• 有现象表明含纤维网状物导管缠住被吞牺牲者,诡异地那生命并入沙拉自己生理系统

    Evidence exists of a fibrous network of vessels that attach themselves to a swallowed victim, grotesquely incorporating the being into the Sarlacc's own biological system.


  • 要求吞下维生素B胶囊

    You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B.


  • 鸬鹚的颈部绳子系住,他们只能小鱼,大和更易出售的鱼将无法吞下

    Strings tied around their necks mean they can only swallow the smallest-anything larger and more saleable get no further than their throats.


  • 得以减免徒刑鼓励善行,但是转移了监狱以免因为引起其他狱友们公愤,逼迫吞下锯齿牙刷就不好

    He received two years off of his sentence as a reward for his good deed, but was forced to switch prisons in order to avoid taking a jagged toothbrush to the kidneys.


  • 于1956年出演的电影《平步青云》中一场足球赛那样,即使烂泥,也要坚持到把烂泥去。 电影中,他扮演“富有攻击性矮小子”,小子露出老虎一样的牙齿

    Even pounded into the mud until he swallowed it, as he was in a football match in “Up in the World” (1956), he emerged asthat dangerous little man”, baring his teeth like a tiger.


  • 2007年召回玩具大约75%设计缺陷(最著名一个缺陷导致磁铁吞下),这些缺陷源于美国有问题中国涂料

    Of the toys recalled in 2007, around 75% had design faults that originated in America (notably a flaw that resulted in small magnets being swallowed), rather than dodgy Chinese paint.


  • 库克首席法医尸检官斯蒂芬·塞纳博士尸检可能有助于确定氰化物是否吞下吸入注射其他细节

    Cook County's chief medical examiner Doctor Stephen Cina says an autopsy may help determine whether the cyanide was swallowed, inhaled or injected and provide other details.


  • 雷霆蜥蜴能够尝试通过成功战斗鉴定攫抓一个体型对手

    Swallow Whole: a thunder lizard can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of up to one size smaller by making a successful grapple check.


  • 星期天阿森纳联赛决赛上,特里踢到头部,失去了知觉吞下自己舌头

    Terry was knocked unconscious in a sickening accident in Sunday's Carling Cup final win over Arsenal, swallowing his tongue.


  • 一些塑料袋焚烧散发出有害有毒的物质,许多塑料袋最终大海,一些海洋动物它们当成食物吞下,因而丧生

    Some can release harmful and poisonous things when burned, and many end up in the sea and can kill some marine animals that mistake them for food.


  • 回忆晚餐许多掌心沙漠故事点了遗忘

    Let me the recollection work as the supper, swallows down these many years acid, liked hating is palm's desert, the story has been selected hole forgetting.


  • 甚至允许辅助外科医生给一个吞下什么东西几乎死去病人施行急诊手术

    He had even been allowed to assist a surgeon during an emergency operation on a patient who was about to die on something she had swallowed.


  • 第二,碰巧条把汤姆吞下送到亚瑟王宫廷

    Next day this very fish with Tom inside, was brought to the court of King Arthur.


  • 宠物就是那些老婆视为宠物狗一样的男人,宠物男对于女主人的要求必须全部履行并且有求必应。就算是拳打脚踢、训责斥骂也要一口吞下

    Pet hubby refers to men considered by their wives as pet dogs, expected to be ordered around and swallow physical abuse and dressing down.


  • 瑞亚在一旁看见孩子个接着一个吞下去。

    Rhea stood by and watched as her children were devoured one by one.


  • Moliere人们可以诱惑吞下任何东西只要调和了足够赞扬

    People can be induced to swallow anything provided it is sufficiently seasoned with praise.


  • 塑料袋不会自然降解它们裂解愈来愈小的有毒碎片,持续污染着我们的土地水道,同时也进入动物食物意外地

    Plastic bags do not biodegrade, they photodegrade breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits contaminating soil and waterways and entering the food web when animals accidentally ingest.


  • 塑料袋不会自然降解它们裂解愈来愈小的有毒碎片,持续污染着我们的土地水道,同时也进入动物食物意外地

    Plastic bags do not biodegrade, they photodegrade breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits contaminating soil and waterways and entering the food web when animals accidentally ingest.


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