• 最后通过日本皇宫国民公园案例研究完整演绎行动观察在实际研究中的方法作用

    Finally, by a case study of Japan palace garden using as national park, the paper displays the operation and function of action observation completely.


  • 我们采取行动以前需要有更多时间观察情况发展

    We need more time to see how things develop before we take action.


  • 新发现地方军事行动战斗力很多观察厌恶。

    The new-found strength of local militancy appals many observers.


  • 相反要认识一个女人宁可观察行动不是去听她说的关于你自己的话

    Instead, recognize that a woman would rather observe your actions for herself, rather than hear you talk about yourself.


  • 一定要细致观察这个行动决定行为模式取得信息

    And you have to get the information by closely observing the person's actions, decisions, and patterns of behavior.


  • 无论是过去阅读研究还是简单的对生活观察获得知识,我现在需要的是更多地把知识转化行动

    I just need to act more consistently on what I already know - whether from past reading and research or simply from having observed what works in my own life.


  • 假设找到方式改变并超越自我,于是你就去观察别人一举一动或者留意周围环境变化,不敢贸然行动,这样做的话你一定得不到改变,大失所望。

    If you're looking for something to change beyond yourself, if you depend on the behavior of others, or a change in your environment before you act, you're in for disappointment.


  • 作为步兵个人哈里前哨观察看到了大量行动前线共同度过了不少时光

    The two saw plenty of action at Outpost Harry and as infantrymen spent a good deal of time on the front line.


  • 不过也表示一些观察质疑军事力量展示是否使得这个封闭国家中的强硬派有所行动

    But some observers are questioning whether the display of military power will simply galvanise the hardliners inside the isolated country, he says.


  • 然而越是近距离观察便越能清楚地看到国家层面行动需求才最为迫切

    The closer you look, though, the clearer it becomes that action is most urgently needed at the national level.


  • 他们人类观察它们的行动置若罔闻,所以容易看到,并且能够记录整个过程。

    The birds are indifferent to human observers, so it's easy to spot and record the entire sequence of events, the researchers say.


  • 他们人类观察它们行动置若罔闻,所以容易看到并且能够记录整个过程。

    The birds are indifferent to human observers so it's easy to spot and record the entire sequence of events the researchers say.


  • 这些不同有助于我们观察学习中提出有益问题,以便于了解是什么引起了黑猩猩长时间地带着死去崽一起行动,”毕罗他的同事写道

    This difference "raises questions about the potential role of observational learning in promoting chimpanzee mothers' prolonged transport of deceased young," Biro and colleagues wrote.


  • 客户放松自然的时候观察它们接触了解他们如何思考感受行动

    Observing and connecting with consumers in their natural environments to learn how they think, feel, and act.


  • 这个行动第六个年头希望通过人们对夜空观察的大量资源建立起准确夜晚地球

    The program, in its sixth year, hopes crowd-sourced night-sky observations will yield the most accurate Earth-at-night maps.


  • Michael蜷缩房顶上观察着搜捕行动是怎样展开的。

    Michael crouches on the roof, watching the action unfold. Police squad cars race towards the prison.


  • 观察行动结果后,您会将信息反馈循环的开始处,然后开始新一轮循环。

    Once you observe the result of the action, you feed back this information to the beginning of the loop and start the process over again.


  • 那么通往幸运之路,伴随着积极态度努力地工作、入微的观察时刻准备采取行动愿意每次挫折视为学习机会,再加上通向成功一步

    There is a way to be lucky. It involves a positive attitude, hard work, observation, preparedness, action and a willingness to see every setback as a learning opportunity and a step towards success.


  • 一些观察莫斯科这次爆炸事件看作是复仇行动

    Some observers see the Moscow bombings as an act of revenge.


  • 可是观察人士更多被迫保持沉默的工人由于担心失去工作没有采取行动

    But observers say that many more workers who feel silenced don't take action for fear of losing their jobs.


  • 一些观察称,随着市场环境拯救行动后变得很好的情况开始衰减,行业(银行业)的收入在2010年可能下降逾20%。

    Most observers reckon the industry’s revenue could fall by up to a fifth in 2010 as the exceptional market conditions that followed the bail-outs have faded.


  • 我们一向认为深入观察有时勇敢行为至少也是一种朴素有益的行动接受完成任务是同样值得加以注意寄予同情的。

    We have always thought that it was sometimes a courageous act, and, at least, a simple and useful deed, worthy of the sympathetic attention which duty accepted and fulfilled merits.


  • 少数观察认为他们已经行动了。

    Few observers think they have done so.


  • 30分钟后他们观察玻璃出现裂缝,为防止巨大水压碾碎,行动终止并返航。

    They spent 30 minutes on the bottom of the world before surfacing with their glass viewing ports cracked by the pressure.


  • 科学家观察不同于那些通常行动捕食对象昆虫一种特殊种类的昆虫却以蛇类为食。

    But unlike insects that often fall prey to reptiles scientists have observed one particular species of bug eating snakes and a turtle.


  • 而且除了读取配置字段外,框架还允许更新甚至观察字段,以便轻松地应用程序重新配置

    And, in addition to just reading configuration fields, the framework allows fields to be updated and even observed, allowing for dynamic application reconfiguration with a minimum of effort.


  • 而且除了读取配置字段外,框架还允许更新甚至观察字段,以便轻松地应用程序重新配置

    And, in addition to just reading configuration fields, the framework allows fields to be updated and even observed, allowing for dynamic application reconfiguration with a minimum of effort.


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