• 1998年,授予精算师学会金奖

    In 1998 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Institute of Actuaries.


  • 总而言之,自由并不仅仅授予权利

    Once and for all, liberty is not only a mere granted right;


  • 每个轮次中,分区消耗放弃授予的处理器权限

    During each turn, the partition consumes or cedes the given processor entitlement.


  • 授予股权份额取决于筹资额企业目前估值

    The equity share given will depend on the amount needing to be raised and the current valuation of the business.


  • 保存受伤之后授予勋章,虽然有一阵差一点留不住

    He still has the Purple Heart awarded him after he was wounded, although he has had a difficult time keeping it.


  • Wells先生,“因此停业就直接把受益人这种授予权利给撤回了。”

    "Abusiness suspension simply withdraws this grant from the beneficiary," says Mr Wells.


  • 如同关与大家分享的“人类无法自己达到如此,觉醒必须授予的!”

    As Sri Bhagavan shares, "Humanity cannot make it on their own; Awakening has to be given to them."


  • 如果客户未能遵守协议条款将丧失授予使用服务软体所有权利

    All rights to use the Services and Software are granted on condition that such rights are forfeited if Customer fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement.


  • DB 2 Viper 2中,没有任何方法可以显式地启用禁用任何授予角色

    There is no way to explicitly enable or disable any granted role in DB2 9.5.


  • 勋章达到授予一个25%机会6奖牌在期间仍然有待条件奖牌点损失

    The Medal of Honor has a 25% chance of being awarded on achieving 6 medal points, during which it is still subjected to the conditions for loss of medal points.


  • 1915年,授予的爵士爵位,1919年阿姆利则惨案,他毅然拒绝了这个荣誉

    In 1915, he was knighted but repudiated the honour in 1919 after the Amritsar Massacre.


  • 水平特权升级要求攻击使用相同水平已经授予权限假设另一个用户身份权限。

    Horizontal privilege escalation requires the attacker to use the same level of privileges he already has been granted, but assume the identity of another user with similar privileges.


  • 对于使用DB2服务器可以授予权限自动预先填写的,以便您可以从中选择个有效值

    The list of privileges that can be granted is automatically pre-filled for the DB2 server you are working on, so you can select on of the valid values.


  • 永久居民授权可以美国境内永久性地居住生活。 作为这一身份的证明,个人授予的永久居住,通常叫做“绿卡”。

    The steps to becoming a Green Card holder (permanent resident) vary by category and depend on whether you currently live inside or outside the United States.


  • 那些受欢迎颜色光泽(想象一下细碎爆裂声闪闪发光的感觉)像是任何一件稀有品,授予的地位或是一定要拥有的包一样,成为了热爱者们极度渴望的事物。

    The most popular colors and finishes (think crackle and glitter) become highly coveted items just like any hard-to-find, status-conferring It-bag.


  • 授予银星奖以表彰他的勇敢。

    He was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry.


  • 那个士兵因勇的敢而授予枚奖章

    The soldier was awarded a medal for his bravery.


  • 托尼森林大火中救了家人的性命而授予奖章

    Tony was awarded a medal for rescuing several families from the forest fire.


  • 由于世界粮食供应贡献博洛格于1970年授予诺贝尔和平奖。

    For his contributions to the world food supply, Borlaug was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970.


  • 杜富尔授予国家最高英勇奖章

    Dufour was awarded his country's highest medal for bravery.


  • 授予经理助理职位

    He was given the title of assistant manager.


  • 安全部队授予入户搜查的极大权力

    Security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes.


  • 泰国航空公司飞机已经授予着陆官方许可

    Thai Airways said the plane had been given clearance to land.


  • 来说,教堂允许妇女授予圣职决定使他再也不能容忍下去

    For him the Church's decision to allow the ordination of women had been the last straw.


  • 授予国家名誉主席的称呼

    He was given the honorific title of national chairman.


  • 1987年正式授予摇滚名人奖项。

    In 1987, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


  • 1987年正式授予摇滚名人奖项。

    In 1987, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


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