• 我们所在的银河系中,很可能存在数以万计行星系

    Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems.


  • 研究其它行星系的天文家则比较拘谨。

    Those who study other planetary systems have been more restrained.


  • 一切都透明比喻行星标志物

    All this is a transparent metaphor for the planetary system and the signs of the zodiac.


  • 相反我们结论行星的存在一定相当普遍

    Rather, we infer that planetary systems must be quite common.


  • 针对行星最新模拟可能意味着可居住定义彻底颠覆

    New simulations of extrasolar planetary systems may mean the definition of "habitable" planets needs to be completely overhauled.


  • 从而附近已知总数攀升6,成为发现星数量最多外部行星系

    This brings the total number of known planets around this star to six, the most yet discovered in a planetary system outside of our own.


  • 几千年前飞船使用空间信号站跳跃特定航线上行星系

    Thousands of years ago, ships would use hyperspace beacons and jump points to travel from system to system on specific routes.


  • 同时这些新发现体积轨道彻底改变了科学家对行星系形成和进化过程的认识

    Meanwhile, the sizes and orbits of planets already discovered are revolutionizing researchers' understanding of how planetary systems form and evolve.


  • 不幸的是,Turner当前天文望远镜不足以探测其它星系的城市之光。

    Unfortunately, Turner says, no telescopes currently in the works would be powerful enough to identify city lights in other planetary systems.


  • 我们现在说清楚是,我们爱好和平种族来自不同行星维度

    We make clear right now, that we are peaceful RACES of beings from different planetary systems and dimensions.


  • 伊卡洛斯计划任务设计艘能够探索附近恒星距离研究行星星际航天器

    Project Icarus is tasked with designing an interstellar spacecraft capable of exploring nearby stars and studying their planetary systems up close.


  • 由于行星如此接近地球天文学家可以相对容易地研究星的大气层

    Because the system is so close to Earth, astronomers can study the planets' atmospheres relatively easily.


  • QGIS其他较为简单数据查看器用于探测各种数据格式覆盖行星的所有数据

    QGIS and other simpler data viewers lend themselves to exploring various data formats and the world of data sets covering this planetary system.


  • 天文学家迅速将这颗地球大小的包围那里他们发现我们太阳系相似行星

    Astronomers are quickly closing in on Earth-size planets elsewhere in the galaxy as they find planetary systems that look more and more like our solar system.


  • 数据我们清楚恒星-行星总体什么是否存在着象地球一样的星球。

    These kinds of statistics can help us figure out what star-planet systems are like in general, and that has implications for whether there are Earthlike planets or not.


  • 一位顶尖探索家认为,我们最新发现越多对于行星系如何诞生,我们就知道少。

    The more new planets we find, the less we seem to know about how planetary systems are born, according to a leading planet hunter.


  • 它们直径木星一样不过质量比木星质量的80还大。它们被认为拥有自己行星

    Their diameters are about the same as Jupiter's, but they can have up to 80 times more mass and are thought to have planetary systems of their own.


  • 升起:艺术家想像图中,在遥远行星内,一颗岩石卫星围绕一颗气体星旋转。

    PLANETRISE: In an artist's conception, rocky moons orbit a gas giant in a distant planetary system.


  • 太阳系就拥有这么非凡的卫星那么银河系中其他数十亿星系我们找到怎样奇特的卫星

    If our solar system holds so many remarkable moons, then what strange satellite worlds might we find among the billions of planetary systems in the Milky Way?


  • 这个发现行星第一恒星交叉经过,第二该系统都可能包含地球大小的星。

    The new planetary system, the first in which both planets can be seen crossing in front of their star, may also contain an Earth-sized companion.


  • 斯比空间望远镜观测显示这个行星控制着条小,比上次我们确定的多了一条。

    Observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope show that the system hosts two asteroid belts, in addition to previously identified candidate planets and an outer comet ring.


  • 虽然星际媒介研究并不依赖目标恒星特定选择,但其他科学目标明显需要目标恒星有着一个行星

    Although studies of the interstellar medium do not depend on the precise choice of target star, the other scientific objectives clearly require that the target star has a planetary system.


  • 如果我们太阳系有着如此的非凡星球那么天河中数十亿计行星系我们发现怎样奇妙世界

    IF OUR solar system holds so many remarkable moons, then what strange satellite worlds might we find among the billions of planetary systems in the Milky Way?


  • 如果恒星大小接近我们太阳大小,则可能一个类似太阳系的行星中心,并且那个可能适合居住。

    If the star is approximately the same size as our sun, it could be the center of a planetary system much like our own-and that planet could be habitable.


  • 开普勒望远镜发现了几个系外行星我们的太阳系迥然不同,从而科学家重新构想形成理论

    The Kepler Space Telescope has discovered several systems that are very different from our own, and have caused scientists to rethink theories of planetary formation.


  • 西尼环绕土星任务目前延长至2017年,春秋分到冬夏至的季节变化更好地研究这个复杂行星

    The Cassini mission around Saturn has now been extended to 2017 to better study the complex planetary system as its season changes from equinox to solstice.


  • 西尼环绕土星任务目前延长至2017年,春秋分到冬夏至的季节变化更好地研究这个复杂行星

    The Cassini mission around Saturn has now been extended to 2017 to better study the complex planetary system as its season changes from equinox to solstice.


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