• 由于锚固体系不同大小和程度的缺陷,声波在传播过程中将产生能量衰减相位突变散现象

    The existence of various lacunas in bolt bonding system will cause the acoustic wave energy attenuation, phase aberration and frequency dispersion.


  • 卫星在轨测试监测卫星平台及其遥感器在轨运行情况性能衰减程度有效手段也是卫星数据处理应用前提基础

    Satellite on-orbit test is a useful way to monitor satellite platform, on-orbit status and attenuation degree of sensors, and is the premise and base for satellite data's processing and application.


  • 弹性振幅岩石中的衰减程度所含流体性质、流体饱和度、岩石组分、结构等因素的影响。

    Attenuation of elastic wave amplitude in rock is affected by its temperature and pressure, filled fluid properties, fluid saturation, rock composition and structure, etc.


  • 组织损伤过程条剂量曲线视为阈值曲线,损伤程度距离增加呈指数衰减

    Tissue damage is a threshold process, each dose curve can be regarded as the threshold curve, degree of injury increases exponentially with distance attenuation.


  • 提出了一种自适应模糊小波神经网络滑模控制策略,保证系统的跟踪误差外界干扰抑制被衰减到期望程度

    An adaptive sliding mode control based on fuzzy wavelet network is proposed to guarantee the effects of the tracking error and external disturbances can be attenuated to a specific attenuation level.


  • 最后,本文给出了衰减系数仿真实现,仿真结果表明了应用衰减系数的新型多级非线性并行干扰删除器性能改善程度

    And simulation results show that to what extent the performance of the novel multistage non-linear PIC based on attenuation factors can be improved.


  • 循环寿命测试样品经过50循环容量衰减40%,非球磨样品25次的循环即衰减到同样程度

    Cycling life tests investigated that the capacity of alloy prepared by ball milling decreased to 40% after 50 cycles, while the solid-state diffusion method just 25 cycles.


  • 落叶松软木松木材随着腐朽程度的加重,力学性能迅速衰减,其中抗弯强度降低最为明显其次是抗强度,密度变化最小

    Wood density and mechanical properties were rapidly decreased with the increasing decay for larch and pine timber, the most is MOR, then crushing strength, and the density is the smallest.


  • 经过压力有不同程度衰减

    The water hammer pressure attenuates after the angle pipe.


  • 国内外公路建设运营实践表明,公路使用性能衰减丧失很大程度路基地下水和地面水的存在有关。

    The practice of domestic and abroad highway construction and service shows that the damages and the lost of highway service capability have closed relation with subgrade drainage system.


  • 理论分析结果实测结果比较表明本文提供的分析结果可以用来初步预计压气机叶片尾迹沿衰减程度

    Show in the experiment these results, which presents in the paper, may be used for predicting the axially attenuation of wake for the axial compressor blade.


  • 通过数值结果横波之间耦合程度以及介质的不均匀性衰减作用进行了讨论

    A discussion is made on the coupling intensity between the compressional and shear waves and the amplitude attenuation resulting from the inhomogeneity of the medium.


  • 模拟结果表明串扰衰减程度基底介质损耗、接地孔参数有关。

    The results show that the effectiveness of crosstalk reduction depends on the dielectric losses of substrate and parameters of via holes.


  • 提出参数辨识确定推进剂钾、钠杂质含量以及微波衰减影响程度的方法。

    An identification technique was presented for estimating the impurity level in propellant and the properties of exhaust afterburning, which can not be measured simply by experiment.


  • 部分设计人员设计意图教科书三个角度具体探讨了教科书设计如何最大程度强化超越性偏离减少衰减性偏离的具体措施。

    Three angles in this part, which were the designers, design intentions and textbooks, were discussed how to strengthen transcendence deviation and weaken attenuation deviation.


  • 分析发现基板材料散热器大小不同,达到平衡状态温度不同,LED光通量衰减影响程度不同

    Analysis showed that under the different condition of substrate materials, sizes of radiator, the flux LED bulbs attenuate different affect extent.


  • 结果表明信号裂缝损伤变化最为敏感,且随损伤程度不断增加呈现出不断衰减趋势。

    The results show that the amplitude of the stress signal is the best sensitive to the change of damage among the parameters and it will gradually decay with the increase of damage degree.


  • 人们试图定义血压程度联络在一同的最大衰减血肿

    We sought to define the systolic BP level associated with greatest attenuation of hematoma growth.


  • 美国一项研究发现,多达20%青少年存在不同程度听力衰减问题,专家呼吁青少年调低iPod音量

    Teenagers are being urged to turn down the volume on their iPods after a US study found about 20% of teenagers were found to have some degree of hearing loss.


  • 岩体声波衰减品质因素Q反映岩体完整性程度综合参数。寻找稳定、可靠、简便计算方法是将Q值应用于现场测试的关键。

    The quality factor Q of the acoustic wave attenuation is a comprehensive parameter reflecting the integrality degree of rock mass.


  • 回顾过去颈部电脑断层摄,发现四十五属于密度病变依据这些病变的衰减程度;彼等有否边绿加强以及均匀以作鉴别诊断。

    We reviewed 45 cases in which CT studies revealed low density lesions in the neck. They were analyzed according to density, rim enhancement and homogeneity for further differentiation.


  • 回顾过去颈部电脑断层摄,发现四十五属于密度病变依据这些病变的衰减程度;彼等有否边绿加强以及均匀以作鉴别诊断。

    We reviewed 45 cases in which CT studies revealed low density lesions in the neck. They were analyzed according to density, rim enhancement and homogeneity for further differentiation.


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