• 这些实验所用猴子事先都已接种死亡感染细胞制成的疫苗

    The monkeys used in those experiments had previously been immunized with a vaccine made from killed infected cells.


  • 以前没有感染没有接种疫苗者,均可能感染甲型肝炎卫生条件地方生活感染的风险较大

    Anyone who has not had been infected previously or been vaccinated can contract hepatitis A. People who live in places with poor sanitation are at higher risk.


  • 党有很多儿童接种,有极少的麻疹病毒传播

    When lots of children have been vaccinated, less measles virus is spread around.


  • 认为自闭症与接种疫苗有关原始文献当做骗局不信任,朋友反应游说人们相信接种疫苗是危险更加困难

    When the original paper on such a link was recently discredited as a fraud, my friend's reaction was that it will now be more difficult to persuade people of the dangers of vaccination.


  • 家禽适当接种疫苗认为一种有益的手段作为控制致病性禽流感全面综合战略一部分

    Proper vaccination of domestic poultry is considered to be a useful tool as part of an overall integrated strategy for the control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.


  • 但是即使自闭症疫苗某种因果关系反对接种的行为支持,因为收益远大风险

    But even if there really were a link between autism and vaccination, the anti-vaccine movement would still not be justified. The benefits overwhelm the risks.


  • 接种数量知道一直达到保护需要一次还是疫苗剂量才能确定

    The Numbers of persons who might be vaccinated will not be known until it is determined whether one or two doses of the vaccine will be needed to achieve protection.


  • 事实上自闭症出现的年龄接种疫苗的年龄大致相同,而猜想结论也确实容易混淆

    The fact is that autism commonly shows up at roughly the same age that vaccines are given, and an association can readily be mistaken for a cause-and effect relationship.


  • 2010- 2011年流感季节,九千以多剂量提供的硫柳汞流感疫苗分发出去用于美国公民免疫接种

    During the 2010-2011 influenza season, more than 90 million doses of thiomersal-containing influenza vaccine in multi-dose vials were distributed for the vaccination of American citizens.


  • 2003年12月3 - 4全球疫苗安全咨询委员会(GACVS)第九次会议瑞士日内瓦举行。会议期间,关于天花免疫接种安全性问题报告提交GACVS。

    An updated account of the safety of smallpox vaccination, was presented to the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine safety (GACVS) at its ninth meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on December 3-4, 2003.


  • 截至2007年9月尼日利亚cVDPV感染69名儿童有60名从未接受免疫接种接种次数不足

    Of the 69 children with cVDPV in Nigeria as of September 2007, 60 were either unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated.


  • 免疫接种作为具有成本效益措施广泛用于传染病控制,即将根除牛瘟就是一个具体例证。

    Vaccination has been widely used as a cost-effective measure to control infectious diseases, as exemplified by the soon-to-be-confirmed eradication of rinderpest.


  • 一些令人担忧迹象最近免疫接种收益受到侵蚀,甚至经济社会条件逆转

    There are also worrying signs that recent immunization gains are being eroded or even reversed by economic and social conditions.


  • 细胞接种96板中,合适条件抑制剂配体刺激等干预

    Cells are grown in 96-well plates and treated with the appropriate conditions, such as inhibitors or ligand stimulation.


  • 疫苗接种推迟实验组病例,最开始出现16病例并且11天后接种疫苗的。

    In the case of those in the arm in which vaccination was delayed, there were 16 cases between the moment ten days had elapsed and the moment, 11 days later, when participants were vaccinated.


  • 试验包括包围接种步骤这一步骤,处于尤其感染危险的群体提供接种机会

    It involved a procedure called ring vaccination, in which clusters of people who were particularly at risk were offered the chance to be vaccinated.


  • 肝癌疫苗免疫之前之后,接种肝癌BERH -2细胞组织块,观察疫苗对肝癌预防治疗作用

    The rats were inoculated with BERH 2 cells or tissues before or after inoculation of hepatoma vaccine and the prophylactic and therapeutic effects of the vaccine on hepatoma were observed.


  • 预防接种副反应(AEFI)指预防接种发生的、认为预防接种引起任何医学事件

    Adverse Events Following immunization (AEFI) is a medical incident taking place after immunization, and is been believed to be caused by the immunization.


  • 疾病可能误诊为细小病毒病,因为接种疫苗的幼犬发生这种疾病均出现白细胞降低出血性腹泻

    The disease can be confused with canine parvovirus because both will cause a low white blood cell count and bloody diarrhea in young, unvaccinated dogs.


  • 策略之一临床免疫疗法使用,细菌接种疫苗透过象通行税一样的感受器在自然免疫现代上下文评论得好

    One of the early strategies used in clinical immunotherapy, bacterial vaccination, is well reviewed in the modern context of natural immunity through toll-like receptors.


  • 接种疫苗而哭泣时,当你处罚时,母亲会感到很揪心可是伤害难道比对大?

    Sure, seeing you cry over a vaccination shot, being punished or getting dumped can be emotionally gut-wrenching for your mom, but will it hurt her more than it hurts you?


  • 虽然从来没有那么资源用于预防接种仍然存在著不少问题

    Never have so many resources been focused on immunization - yet problems remain.


  • 世界卫生组织总干事,疫苗研究项目负责人陈富珍女士,其中一些批次疫苗可能未来疫苗接种活动中

    Director of WHO's Initiative for Vaccine Research, Marie-Paule Kieny, says some of the batch es also are likely to be used in future vaccination campaigns.


  • 由于没有第三阶段临床试验科兴公司的疫苗以及其他H5N1疫苗只是批准进行生产不是给人们直接接种

    Without the phase III clinical trial, approvals for the Sinovac vaccine and other H5N1 vaccines are currently for production only, rather than direct vaccination.


  • 关于儿童接种疫苗安全性以及必要性问题激烈争论已经持续了很久,这场争论持续的如此之久以至于冠以疫苗大战”一称。

    The debate has been raging for years over the safety of, and necessity for, childhood vaccinations, which has been so much so that it is termed"The Vaccine War".


  • 关于儿童接种疫苗安全性以及必要性问题激烈争论已经持续了很久,这场争论持续的如此之久以至于冠以疫苗大战”一称。

    The debate has been raging for years over the safety of, and necessity for, childhood vaccinations, which has been so much so that it is termed"The Vaccine War".


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