• 德国行政型法院管理模式

    The management mode of German court is an administrative court management mode.


  • 笔者认为我国现行国家审计体制目前只能逐步完善最终必将由“行政型审计体制”立法审计体制”转变

    The current audit system can only be perfected progressively at present, but will be changed to "the legislation type" from "the administration type" finally.


  • 根据、辩、审三方关系侦查程序是否受法院即司法的控制,又可以区分司法型侦查模式行政型侦查模式。

    According to the relation of the prosecution, the defender and the judge, the model of investigation can be put into the Judicial model and Administrative model.


  • 指引行政机构会实行不同广泛目标----更好质量医疗体系,改善医疗的普及型,还更快医疗的效率

    it directs the Administration to achieve various universally desired goalsbetter quality of health care, improved access to care, and increased efficiency of delivery.


  • 迄今为止,中国香港特别行政区总共记录发生21感染甲型H5N1流感病例包括1997年的18例,2003年的以及2010年的这一例

    So far, a total of 21 human cases of influenza A (H5N1) infection were recorded in Hong Kong SAR China, including 18 cases in 1997, two cases in 2003 and the current case in 2010.


  • 研究者呼吁医生教育者,行政部门其他力量评估风险并且制定政策管理认知加强型药物

    The researchers called for doctors, educators, regulators and others to evaluate the risks and develop policies governing the use of cognitive-enhancing drugs.


  • 实际上这本缺乏合乎情理的分析而且充斥敌意,箭头直指精英院校行政管理者、尤其是他们口中的“教授团”。

    The truth is that this book is short on reasoned analysis and long on animus, directed at elite universities, at administrators, and more than anything else at the “professoriate,” as they call it.


  • 现代社会法理行政文化建设一项复杂社会系统工程

    The construction of the administrative culture of legal theory is a complex and socially systematic project in modern society.


  • 我国传统权力型行政决策模式带来诸多弊端异化公共政策价值

    Traditional power-oriented policy making pattern has brought many drawbacks, alienated the values of public policy.


  • 根据不同行政历史体制当今世界的城市规划主要,一类是以英国为代表的“指导型的规划”体系;

    There are two categories of planning system in the world depending on different administrative mechanism and historical perspectives.


  • 特别是大量社会自生型中的草根组织行政上合法性尚未有效解决社会信任根本依赖更是十分明显。

    Especially for the grass-roots organizations, administrative legitimacy has not been effectively resolved, need the fundamental dependence on the social trust.


  • 人文主义精神核心现代行政法,弘扬主体性,从不同层面推动现代社会迈向回应型行政模式

    Modern administrative law, with humanism as its spirit core, gives full play to the subjectivity of human beings and pushes modern society towards responsive model of administration.


  • 中国城市绝大多数城乡广域型行政区

    The bulk of the Chinese cities belong to the wide territory administrative area, of which cities and rural areas are governed together.


  • 全新体制定位过去行政主导型的社区管理模式有很大不同

    There is a big difference from this management model from the administration-led model in the past with its totally new system positioning.


  • 契约型中,为便于一般投资者理解有利于行政监管我们采取非分离模式

    But we should choose disunion type in the contract type in order to make convenience for the understanding of common investors and the administrative supervision.


  • osha经验为基础,美国行政会议(acus)建议技术性同行审议型咨询委员会成员选择

    Based on OSHA's experience, the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) recommends that members of technical or peer review advisory committees should be selected.


  • 一个典型公寓复合体包括36间单人宿舍行政套房三间卧室的样板房。

    The Passive House "Bruck" is a model apartment complex, consisting of 36 one room staff flats, two room executive suites and 4 three-bedroom model apartments.


  • 我国高校人力资源管理工作长期计划经济束缚停留行政事务型管理阶段

    The university human resource administration in our country have been tied up by the planned economy over a long period, and merely stayed at the government affairs administration phase.


  • 负担型互动性行政行为规范遵守行政行为确定规则

    The individual party of the burdening executive act should undertake limited duty and abide by the rule of ascertain force .


  • 社区我国基层行政管理体系基本单位厂区社区则代表一种特殊类型社区。

    Community is the basic unit of grass roots 'administration management system of our country. And the community of Factory Section Type stands for a special kind of community.


  • 建立服务型税务体系降低税收成本提高行政效率

    The second is the establishment of service-oriented tax system, and 3 is to reduce the tax costs and improve administrative efficiency.


  • 传入方式,最初并不是学术社会调查而是实践型社会调查,包括行政管理调查、一般认知调查,以及各种应用调查。

    The initial purpose for the social survey wasn't for the academic research, it was for the practice including for administration management.


  • 监管型国家比较研究比较公共行政领域一个新兴研究课题

    How to make a comparative study on regulatory state is a fresh research topic in the field of comparative public administration.


  • 第二部分分析加入WTO之后中国行政许可制度存在主要问题:行政许可遵循权力导向、实行命令型的权力作用方式;

    Part Two analyses the major problems that the administrative license may face with after China joined WTO. The problems are: the power direction that the administrative license follows;


  • 酒店客房总数328间(),优美华丽设备新颖行政套房豪华套房、豪华标准10种不同房型挑选

    The total number of hotel rooms for 328 (sets), a beautiful gorgeous, equipment of the new suites, luxury suites, luxury and standard rooms, and so a total of 10 different chamber for your selection;


  • 第五城市规划规划过程行政机构演变、城市规划范型法规等方面考察广州近代城市规划的特征

    The fifth chapter reviews the process, the paradigms and the pertinent regulations to reveal the character of Guangzhou early modern city planning. The sixth chapter is conclusion.


  • 第五城市规划规划过程行政机构演变、城市规划范型法规等方面考察广州近代城市规划的特征

    The fifth chapter reviews the process, the paradigms and the pertinent regulations to reveal the character of Guangzhou early modern city planning. The sixth chapter is conclusion.


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