming public presence.


  • 位于塔科马地区华盛顿大学乔尔贝克说:很多关于海洋白色污染研究过去聚焦肉眼看见污染物上。

    Much of the research on plastic pollution in the oceans has focused on what can be seen with the naked eye, says Joel Baker of the University of Washington Tacoma.


  • 《新希望》原始剧本早期草稿中,凯伯水晶绝地西斯双方需求的一种原力聚焦人工制品。

    In early drafts of the original script to A New Hope, the Kyber crystal was a Force-focusing artifact wanted by the Jedi and the Sith.


  • 采用技术,使传统单板pal摄像机可以改造具有自动聚焦功能VGA输出接口文档摄像机,输出更加清晰图像

    By using this technology, a traditional single-board PAL camera was renovated into a documents camera with auto-focusing and VGA output interface with high fidelity images.


  • 可以肯定的是,通过G20峰会议题聚焦经济风暴肆虐欧洲萨科法国选民视为在进行正义之战

    To be sure, by having had to reduce the G20's focus to the economic storm buffeting Europe, Sarkozy is being seen by French voters as fighting the good fight.


  • 研究调查了277名创业者四种规则聚焦水平进行了协方差分析分组回归分析

    After investigating 277 entrepreneurs, the paper analyzed the effects of regulatory focus on the decision making by ANCOVA and regression analysis.


  • 是因为图像可能不同模糊边缘宽度景深中心通常有需要聚焦物体。

    This is because an image can have a varying Blur Width (depth of field) and the subject which is to be in focus is usually in the center.


  • 一系列的报道聚焦跟进着案情的进展——2012年,毒枭最终落网,引渡中国

    Through the countless reports that followed, we were all well-informed of what happened next - the warlord was captured and extradited to China in 2012.


  • 机构的特定外形聚焦超声波扫描物体产生穿透作用。

    Their shape focuses the waves so that they penetrate the object being scanned.


  • 系统维护出了点问题导致一些图片随机混入聚焦影片中

    Some problems arose during a system maintenance procedure that caused random images to be mixed in with the focus movies for a period of time.


  • 检测的热释电红外信号过滤光镜摆动凸透镜聚焦后,红外光焦点同样也进行微幅摆动。

    The detected pyroelectric infrared signal passes through an optical filter and is focused by the swinging convex lens and the infrared focus is also swinging slightly.


  • 战歌峡谷一旦双方旗帜归还各自基地就会重置聚焦攻击野蛮攻击”时间。蓝贴。

    The timer for Focused Assault and Brutal Assault in Warsong Gulch will now reset whenever both Flags are returned to their bases.


  • 通常童年时形成的,眼球逐渐拉长变得越发像蛋形非球形;或者是因为晶状体过度弯曲进入眼睛光线无法正确聚焦

    It often develops in childhood, with the eyeball starting to elongate, becoming more egg-shaped than spherical, or the lens becoming too curved, so the light entering the eye is not focused correctly.


  • 度规光学中的聚焦定理导出

    The focusing theorem in the metric optics is derived.


  • 度规光学中的聚焦定理导出

    The focusing theorem in the metric optics is derived.


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