• 本文还各种表面中的原子振动方式作了一定的描述

    In addition, this Paper describes the atomic vibration in different surface lattice waves.


  • 上面的“鸽子洞”储物可以直接放在桌子表面可以在墙上。

    The pigeon-hole unit is available as an option and can be placed directly on the surface of the desk or wall mounted as shown.


  • 右边填满数字九宫左边则是题为的数字”的表表面涂层

    On the left was a box headlined "Your Numbers," covered with a scratchable latex coating.


  • 骨灰表面立面向后退缩了一些距离,每个窗足够的空间种花,这里不仅小型植物而是可以种多种花卉植物。

    The surface that encloses the columbarium is set back from its façade allowing a window box with enough space to place flowerplots, not only for small plants, but for all kind of flowers .


  • 我们现在知道颗行星轨道超出宜居一点因此泽 581c表面可能而无法存在液态水

    We now know that the planet's orbit is slightly outside of the habitable zone and that, as a result, Gliese 581 c's surface is likely too warm to have liquid water.


  • 认为,在职场中,面对自己并不满意状况与其他人当面交涉,表面看来一种安全策略,但实际上却并不安全。

    Grenny argues that the seemingly "safe" strategy of never confronting an unsatisfactory job situation is actually not safe.


  • 与此同时普林斯顿大学[8]的西·(Sigurd Wagner)研制出有机光学设备这其中包含一个柔性橡胶表面个有机激光器。

    At Princeton University, meanwhile, Sigurd Wagner has also developed organic optical devices, including an organic laser on a stretchable rubber surface.


  • 创造表面,虽然《俺制造允许创造分享不仅仅游戏可以是音乐文件和四漫画

    And I've only scratched the surface, since Made in Ore lets you create and share not only games, but also music files and four-panel manga.


  • 定位表面颜色钎焊缝质量外形尺寸破断结合层厚度达到焊技术要求

    The grids completely meet with the requirements for soldering on surface color , welds quality, overall dimension, rupture stress and joint thickness.


  • 作为一个屏幕出现环绕兰纳达的高速公路,通过完全覆盖表面巨大等离子屏幕传达信息

    It thus appears before the highway that circles Granada as a screen-facade that sends messages over the large plasma screens that will cover it entirely.


  • 表面看,布股份有限公司决定布伊兄弟们共同承担风险好像有些奇怪。

    On the face of it, Bouygues SA's decision to share the risk with the brothers was an odd one.


  • 研究生迈克尔·塞纳托维茨先是一些氧化物堆积表面,接着光学显微镜拍摄幅图片看上去像遥远星系一般

    After depositing some potassium niobium oxide onto a silicon surface, graduate student Michael Sygnatowicz used an optical microscope to take this photograph, resembling a distant galaxy.


  • 本文研究了绿草履虫皮层表面结构,草履虫体表布满突起形成的网,于每中央的表膜凹陷内伸出一根纤毛。

    The structure of the cortical surface of Paramecium bursaria is studied. On the whole surface of Paramecium, there is a network formed by the convex of the pellicle.


  • 出现这种情况时候,Crn+)就会表面分离,将材料筛下层FeNi暴露氧化

    When this occurs, the chromium (Crn+) separates from the surface and opens the way for oxidation of the iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni), lower in the metal lattice.


  • 优选实施方式治疗冠状动脉狭窄支架表面缓释阿加曲班盐酸雷酯或该种药剂。

    Argatroban or sarpogrelate hydrochloride or both of them are gradually released from the surface of a stent for treating coronary artery stenosis, for example.


  • 但是,布伦·艾特用于检测血液乙肝表面抗原凝胶扩散技术精确的血液筛查中不够灵敏。

    But the gel diffusion technique that Blumberg and Alter used to detect HBsAg in blood was not sufficiently sensitive for accurate blood screening.


  • 提出种在布拉光线光栅FBG表面电镀金属方法达到保护光纤光栅的目的。

    A process for plating metal on fiber Bragg grating(FBG)to protect the fiber grating is put forward.


  • 本文介绍利用光导波表面波互作用布喇偏转器的设计制作实验结果

    This paper describes the design, fabrication and experimental results of Bragg deflectors using acoustooptic interaction of GOW and SAW.


  • 产生线交叉阴影效果除非表面是被着成暗色的,明亮被着色表面上显示为线。

    This produces the cross hatching effect of thick grid lines where the surface would otherwise shade darkly, and thin grid lines where the surface would shade brightly.


  • 进一步推导出预测自由表面纳米微粒镶嵌熔点基体中基体形成界面的非自由表面纳米微粒熔解和熔解的计算公式。

    Furthermore, we have obtained the relations accounting for the size and shape dependent melting entropy and melting enthalpy of nanoparticles with free and non-free surface.


  • 设有金属表面矩形、方环形环形、半圆环形环形。

    Is equipped with the metal frame surface becomes the rectangle, only then ring-like, circle ring-like, semicircle ring-like or arc ring-like.


  • 通过投影棋盘模式图,再相机捕捉获取投影表面几何信息反馈

    We project the checkerboard pattern, and capture by camera to get the geometric information feedback.


  • 测试方法完全干燥后):13m胶纸有百油墨表面45迅速拉起

    Test method ( completely dry):1, 3M gummed paper with ink surface adhesion in the painting, the 45 degree angle quickly pulled off the oil;


  • 测试方法完全干燥后): 1.3M胶纸油墨表面45迅速

    Test method (dry) : 1.3 M tape stuck in the picture has's ink surface 45 degree Angle quickly pull up not to take off oil. 2.


  • 例如美国宇航局研究中心(GRC)的传感器电子正在开发薄膜传感器表面测量推进系统的研究(2)。

    For example, the sensors and Electronics Branch of the NASA Glenn research Center (GRC) is developing thin film sensors for surface measurement in propulsion system research (Figure 2).


  • 非常柔软表面真正恐怖看守写信给魔法学校录取通知书,证明是从出生命运向导

    A very soft surface, the real terror guards Hager sent a letter to his magic school admission letters, to prove that he is a wizard born from a fate.


  • 非常柔软表面真正恐怖看守写信给魔法学校录取通知书,证明是从出生命运向导

    A very soft surface, the real terror guards Hager sent a letter to his magic school admission letters, to prove that he is a wizard born from a fate.


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