• 业务预报方案可比行列式

    Jacobians of an Operational Prognostic Cloud Scheme.


  • 但是NumPy中,array代表的行列式

    But, in NumPy an array is basically a matrix.


  • 所以,在学习高等代数时,行列式计算重点之一

    Therefore, advanced algebra, thedeterminant of the calculation is one of the key.


  • 利用函数行列式求得多元函数附加条件下可能极值

    Striving for the possible extreme value points of poly function with addition condition by using the function processions.


  • 所以我们处理行列式的时候,他们链表反应是不同的。

    So when we deal with arrays, they don't behave like lists.


  • 利用延迟重构变换雅可比行列式分析了动力系统重构中的拓朴性质

    The topological properties of the delay time reconstruction transformation of the forced Brusselator system are analysed by means of the Jacobian of the transformation.


  • 利用延迟重构变换雅可比行列式分析了常微方程系统重构的拓扑性质

    The topological properties of the delay-time reconstruction transformation of dynamic system are analysed by means of the Jacobian of the transformation.


  • 我们讨论了次正定矩阵判别法,给出了次正定矩阵的行列式一个不等式

    The necessary and sufficient conditions of metapositive definite matrices are discussed and an inequality for the determinants of metapositive definiter matrices is given.


  • 对于具有重要意义周期序列给出了决定拓扑的揉行列式解析表达式

    For the eventually periodic kneading pair of significance, the analytic expression of the kneading determinant for determining its topological entropy is presented.


  • 构造解题一般模式及其行列式理论证明计算中的应用进行了探讨

    We will give a general model of solving problems with construction and study its applications in the theory of determinant, in proof problems and calculation problems.


  • 假设信号近似分布可以相关矩阵行列式计算出每个波段条件信息量

    If signals are supposed to be normally distributed, then by computing determinants of correlation matrices, conditional information of each channel signal can be obtained.


  • 希望知道这里如果要,进行一些复杂操作,你知道考行列式可行的。

    I just want you to know it's there so if in some subsequent life you want to do more complicated manipulations, you'll know that that's possible.


  • 通过方法需要进行阶次矩阵行列式计算即可完成平面连杆机构振动分析

    Applying this method, we can only require the lower order's calculation of matrix and determinant to make the analysis of vibration for the plane link mechanism.


  • 计算中使用了一新的试探函数行列式部分以类函数为基定域分子轨道组成。

    A novel tri-al function has been employed in the calculation, its determinant being composed of the localized molecular orbitals on the basis of the hydrogen-like functions.


  • 研究对角占优矩阵原位替换方法包括矩阵行列式、矩阵方程未知数矩阵逆阵的解算

    The calculation methods of diagonally dominant matrix in-situ replacement are researched, including the matrix determinant, the matrix equation unknown and the matrix inversion computation.


  • 这种分析方法数值求解时只需计算低价次传递矩阵行列式值,因而PC机上进行

    This analysis method with numerical calculating only requires calculation of lower-order transfer matrix, so that, it can be made with microcomputer such as IBM-PC.


  • 作者矩阵分块应用到高阶行列式计算给出了几个计算公式条件方法技巧

    We put block matrix method in the calculation of Higher-order determinant in this article and give some calculating formulas, methods of calculation, condition of calculation and skills.


  • 研究机器人处于非奇异位姿即逆雅可比矩阵行列式接近零时,位姿变化机器人精度影响

    The effects of posture changes on the accuracy of robot have been studied when the robot is in non-singular posture, namely the determinant of inverse Jacobi matrix is not close to zero.


  • 基于矩阵体积概念,引入矩阵向量正交,对病态问题的行列式诊断方法进行了推广扩展

    Based on the conception of the matrix volume, we presented the definition of the orthogonal degree of the matrices, generalized and extended the determinant method mentioned above.


  • 由结构刚度矩阵行列式失稳条件导出结构失稳特征方程,从而精确地确定系统临界值。

    The precise critical force of a system can be deduced from the fact that the determinant of stiffness matrix of the system is equal to zero in the critical condition.


  • 给出有关代数余子式之和几个性质并予以证明,且给出利用代数余子式之和计算行列式方法

    This paper elaborates several features of the sum of the cofactor of a determinant and provides the method to calculate the determinant of a Matrix by the sum of the cofactor of a determinant.


  • 使用高斯消无法时,方法可大大降低行列式阶; 使用SOR时,该方法可加快收敛速度

    The techniques we employ here greatly reduce solution space of Gaussian method or accelerate convergence of SOR.


  • 本文基于计算机控制技术现场总线技术设计了一套行列式制瓶的电子配时系统同步控制系统。

    An electronic timing system and synchronization control system are designed based on computer control technology and field bus.


  • 针对一问题,比较了几种常见反馈计算方法,得出时间复杂度矩阵算法优于行列式算法。

    Compared with some normal methods of searching feedback loops, the author obtained that the matrix algorithm was superior to the determinant algorithm in terms of time complexity.


  • 所以行列式的优点就是可以它们一些事情如果你是在上线性代数的话,你就会学到这些。

    So the nice thing about arrays is, you can use them to do the kinds of things you, if you ever took a linear algebra course, you learned about doing.


  • 现行线性代数教材,关于行列式()展开法则推论证明,基本上采用同一种方法

    It is always in the same way in proving the inference of the rule that determinant spread in row or column in the current "Linear Algebra" teaching material.


  • 现在除了通过把链强制转化为行列式意外,可能普遍获取方法什么呢?,顺便说一句。

    A Now, in addition to getting an array by coercing a the list, which is probably the most common way to get it, by the way.


  • 因此采用电子时、同步传动等技术行列式制瓶逐渐成为行业机电一体化的发展趋势

    S machine with electronic timing and synchronization control technologies have become the trend of glass industry's development.


  • 本文讨论了函数其极点计算得到几个行列式表示的计算公式介绍了它们应用

    This paper discusses the calculus of residues of quotient function at ist pole, then obtains some computational formulas by the use of determinant. and gives their application.


  • 我之所以没有这些放在一起是因为接下来你们将会得到两个表达式,这个绝对值,而这个是行列式

    OK, so I didn't put it all together because then you would have two sets of vertical bars. See, this is a vertical bar for absolute value. This is vertical bar for determinant.


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