• 观看暴力电视节目暴力题材电子游戏数量超过正常水平,可能导致某些的暴力行为

    Viewing abnormally large amounts of violent television and video games may well contribute to violent behavior in certain individuals.


  • 积极游戏行为可能大脑突触连接生长提供必要刺激尤其是负责运动功能运动小脑

    Active play may provide necessary stimulation to the growth of synaptic connections in the brain, especially the cerebellum, which is responsible for motor functioning and movements.


  • 奉献时间陪同学员一起游戏学习通过自身行为引导智障学员,提升学员的独立能力

    Devote spare time of yours to accompany the amentia students on playing and studying by showing them your behavior to upgrade their stand-alone capability.


  • 游戏开发过程课程探究制作游戏时所使用角色行为人工制品工具等——其他软件开发过程非常类似

    The game development process. This course explores the roles, activities, artifacts, and tools used in producing gameswhich are quite similar to those for any other software development process.


  • 协作游戏中,昂贵的惩罚一种有害自我毁灭行为

    In cooperation games, costly punishment is a detrimental and self-destructive behavior.


  • 但是一个有趣的初步研究结果而且许多研究一样都表明行为改变方面,电子游戏社交网站能够产生积极结果

    But it's an interesting preliminary finding and it fits in with a number of studies that indicate that video games and social networking can yield positive results when it comes to changing behaviors.


  • 许多现代游戏包括非玩家控制角色行为脚本使用执行bytecodes比如Lua)的语言其他游戏方面

    Many modern games include scripting of nonplayer-character behaviors and other game aspects using languages that execute bytecodes (such as Lua).


  • 研究负责人MichaelStirrat设计这个游戏为了调查来自于感觉行为之间信任感是否可以测量

    Lead researcher Michael Stirrat set up the games to investigate whether he could find any measurable relationship between perceptions of trustworthiness from perceptions and behaviour.


  • 但是有时候这种原始性行为倾向以悲剧告终——促使我们经过考虑之后向着与自身利益相反的方向行动的时候(股票市场崩盘,一大群人惊慌奔逃电子鸡游戏的现象都说明了这一点)。

    Sometimes, this atavistic tendency ends in tears, when it prompts us to act contrary to what is, on reflection, our self-interest. (Witness stock-market crashes, stampedes and tamagotchi.)


  • 因为游戏练习我们虚拟世界学习各种技能行为我们需要它们解决现实世界里那些看上去有点棘手问题

    Because it is practice. It is learning in avirtual world the types of skills and behaviors we need to solve theseemingly intractable problems of the real world.


  • 政策制定者所面临问题他们尽力互联网接入带给大众同时试图抑制数字音乐电影视频游戏非法复制行为

    That is the question confronting policy makers as they try to bring Internet access to the masses while seeking to curb illegal copying of digital music, movies and video games.


  • 由于多元媒体网络软件较快网际网路出现,现在许多带有行为建立的游戏广告网站

    Because of multimedia Web software and faster Internet access, there are now lots of sites that mix habit-forming games with ads.


  • 玩家游戏扮演摄影记者,探索观察各种动物行为

    The player takes on the role of a photojournalist, exploring and watching the way animals behave.


  • 这项研究发表转化精神病学杂志上,也是第一频繁地打电动游戏大脑结构行为活动之间的差异联系起来。

    This study, published in the journal Translational Psychiatry, is the first to connect frequent video gaming with differences in both brain structure and activity.


  • 根据企业员工作为消费者网上寻找喜爱的音乐游戏应用软件时的行为特点软件供应商推动企业软件在一线的应用

    By targeting the behaviors workers have developed as consumers to find their favorite music, games and apps online, vendors can achieve grassroots adoption.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是,很多这些发现都是通过简单计算机游戏作为工具探知人们如何特定的环境下学习作出行为的。

    Ironically, many of these discoveries used simple computer games as tools to explore how people learn and act under different conditions.


  • 也许个很不错的想法但是教育家心理学家们正在萌生一种担忧。 害怕孩子们在(游戏射击爆破狂奔的画面,刺激他们做出很多危险冒险行为

    Maybe it's wishful thinking, but a growing sentiment among many educators and psychologists suggests that all the shooting, blasting and racing may be spawning more adventurous, risk-taking thinkers.


  • 实际上这项研究非常简单,它只是把经常游戏不经常打游戏大脑结构行为差异进行了对比

    The study is really quite straightforward, comparing the structural and behavioral differences between two groups: frequent and infrequent gamers.


  • 尽管Laird博士游戏完全游戏世界当中玩家活动行为,不过其他人使用生理传感器

    Although Dr Laird is basing this purely on the player's activity and behaviour within the game world, others are using physiological sensors, too.


  • 游戏引擎将会计算这个脚本这个行为胆怯的巨人关联

    The game engine will evaluate the script and link this behavior to the cowardly troll.


  • 严肃今年初Myndplay游戏交互式电影用来作为减少狱中18-25囚徒再次犯罪率反社会行为计划一部分

    On a more serious note, earlier this year Myndplay games and interactive films were used as part of a scheme to reduce reoffending rates and anti-social behaviour among prison inmates aged 18 to 25.


  • 通过声明一点,Mozilla肯定了那些遵守游戏规则通过网站web服务浏览器插件赚钱商业行为

    By declaring this, Mozilla invites businesses who play by the rules to monetize via web sites, web services and browser extensions.


  • 她们发表于《进化人类行为》刊物上的实验,她们将96名男女学生分为,除第三组外,第一第二接受专业按摩然后第一组第三组开始玩“信任游戏”。

    The first and second received a professional massage but the third did not. Then the first and third group took part in a “trust game.


  • 课程中,在虚幻引擎使用行为状态创建AI学习如何使用感知意识行为状态力量创建添加有趣游戏场景的AI。

    In this course, Creating AI with Behavior States in Unreal Engine, you will learn how to use the power of Perception, Awareness, and Behavior States to create AI that add to fun game scenarios.


  • 如果游戏角色行为努力没有一点英雄主义色彩,那么角色会变得非常枯燥

    The character in the game would also probably be very boring if they weren't somewhat heroic in their deeds and efforts.


  • 游戏玩家们消费行为交易都依靠网络完成享受到服务是非物质化问题出现时受害往往是消费者。

    The consumptive behavior of game players and trading is to rely on a network to finish, the service that enjoys also is dematerialize, when the problem appears, of fall victim often is consumer.


  • 玩家游戏情境下,其化身表现态度行为玩家在现实世界中的表现什么深层关联呢?研究尝试探讨问题

    This study concerns the issue that was there a deep association between the performance of avatar in the game situations and the attitudes and behavior of player in the real world.


  • 逻辑部分定义游戏引擎核心原则算法数据部分提供内容行为具体细节

    Logic definition of the core principles and algorithms of the game engine, the data afford some of its content and the specific details.


  • 多少交互作用分析学的描述怎样增加游戏行为减少亲密成分,有多少描述过怎样避免亲密扩大思维感觉的心理脚本边界

    How many books on TA describe how to increase game behaviour and decrease the capacity for intimacy. How many describe how to avoid intimacy and increase script bound thinking and feeling.


  • 多少交互作用分析学的描述怎样增加游戏行为减少亲密成分,有多少描述过怎样避免亲密扩大思维感觉的心理脚本边界

    How many books on TA describe how to increase game behaviour and decrease the capacity for intimacy. How many describe how to avoid intimacy and increase script bound thinking and feeling.


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