• 百胜餐饮集团首席财务里克·卡鲁表示,“我们想法通过菜单上增加更多种类的食物,我们消费者销售产品可以满足他们全天的需要。”

    "The idea is that by having a greater range of things on the menu, we can sell to consumers products they want all day," says Rick Carucci, the chief financial officer of Yum! Brands.


  • 通用汽车风险投资部门总裁乔恩Lauckner说:提高能源密度整个概念涉及到车辆种类奖项时他表示目前还不清楚多少钱,新技术将保存,但“我只想说,是非常重要,它不 是一电压电流模型使用的锂锰尖晶石阴极制成的锂离子电池(“尖晶石"指的是三维原子排列)。

    The current model of the Volt uses lithium-ion batteries made with lithium-manganese spinel cathodes ("spinel" refers to the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in the material).


  • 表示法中信息分类可视图标形式不是语言术语表示

    In this type of presentation, the information categories are represented by visual iconic forms rather than language terms.


  • 分析人士表示通过扩大出口推出更多种类产品,中粮屯河继续快速增长空间

    Analysts say there is room for Tunhe to continue growing quickly, both by expanding its exports and with new product lines.


  • 事件一种简单聚合指标,它表示特定事件时间间隔内发生次数增量计算

    Incident: This type is a simple nonaggregated metric that is the incrementing count of how many times a specific event occurred in an interval.


  • 修复建议表示重要统计数据丢失,或是统计数据之间冲突。

    Repair: Recommendations of this type indicate that important statistics are missing, or that conflicts exist among the statistics.


  • 尽管注册中心可以表示许多类型资源,但是以下三种类型的受管理对象JMS最重要连接工厂查询主题

    While there are many types of resources that can be represented in a registry, three types of administered objects are of primary interest to JMS: connection factory, queue, and topic.


  • 角色表示一个特殊上下文中可能拥有临时从属关系

    Roles represent temporary affiliations that a type might have in a particular context.


  • 靠近头部有一黄色的(如图)表示印度尼西亚种类斐济许多裂唇鱼在靠近尾巴的地方黄色条纹。

    A yellow cast near the head (as shown here) indicates an Indonesian species; in Fiji many neon wrasses have a yellow blaze near the tail.


  • 每个元素表示界面部件,其运行时会放置一个单元格中。

    Each element represents a type of widget that will be placed into a cell at runtime.


  • 列表左侧一些指示器帮助表示未读邮件高优先级内容项收到日历事件

    To the left there are indicators to help identify unread mail, high-priority items, and various types of calendar events that were received.


  • 或者叫实用动物学中心表示:“许多种类琵琶了解伏击肉食动物。”

    Faye Archell, or the Centre of Applied Zoologym said: 'Many species of Angler Fish are what are known as ambush predators.


  • 我们模型中的角色分为表示

    For presentation purposes, we divide the roles in our model into three categories.


  • 徐星发现恐龙种类任何当代科学家都要表示某些恐龙拥有鸟类的特征,甚至长有羽毛

    Discoverer of more dinosaur species than any other living scientist, Xu Xing, with a cast of parrot-faced Psittacosaurus, says some dinosaurs have birdlike traits, including feathers.


  • 功能应用于各种领域天文学医学图像处理科学目视表示气象学摄影

    This type of functionality is applicable to various fields, such as astronomy, medical imaging, scientific visualization, meteorology, and photography.


  • 指出四种不同种类糖类上瘾,并表示不同种分类的原因引起的。

    Dr Teitelbaum has identified four types of sugar addiction. He says they are triggered by different causes, from hormonal changes to infections.


  • 类型表示进行实际修正种类

    Type represents the nature of the actual correction that was made.


  • 第二种类方法带有表示文件名方法名的参数。

    Second, there are a set of methods that do not take explicit source class or source method names.


  • 可以使用组件表示组织关系路由链接拓扑类似应用程序

    You can use this kind of component for expressing the kinds of relationships you find in an organization chart, a router-link topology, and similar kinds of applications.


  • URI指向资源或者资源表示关系描述了链接类型种类

    The URI points to a resource, or a representation of a resource, while the relation describes the type or kind of the link.


  • 流程可以状态转换模型(例如uml可用的)很好地进行表示

    This type of process can be well represented in state transition models (as, for example, available in UML).


  • 表示种类关系。

    The relation between the two classes is also represented in this diagram.


  • 并不表示不能使用异步调用;您当然可以生成那调用

    This does not mean that there won't be occasions when you want to use an asynchronous call; you can, and the capabilities to make those types of calls are certainly available.


  • 例如ChangingThePresent内容很多类型型都有自己的名称、或长的描述某些常见表示属性以及几个定制属性。

    For example, at ChangingThePresent, we have several types of content that each have names, short and long descriptions, some common presentation attributes, and several custom attributes.


  • 事件:已发布事件表示iWidget通过一事件发布某些数据已处理事件(表示iWidget其他 iWidget接收数据)。

    There are two types of events: a published event, which means the iWidget publishes some data by this event, and the handled event, which means the iWidget receives some data from other iWidgets.


  • JRubyAST解析器输出结果仅仅源代码树形表示包含不同种类节点例如方法变量

    The JRuby AST is the output of the parser and is just a tree representation of the source code, containing different kinds of nodes, for example for classes, methods, variables.


  • 其中表示执行管理活动

    The rows represent the three types of management activity performed


  • 不过无论是语言专家、还是位entertainer本人都表示在娱乐圈还有很多单独词语表达不同工作种类

    But as you will hear from both language experts and two entertainers, there are separate words to describe different jobs within the realm of entertainment.


  • 种类很多基本理念变量开始添加一个标记表示类型(例如,所有符号长型变量ul 开头)。

    There are lots of flavors of this, but the basic idea is that you put a tag at the beginning of a variable name saying what type it is. (So all unsigned long variables begin with ul, etc.)


  • 与SDO形成对照EII提供实时数据访问的数据集成服务器通常表示不同种类的数据,而且使用基于SQL的API

    EII, by contrast, is a data integration server that provides real-time data access, typically represents heterogeneous data as tables, and usually employs a SQL-based API.


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