• 可能几天,长则几个月,甚至整个冬天;不过你看心脏现在怎么需要因为血液冻结了。

    It could be days or months, all winter in fact; but see the heart really doesn't need to do any pumping now, because the blood is frozen too.


  • 必须整夜歌唱必须穿你的心的生命之必须我的成为血液

    All night long you must sing to me, and my thorn must pierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine.


  • 这些血液检测中,女性伸出手指,指取出后送往实验室

    For the blood tests, women prick their fingers and send blood samples to LABS.


  • 由于血液有助于调节人体温度因此容量减少时,体温便会升高。

    As blood pressure goes down, body heat goes up, because your blood helps regulate your core body temperature.


  • 因为这种液体既有可能有可能是分解后者某一特定阶段看上去类似于血液

    This fluid might be blood; it might also be decomposition fluid, which resembles blood at a certain stage.


  • 然而由于手臂位置低于心脏,所以抖动悬垂的手臂只能新鲜的血液前臂但是不能促进流出前臂。

    While the dangling-arm shakeout allows good blood flow into the forearm, it doesn't help the flow of "old blood" out of the forearm, due to the arm's position below your heart.


  • 疟疾雌性蚊子叮咬传播一滴微观血液引起的。蚊子们需要喝足了产卵

    Malaria is caused by a microscopic blood parasite that is transmitted in the bite of female mosquitoes, which need a blood meal to produce their eggs.


  • 不能生吃带着动物生肉因为血液活的,属于上帝神圣的,不是吗?

    And you may not eat animal flesh that has the lifeblood in it because the blood is the life and that belongs to God, that's holy, right?


  • 菲奥娜。麦格林手上EZ - 10输液系统,当因失去肢体大量不能通过静脉输送血液时,可通过病人骨髓输送

    Fiona McGlynn holds the EZ-10 infusion system used to give drugs and blood to a patient via the bone marrow where loss of limbs or massive blood loss has made access through veins impossible.


  • 如果发生了令人害怕事情交感神经系统使心跳加快从而血液更快地输送身体各处可能部位

    When something frightening happens, the sympathetic nervous system makes the heart beat faster so that it sends blood more quickly to the different body parts that might need it.


  • 支气管供应空气,而肺动脉完成肺部的供它们俩协同工作将空气中的氧气溶入血液二氧化碳排出体外

    The bronchi supply air and pulmonary arteriessupply blood to the lungs. Together they take in air from theatmosphere, oxygenate the blood, and excrete the carbon dioxide backout of the body.


  • 感到如释重负希望血液快些流动——他想要把身上所有都输孩子的身体里。

    He felt relieved, and tried to hurry the flow of blood-he wanted all of it to pour into his child.


  • 导致心律失常——是因为贫血液供氧能力下降,作为代偿心脏不得不燃烧小宇宙,在单位时间内泵出更多,从而使心跳变不规则

    Anemia can lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat - an arrhythmia.Your heart must pump more blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood when you're anemic.


  • 导致心律失常——是因为贫血液能力下降,作为代偿心脏不得不燃烧小宇宙,在单位时间内泵出更多从而使心跳变不规则

    Anemia can lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat - an arrhythmia. Your heart must pump more blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood when you're anemic.


  • 少量譬如说,茶匙如果血液里没有病原体许多血液传染的疾病

    In very small amounts (say, a few teaspoons), and if the blood is free from pathogens (such as the many blood-borne diseases), blood might not harm you. Beyond that, watch out.


  • (这不就是“挣挣挣。屎”么。。。)急速上升压力增加了动脉血液回流的阻力并且没有完全闭合的膜瓣使得木有氧气的静脉返回脖子

    The increased pressure increases the resistance to blood flowing down the jugular veins, and insufficient valves may allow deoxygenated blood to push back up the neck.


  • 障壁更是重大障碍有着阻止血液许多物质进入我们大脑的作用。

    The blood-brain barrier - which stops most things in the blood stream from crossing to our brains - is much too great an obstacle.


  • 因为他们摆脱血液圣人先知,和他们,这是他们应得的!

    For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink.


  • RPE下面视网膜提供血液毛细管,血液和RPE之间的薄叫做视网膜屏障

    Below the RPE are the capillaries that form the retina's blood supply, but between blood and RPE is a thin layer called the blood-retinal barrier.


  • 新型的组合型设备同时还可以控制流经心脏血液流动提升心脏的能力

    Newer combination devices also control how blood moves through the heart, improving pumping capacity.


  • 可是烧滚了。看见这副冷冰冰不近人情模样,我的血液沸腾啦。

    Your cold blood cannot be worked into a fever: your veins are full of ice-water; but mine are boiling, and the sight of such chillness makes them dance.


  • 控方通过分析被告宠物血液能够证明22岁的克里斯汀·约翰逊Chrisdian Johnson)案发时就在谋杀现场;狗受伤流的同时约翰逊袭击现场都有发现

    Prosecutors were able to prove that Chrisdian Johnson, 22, was at the murder site by analysing his dog’s bloodfound both on him and at the attack site.


  • 昆虫身体一种液体被称为淋巴人类血液发挥着相同的作用。

    In your bug body there is a fluid called hemolymph, which is equivalent to human blood.


  • 血液管的,与其有关的。

    Of or relating to the blood or blood vessels.


  • 血液循环调节功能

    The blood circulation five win the adjustment blood wave to pull out link's function.


  • 目的了解生物自动反馈容量监测评估血液透析患者体质量作用

    Objective to evaluate the effect of automatic biofeedback regulation of blood volume monitor in estimating dry weight of hemodialysis patients.


  • 目的了解生物自动反馈容量监测评估血液透析患者体质量作用

    Objective to evaluate the effect of automatic biofeedback regulation of blood volume monitor in estimating dry weight of hemodialysis patients.


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