• 国际贸易组织规范倾销采取所谓的“反倾销制度应对。

    Under the WTO code, it can act against such moves under so-called "anti-dumping" rules.


  • 首先新的国际贸易环境倾销自身制度特点导致反倾销合法有效非关税手段广泛的应用。

    Firstly, because of the new international trade environment and anti-dumping system characteristics the legal and effective anti-dumping measure is widely used in the whole world.


  • 很多生物或者化学题目可以分解成不同倾销题目版本面对题目的挑战就是所有的可能性当中找到有效方式

    Many questions of biology and chemistry can be reduced to versions of the travelling salesman problem, where the challenge is to find the most efficient solution among a whole host of possibilities.


  • 国际商报》2002年4月4日报道,1979年首起反倾销以来,中国企业指控倾销达485起。

    China, as a most important victim thereof, has been charged with dumping investigation over 485 cases since 1979 according to International Business Daily (April 4, 2002).


  • 随着越来越中国企业产品国外提起倾销调查国内企业的反倾销应对问题也引起人们更多关注

    With more and more Chinese enterprise's products being subjected to anti-dumping investigation from abroad, more attentions are paid on how to deal with anti-dumping of civil enterprises.


  • 本文倾销幅度测算过程中的不合理之处为分析对象,举例说明了在很多情况下,原本存在倾销行为是如何现行的规定下测算出了“倾销幅度”。

    The paper focuses on such unreasonable calculations and the paper with the help of some examples shows how "dumping margins" can be found without actual dumping acts.


  • 这些案件结果反映中国企业处于劣势地位,大多数调查产品因征收倾销税而减少出口完全逐出美国市场

    The results of these cases reveal that Chinese enterprises are in disadvantage. The investigated products have either been levied high antidumping duty or completely driven out of American market.


  • 在外经贸部条法司内设倾销负责处理指控进口产品倾销反补贴调查

    There was an Anti-dumping Division established under the Department of Treaties and Law of MOFTEC, with responsibility to handle anti-dumping and countervailing investigations on alleged imports.


  • 中国企业仍然征收高额的反倾销

    The Chinese business enterprise is still collected the high anti-dumping tax.


  • 倾销问题一直受到许多国家关注因为一旦裁定反倾销该国经济产生严重阻碍

    Anti dumping has always been the concerns of many countries in the world because once anti dumping is declared valid it will bring serious obstruction to the nation's economy.


  • 之所以提出这个问题,一是因为倾销滥用现实已经倾销法的目的背道而驰,给自由贸易公平竞争带来了不少负面影响

    The question is put forward for one reason that the fact of the abuse of Antidumping Law has run counter to its purpose, and effected the free trade and fair competition much negatively.


  • 预计10批准,这些关税针对一起7家太阳能公司提起的反倾销诉讼所做出的回应,当中包括一家美国运营德国公司SolarWorld。

    These duties, which are expected to be confirmed in October, were in response to an anti-dumping complaint from seven solar firms including solar World, a German company with operations in America.


  • 除了最终倾销临时措施以及价格承诺外,成员方采取的其他的“针对倾销特定行动”都WTO禁止的。

    In addition, it points out that except eventual anti-dumping duties, provisional measures and price-undertaking, other "specific action against dumping" is forbidden by the WTO agreement.


  • 中国河北轮胎有限公司出口美国某些公路轮胎在美国指控构成倾销和补贴。

    The certain off-the-road tires exported to the United States by Hebei Starbright tire Co.


  • 倾销措施独特性,使无法保障措施补贴措施取代

    The characteristic of Antidumping Law indicates that it can't be replaced by the safeguard measures and the countervailing measures.


  • 一请求不能接受,原因倾销法规的第11.2条款复审必须是(对措施的)维持取消,不是更改

    This claim could not be accepted on the grounds that, under reviews pursuant to Article 11 (2) of the basic Regulation, measures must either be maintained or repealed, but not modified.


  • 恰恰是对这种行为抵制,反映了目前的倾销措施滥用倾向

    Such a kind of business conduct does not necessarily have any relationship with unfair competition. It is the counteraction to cost dumping tha


  • 恰恰是对这种行为抵制,反映了目前的倾销措施滥用倾向

    Such a kind of business conduct does not necessarily have any relationship with unfair competition. It is the counteraction to cost dumping tha


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