• 绝大多数直接的反应就是离开,去另外一个站点因为无论用户还是搜索引擎都会失效链接看作一种专业表现

    For most of us, the immediate response would be to simply leave the current site in favor of another one because both people and search engines consider broken links as unprofessional.


  • 出色的搜索引擎在用来寻人为什么会表现如此差强人意呢?

    How come the best search engines fail so miserably when it comes to people search?


  • 传统上编配引擎往往表现为一个系统其它部分广泛交流,并不提供访问它其中内容的办法

    Traditionally, orchestration engines have been black boxes that interact extensively with the rest of your system but don't provide any way to access what's under the hood.


  • 霍尼维尔HTS900-2引擎已经完成了175小时以上飞行测试表现优异

    The Honeywell HTS900-2 engine has successfully completed over 175 hours of flight testing and continues to demonstrate exceptional performance.


  • 出口消费两个带动经济自主恢复最大的引擎表现不如一季度。

    Exports and consumer spending, the two best engines of a self-sustaining recovery, contributed less to growth than in the first three months of the year.


  • 搜索引擎早期历史中被滥用一个主要表现恶意元标记(metatag spamming)。

    One of the major abuses of search engines early on in their history was meta tag spamming.


  • MODx帮助建立搜索引擎表现出色网站——事实上我们认为一个极棒SEOCMS

    MODx helps you build sites that perform well in search engines - in fact, we think it's a great SEO CMS.


  • 微软最近推出了新款搜索引擎Bing希望表现胜过Google

    Microsoft recently debuted Bing, a new search engine it hoped would fare well in comparison to Google.


  • 如果遵照文章提示可以读者写出通顺流畅的文章;同时可以搜索引擎下面表现得很好。

    If you follow the tips in this article you'll be writing naturally for your readers; which works for the search engines too.


  • 微软同时也表示搜索引擎游戏业务在线软件产品季度表现强劲

    Microsoft also said its search, gaming and online software products performed well during the quarter.


  • 那么网站需要搜索引擎表现出来应该怎么做怎么样才能客户搜索上找到

    So, your site needs to show up on search engines, how you should do? How could he allow customers to find you in the search?


  • 贝叶斯推理对付电子邮件中的垃圾信息以及其他与垃圾信息不相关的领域(比如客户亲和力引擎商业推荐引擎)均突出表现

    Bayesian inference has also gained prominence in E-mail spam-fighting, and in non-spam-related areas such as customer affinity engines (or, commercial recommendation engines).


  • 了解市场设定目标,要了解竞争对手搜索结果中的表现并且开始其它已经雇佣过搜索引擎优化公司那里请求推荐。

    Know your market, set goals, understand your competition in search and start asking for referrals from others who have hired SEO companies.


  • 此时此刻,隐藏方巾一个引擎潜力远远超过目前表现

    At this very moment, lurking under your hood is an engine whose potential far outstrips its current performance.


  • Camino 2.0Beta3同样包括所有Mozilla Gecko渲染引擎1.9.0版本中的特性,希望获得更好性能表现互联网标准支持

    Camino 2.0 Beta 3 also has all of the improvements in version 1.9.0 of Mozilla’s Gecko rendering engine, leading to better performance with popular plug-ins and enhanced support for web standards.


  • 直到现在Mono代码生成引擎都是基于树状的代码中间表现形式(Intermediate Representation,IR)。

    Until now Mono's code generation engine was based on a tree Intermediate Representation (IR) of the code.


  • 这个引擎需要绘制非常单位同时需要屏幕上同时表现数量庞大的单位。

    The new engine is also capable of rendering very large units, aswell as large numbers of units on screen together.


  • 这次评议结果表明谷歌搜索引擎Bug数量很少严重Bug数量则最少;而微软的必应则Bug数最多,但搜索精度方面则表现良好

    Google had the fewest number of bugs and the least severe bugs among the competition, while Bing amassed the most bugs yet still scored well in the accuracy of its results.


  • 即便是搭载V6引擎凯迪拉克STS非凡加速表现带来轻松驾驶的奢华体验。

    Even equipped with the base V6 engine, the Cadillac STS delivers impressive acceleration that imparts a feeling of relaxed, effortless luxury.


  • 过去的一周我们的赛车引擎比赛中也表现理想。

    Our engines ran fine in both races within a week′s time.


  • 搜寻引擎销售行销世界最热事物过去年以来表现214%生长

    Search engine marketing is the hottest thing in the marketing world, showing 214% growth over the past two years.


  • 同时这里的海拔很高这会影响到引擎表现

    They also run at a higher altitude, which can affect engine performance.


  • 第二阶段性能引擎软件产品结合使用中间冷却器产生额外5马力以及稳定的表现各种驾驶条件

    Used in conjunction with Stage 2 performance Engine Software, the intercooler produces an additional 5 horsepower as well as more consistent performance under varying driving conditions.


  • 有效防止油泥产生确保引擎清洁时刻发挥出色表现

    Effectively prevent the sludge produced, ensure engine clean as new, always play good performance.


  • 唯一较为可惜的是,我们没有测试dsg引擎相信配上dsg引擎Eos应该佳、更紧密的换档表现

    It's a bit pity that we haven't had a chance to test its DSG engine, I believe with a DSG engine, EOS will perform much better.


  • 当然明年使用的引擎有点不同比赛中的表现不会改变——Fiesta会是辆非常棒尤其丛林中

    Of course, the engine is a little bit different for next year, but the action in the stages will be just the same - it will be fantastic car, especially for the forest.


  • 智能化未来搜索引擎应该追求方向,主要表现两个方面是对搜索请求理解是对网页内容分析

    Inteligent is the aim of the future search engine. This superiority should manifest itself in two ways, one is the understand of the queries, the other is the analysis of the page content.


  • 并且记住模板引擎要点业务逻辑你的表现逻辑中分离出来,而不是你的PHP代码HTML代码中分离出来。

    And remember: the point of template engines should be to separate your business logic from your presentation logic, not to separate your PHP code from your HTML code.


  • 垂直搜索引擎在针对性、精确性时效性等方面传统搜索引擎表现更优

    The vertical search engine is better than the traditional search engine on target, accuracy, less time and performance.


  • 垂直搜索引擎在针对性、精确性时效性等方面传统搜索引擎表现更优

    The vertical search engine is better than the traditional search engine on target, accuracy, less time and performance.


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