• 职业包含了其他地方未分类服装行业工人

    This occupation group covers Clothing Trades Workers not elsewhere classified.


  • 曾经帮助埋葬了两个同胞缝纫行业工人,他有组织行业的不信任看到世界上的大城市

    He had helped to bury two of his fellow-workmen in the tailoring trade, and he was distrustful of the organized industries that see one out of the world in big cities.


  • 一漫长过程的部分原因年龄较大工人有可能诸如制造业这样正在裁员的行业解雇

    The lengthy process is partly because older workers are more likely to have been laid off from industries that are downsizing, like manufacturing.


  • 这些行业规模足够大,可以一类工人提供工作非技术工人经理工程师

    And these industries were large enough to offer jobs to each class of worker, from unskilled laborer to manager or engineer.


  • 事实上每个主要行业就业机会大幅减少几乎所有行业被迫从事兼职工作工人人数都在飙升

    The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared.


  • 相反农业扩张男性农场工人数量持续下降导致了该行业战后雇用更多女性

    Instead, the expansion of agriculture and a steady decrease in the number of male farmworkers combined to cause the industry to hire more women in the postwar years.


  • 美国国会一直创建直接农业工人签证设阻,这种签证可以外国工人美国停留更长时间,还能更换工作

    Congress has obstructed efforts to create a more straightforward visa for agricultural workers that would let foreign workers stay longer in the U.S. and change jobs within the industry.


  • 许多行业工人需求仍在持续上升

    In many industries demand for workers continues to rise.


  • 如果X行业相对其他行业而言的确已经过热,那么无需任何强制立法资本或是工人拒于门外。

    Now if the X industry is really overcrowded as compared with other industries it will not need any coercive legislation to keep out new capital or new workers.


  • 美国,诸如林业渔业行业公司严重依赖外来工人

    Companies in such industries as forestry and fisheries depend heavily on guest workers.


  • 而如果结构性失业,意味着某个行业整个没落导致失业问题,以至于这些工人需要学习其他技术工作,这时候教育才有用。

    If the problem was structural, then specific dead industries segments would be responsible for the high unemployment problem, and those workers would need to develop other skills to find new work.


  • 最终计划工作分配给所谓“空闲”的工人使工作——当时主要指重工业建筑行业——可以系统地进行。

    Work from the resulting plan was “dispatched” to workers as they became idle, enabling work — at the time, heavy industry and construction work — to proceed systematically.


  • NACE调查显示计算机行业熟练工人的旺盛需求已令其今年薪水平较去年平均增长了4%。

    Demand for skilled workers in industries like computer science is boosting the average starting salary 4% this year from last, according to a NACE survey.


  • 如果工人另有更好选择他们不会进入薪水最低工作稳定性得不到保证行业

    Nor do workers, when they have any better alternative, go into industries where the wages are lowest and the prospects for steady employment least promising.


  • 关税意味着保护那些美国处于衰退行业中的工人们,但是那些工人们来说,过去行业转型到未来新领域中才是更加好的选择。

    Tariffs are meant to protect workers in America's declining industries, but it would be far better for those workers to move from the industries of the past to the businesses of the future.


  • 一点可能肉类加工行业工人洗手或者同一操作台上处理生肉其他食物消费者带来麻烦。

    This may be a problem for workers in the meat processing industry and even consumers who do not wash their hands or prepare raw meat and other food items on the same surfaces.


  • 下滑中的建筑市场和国际金融危机导致严重衰退中没有理由临时工人进入建筑行业

    In a declining construction market and a serious downturn caused by the global financial crisis, there is no reason for temporary workers to be brought into the construction industry.


  • 有些行业频繁的招募辞退工人

    Some industries move quickly to add and subtract workers.


  • 那些之前受雇佣建筑工人不得不考虑继续这个行业就业还是其他工作。

    Those formerly employed construction workers have to decide whether to stay in construction or to give up and try something else.


  • 实际操作中,一些行业工人50多岁时提前退休

    In practice, workers in some industries are allowed to retire earlier - in their early 50s in some cases.


  • 我们亲眼目睹过国际贸易现有公司带来浩劫首先整个行业混乱然后数以百万计工人下岗。

    We've all seen the kind of havoc that borderless trade can wreak on an established company: the dislocation of whole industries, for starters, and millions put out of work.


  • 鸿海为工人待遇工作条件进行辩护,薪酬加班符合当地劳动法行业组织规定

    Hon Hai defends its treatment of workers and their working conditions, and says its compensation and overtime practices follow local labor laws and the guidelines of an industry group.


  • 当然结构问题不无关系还有大批建筑工人全新行业重新打拼。

    Structural issues aren’t irrelevant, of course; there are certainly plenty of construction workers who are going to have start plying a new trade.


  • 石油行业处处都面临建材严重不足熟练工人匮乏,炼油企业未能幸免。

    Like every other part of the oil industry, refining is suffering from an acute shortage of building materials and skilled Labour.


  • 1204年,第四次十字军东征君士坦丁洗劫导致该城以及丝绸行业衰落许多技术工人十三世纪早期离开了这里

    The sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade in 1204 brought decline to the city and its silk industry, and many artisans left the city in the early 13th century.[20]


  • 随着美国5月31日公布的失业率创出了25年来的新高,打击最为严重的行业中,许多工人裁员受害者寻找更安全行业

    With the unemployment rate hitting a new 25-year high Friday, many workers and layoff victims in the worst-suffering industries are looking for safer sectors.


  • 随着美国5月31日公布的失业率创出了25年来的新高,打击最为严重的行业中,许多工人裁员受害者寻找更安全行业

    With the unemployment rate hitting a new 25-year high Friday, many workers and layoff victims in the worst-suffering industries are looking for safer sectors.


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