• 这套技术方法已经牛东地区评价井、开发推广应用,老井治理补层建议中取得了初步成效

    It has been widely used in appraisal Wells and development Wells in block Niudong, and has taken notable effects in old well reconstruction and re-perforation recommendation.


  • 还长出了一绒毛称做胎毛,通常36的时候脱落并被毫毛替代。

    She’s also developing a thin layer of very fine hair called lanugo, which is normally shed and replaced with vellus hair by week 36.


  • 长出了一绒毛称做胎毛,通常会在36的时候脱落并毫毛替代。

    She's also developing a thin layer of very fine hair called lanugo which is normally shed and replaced with vellus hair by week 36.


  • 境内短期劳动力之不足,欧洲决策不得不考虑引入外来人口

    European policymakers imported people to fill short-term job shortages.


  • 朋友斯图尔特(Stuart)曾经认为只要漆,就没有东西不好的。

    My mate Stuart used to think there wasn't anything you couldn't fix with a lick of paint.


  • 西安市西北大酒店客房增加,对地基结构墙体加固强,采用预压托换及钢筋网片夹板墙

    Precompressed pile foundation under pinning technique is used to reinforce the foundation and structural wall for adding the building named Xibei hotel from two floors to seven floors in Xian city.


  • 长出了一绒毛称做胎毛,通常36的时候脱落并被毫毛替代。

    She's also developing a thin layer of very fine hair called lanugo, which is normally shed and replaced with vellus hair by week 36.


  • 损坏部分根据造船惯例只能2可兼容完工漆进行涂。

    The damaged part shall only be touched up in accordance with builder's practice with two (2) coats of finish coat of compatible type.


  • 意义便在于,(由此可意识)对于某些特定营养成分,你需要集中摄入更多量——最好是通过食物摄入,当然,不得已时,也可通过其他营养

    The second implication is your need to focus on getting more of certain nutrients into your system, preferably with food, but if necessary, with supplements.


  • 同时,还近阶段郑州市不同道路等级典型路面结构、底基、下封配比设计作了详细的介绍。

    Also introduced here are the mixture ratio and design of pavement, base, sub-base, sub-seal and old road strengthening for typical pavement structure of different road classes in Zhengzhou.


  • 设置沥青加铺水泥混凝土路面改建常用有效措施之一

    Asphalt overlay is one of the effective methods, which can rebuild the used cement concrete pavement.


  • 因此开展固体冲压发动机燃室内绝热传热特性研究就显得非常意义

    Therefore, it is very important and necessary to specially research the heat transfer and ablation properties of insulation in ramjet chamber.


  • 裂纹板经复合材料胶接修后,平行于裂纹方向拉压应力裂纹尖端应力强度因子具有耦合效应并且这种耦合效应的大小片的含量很大关系

    While with a composite patch, there exists coupling effect between the normal stress parallel to crack and the SIF, and the coupling effect is significantly dependent on ply orientation of the patch.


  • 根据东北输油管道大修历程,总结出了防腐大修段选择管道表面清理、管道管道安全运行的经验和方法

    Based on the rehabilitation of pipeline coatings, the paper summarizes the methods about the selection of rehabilitation, cleaning of pipe surface, and repair of pipe.


  • 介绍在已有铬硬铬方法,强调了表面电刻蚀(阳极处理)、低电压小电流起镀工艺的重要性注意问题

    The importance of surface cleaning before replating, reverse electro-etching (anodic treatment) as well as low-voltage and small-current plating, and some problems needing attention were emphasized.


  • 再在万物寻觅,大自然那种纯、典雅、宽厚博大理念,必然为之更上楼。

    If he had been allowed to seek in the vast world, in pure nature and given generous and universal concept, he would have reached a higher level.


  • 分析修理中,阶差值厚度结构曲率的大小胶接修理效果的影响

    The influences of the repairing parameters, including the ply drop off of patch, the adhesive thickness and the structural curvature, are also studied in detail for repair by replacing damaged parts.


  • 提出了一种计算含裂结构胶剪应力方法

    A new method is developed to determine the shear stress between cracked panel and the patch which mends the crack of the panel.


  • 这种实体可以网格很好地模拟合壳,又三维实体单元连接,使变厚度、带有强的复合材料合壳体复杂结构得以正确建模。

    With this solid-type shell element, satisfactory resolution can be ensured even if a relatively coarse FE mesh is employed, and this element can be easily connected with other solid type elements.


  • 21世纪消息监管定增投向还贷项目态度有所收紧

    21st Century Economic Report news, attitude of the regulators towards projects using private placement as loan repayment and supplement of working capital has tightened more than before.


  • 采用沥青作为路面一种非常典型方法

    The asphalt pavement surface layer as the overlay of the original pavement is a very typical reinforcement methods.


  • 通过数值计算,得到了冲压发动机室内绝热温度分布以及烧蚀

    The temperature contour in the insulation and the ablation rate can be obtained by the numerical simulation.


  • 种改善变形半导体封装基板主要包括可挠性介电多数引脚至少金属图案以及一防

    A semiconductor package substrate for preventing deformation mainly comprises a flexible dielectric layer, a plurality of pins, at least one reinforced metal pattern and a solder mask layer.


  • 提出管道维修措施:对部分腐蚀严重的钢管进行更换,对部分管道进行防腐蚀大修,阴极保护类似管道埋设维护提出了建议。

    Some suggestions were proposed to deal with the corrosion, induding the replacement partial pipelines and repair of the pipe and the coating, as well as cathodic protection.


  • 适用褪色出现氧化使用于抛光处理

    Applicable to lacquer surface that is faded and had oxide layer, also good for polishing treatment after repair paint.


  • 纤维塑料制成,该辅助塑料发泡物制成。

    The strengthening layer is made of fiber reinforced plastics. The auxiliary shock suction layer is made of plastic foamed objects.


  • 也称,是一种将其一布料剪贴绣服饰上,显示织物或只留下空白刺绣形式

    Embroidery one or more layers of fabric with one or more layers cutaway, exposing the under layer(s) of fabric or leaving a void. See picture. ? Cut Work on cuffs, hem and at neckline.


  • 根据所提出模型及假设,计算了铜—硫化学比的失配量与掺杂浓度的关系铜处理工艺中厚度,采用误差函数扩散模型计算了结深的增长速率。

    Calculations were made of the doped concentration "C0", of the thickness of Cu-film about Cu-treatment and of the junction areas increased by pre-etching.


  • 根据所提出模型及假设,计算了铜—硫化学比的失配量与掺杂浓度的关系铜处理工艺中厚度,采用误差函数扩散模型计算了结深的增长速率。

    Calculations were made of the doped concentration "C0", of the thickness of Cu-film about Cu-treatment and of the junction areas increased by pre-etching.


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