• 安保方面工作的成果也丝毫不逊色六月库克投降引渡纽约

    Security gains have been just as impressive. In June Mr Coke surrendered and was extradited to New York.


  • 目前甚至引渡美国表明是非常的难以奏效。

    So far, even the extradition has proved surprisingly tricky.


  • Garland北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特逮捕,假释就医期间逃至爱尔兰共和国。爱尔兰美国之间没有签订引渡条约

    Garland was arrested in Belfast, Northern Ireland but fled south to the Republic of Ireland after being released for medical leave; Ireland does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S..


  • 墨西哥谋杀妻子逮捕电视真人制片人律师表示当事人无罪的应该引渡墨西哥。

    The attorney for a reality TV producer arrested in his wife's killing in Mexico says his client is innocent and should not be extradited to Mexico.


  • 麦金农先生指控犯下了严重罪行并且美国具有寻求引渡合法权利正如我们起诉违反我国法律罪犯时,我们会这样做。

    Mr McKinnon is accused of serious crimes and the us has a lawful right to seek his extradition, as we do when we wish to prosecute people who break our laws.


  • 本来是要启动起诉人程序对告人处理西班牙引渡要求的。

    He would have either to open proceedings against the accused or tackle an extradition request from Spain.


  • 加拿大德国有关机构协助下告人逮捕引渡美国最终在美国绳之以法

    With assistance from Canadian and German authorities, this individual was apprehended and extradited to the United States, where he was finally brought to justice.


  • 请求国掌握请求引渡照片指纹以及其他可供确认请求引渡材料的,应当提供

    The Requesting State shall provide the photographs and fingerprints of the person sought and other material in its control which may help to identify that person.


  • 多数情况下,国际引渡事宜单调乏味,作奸犯科之人在填完了无数枯燥的表格后才带回国接受审判

    Most of the time, international extradition is a boring business involving a lot of dull form-filling, after which wrongdoers are taken back to face justice.


  • 阿桑支持者相信这些公愤只是烟雾弹,瑞典充当美国势力工具一些人甚至可能最终引渡至美国

    Mr Assange's supporters believe that the furore is a smokescreen and that Sweden is acting as a tool of American influence; some even say he may end up eventually being extradited there.


  • 第三十四采取引渡强制措施机关应当采取引渡强制措施二十四小时内采取引渡强制措施的进行讯问

    Article 34 the organ that takes a compulsory measure for extradition shall, within 24 hours after measure is taken, interrogate the person against whom the compulsory measure for extradition is taken.


  • 第三十七外国撤销放弃引渡请求应当立即解除请求引渡采取引渡强制措施

    Article 37 If the foreign state withdraws or waives the request for extradition, the compulsory measure taken against the person sought shall be terminated immediately.


  • 一个泰国上诉法庭今年8月下令布特引渡美国之后引渡推迟直到撤销针对布特的第二个指控

    A Thai appeals court in August ordered Bout sent to the U.S., but his extradition was delayed until a second case against him was dropped.


  • 持枪歹徒首都金斯袭击了警察局支持他们头目克里斯托弗·杜杜斯•科克(Christopher“DudusCoke)。科克因为毒品案件美国要求引渡

    Gunmen in the capital, Kingston, had attacked police stations in support of their leader, Christopher "Dudus" Coke, who was wanted in the United States on drug charges.


  • 1986年引渡以色列并且在1988年判死刑,但是以色列的最高法院在找到新的证据显示有可能另一个人才”伊万”后罪名撤消了.

    He was extradited to Israel in 1986 and sentenced to death in 1988, but Israel's Supreme Court overturned his conviction when new evidence showed another man was probably "Ivan."


  • GaryMckinnon来说,有一个好消息。他指控美国军事网络系统进行破坏,正等待引渡面临美国起诉

    Potentially positive news for Gary McKinnon, the hacker accused of damaging us military networks and awaiting extradition to face trial in the states.


  • 阿桑奇的律师辩护称,没有正式控告因此引渡请求无效的。

    Assange's lawyers argue he has not been formally charged so the extradition request is invalid.


  • 此之前,学校的另一名美国籍指导员曾因类似指控引渡美国

    The news comes after a former instructor at the school, also an American, was extradited to the US on similar charges, they said.


  • 一系列的报道聚焦跟进着案情的进展——2012年,毒枭最终落网,引渡中国

    Through the countless reports that followed, we were all well-informed of what happened next - the warlord was captured and extradited to China in 2012.


  • 引渡听讯安排洛杉矶举行

    His extradition hearing is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles.


  • 细化请求准予引渡附加条件回应制度,以及时有效地引渡惩治外逃犯罪嫌疑人。

    Fourthly, the responding system of "the additional condition by which extradition may be permitted in the country which was asked" should be detailed so as to extradite and penalize the suspect.


  • 今年42岁的RifatHadziahmetovic黑山国籍,西班牙引渡日本

    Rifat Hadziahmetovic, a 42-year old Montenegro national, have been extradited to Japan from Spain.


  • 禁忌,引魂师公平看待自己引渡灵魂不得偏爱憎恨

    LOVE and HATRED are bothe not allowed. All the quided souls must be treated equally by the Masters with no preference and resentment.


  • 目前芝加哥监狱被引渡哥斯达黎加

    He is currently in jail in Chicago, extradition to Costa Rica.


  • 目前芝加哥监狱被引渡哥斯达黎加

    He is currently in jail in Chicago, extradition to Costa Rica.


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